
jafaI am running Ubuntu Server 24.04 on a set of machines with ASRock B640M motherboards (consumer-grade with Ryzen CPU)... when running and I press the power button Ubuntu Server shutsdown, the monitor turns off, but the motherboard+fans stay running01:09
jafaif I press F11 to get to the boot menu then press the power button the systems turn off01:10
jafaguessing it is the motherboard management microcontroller... does Ubuntu have any control over things?01:11
sarnoldjafa: stick around for a bit, i've got ideas I've got to track down01:11
jafawhat is further weird - motherboards purchased late last year (BIOS 1.18 upgraded to 3.08) shut down and turn off perfectly01:12
jafamotherboards purchased this year (same exact model and BIOS version 1.18) have the problem01:12
jafasystems are identical in hardware - same CPU, same GPU, same PSU01:15
patdk-lapcould have been a motherboard schematic change01:16
sarnoldoh that's weird .. maybe try to install firmware updates? if fwupd doesn't have them, check the asrock website?01:16
jafaI checked the markings on the motherboard - they have the same revision number01:16
patdk-lapheh, I stopped trusting revision numbers like 10years ago01:17
patdk-lapI forgot what it was, bought the same thing, same model number, got 5 different unmarked versions of it01:17
jafawhen I upgrade from 1.18 to 3.01 it upgrades both the bios and the motherboard controller01:17
trippehjafa: so 1.18 is probably the problem?01:17
jafathe 3 systems from last year shipped with 1.18, I upgraded 3.01, work fine01:18
jafathe next 6 systems built this year shipped with 1.18, I upgraded to 3.01, problem exists01:18
jafabuilt another system today and kept it on 1.18 to test - problem exists01:19
sarnoldjafa: I'm guessing the kernel boot parameter "reboot" is the thing to tweak: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt#L561601:19
jafadoes that also apply to a shutdown? reboot works fine01:20
sarnoldi'm not sure :/01:20
jafano harm in trying... brb...01:20
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
jafatried a few different reboot=xxx,xxx possibilities - no change01:54
jafaalso pressing the power button when in this dead but on state doesn't turn the system off - requires a 5s press of the power button to turn the system off02:00
oerheksmaybe you bios gives an option too, for pressing powerbutton.02:02
oerheks10 seconds certainly shuts down hard.02:02
sarnoldjafa: oh dang :(02:11
jafaI could maybe try installing a different OS on one system just to see if it will turn off... just can't quite bring myself to suffer through a different OS even if just a test :-)02:14
jafaUbuntu 22.04 doesn't support this CPU or GPU02:15
JanCjafa: maybe go into the firmware setup and compare all options between the machines that work correctly & those that don't?02:44
JanCit might be something like wake-on-LAN or wake-on-USB or similar02:44
jafahmmm... windows 10 setup can shutdown and turn off the system ok04:03
jafainstalled to the point of creating an account, press the power button... shows a windows shutdown animated logo for a few seconds then the machine turns off04:03
jafainstalled ubuntu server 24.04 and problem is back04:04
jafabios settings are the same on all machines - reset to default, then a specific list of tweaks04:05
jafaJanC nailed it... I disabled the PCIe-wake feature and problem solved04:16
jafaI wonder which pcie device is holding wake04:17
jafaalthough somehow only affecting Ubuntu Server, not bios or windows-setup04:17
jafacould Ubuntu Server be enabling/configuring/triggering something on the PCIe bus causing a wake signal?05:14
jafasame problem with no PCIe cards installed so it has to be something built into the motherboard05:15
jafaI will try disabling the ethernet port in the bios05:15
jafadisabling onboard ethernet and audio doesn't avoid the problem05:33
jafaI will keep poking at it tomorrow05:46
JanCjafa: Windows might have one of those famous "motherboard driver" or "platform driver" things that only exist to work around hardware design bugs  :)09:45
JanCor to work around ACPI bugs09:46
=== abydon2 is now known as abydon
ahasenack__any samba server admins here? I'm confused about samba-tool, is that meant to only be used locally, or can it also act on remote servers?15:14
ahasenack__I would think that adding a user to a domain would just use my Administrator kerberos ticket and do it remotely, and in that way I could run it as a non-root user. But samba-tool is trying to write to /var/lib/samba/private/*15:15
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ahasenackhm, -H perhaps15:18
ahasenackok, this worked, but is more verbose than I expected15:19
ahasenack$ samba-tool user add ubuntu -H ldap://$(hostname -f) --use-kerberos=required15:19
jafaran many more tests this morning - the only thing that works is disabling PCIe wakeup17:10
jafaI think we are good with doing that - these machines don't need wakeup17:11
jafaI have requested a bios update with that as the default from the motherboard vendor17:11
=== BarnabasDK_ is now known as BarnabasDK
keithzgHmmmm I rebooted a 22.04 server to apply kernel updates and now none of the VirtualBox (6.1.50-dfsg-1~ubuntu1.22.04.1) machines it's set up to run are starting, all failing immediately with VERR_VMM_SET_JMP_ABORTED_RESUME23:39
oerheksdpkg-reconfigure virtualbox-dkms23:43
oerheksdpkg-reconfigure virtualbox23:43
oerheksmodprobe vboxdrv'23:43
oerhekswhy not KVM?23:43
keithzgI wasn't even thinking about DKMS since it's always been such clearly kernel-module related errors before when that's been the problem, but that's a good idea23:44
oerhekshave fun23:45
keithzgThis was all set up for Windows VMs and generally for software testers to use fairly directly, so having the nice GUI interface with its various convenience features seemed necessary. Believe me I'd rather run KVM, hah! And for all the VMs that just run services or such that's exactly what I use.23:45
keithzgNo dice with the dpkg-reconfigure, as expected but I did dare for a second to hope ;)23:48
sarnolddoes dmesg show any errors? journalctl for the virtualbox services?23:48
patdk-lapeveryone is saying you need to upgrade to 7.023:51
JanCI think there are some fairly nice GUIs for libvirt/qemu/kvm also...?23:51
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Launchpad bug 2073267 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "Guru meditation on VM start" [Undecided, Confirmed]23:52
oerheksmaybe you run 7 already?23:52
JanCand if they lack some features you need, you should probably talk to their developers23:52
oerhekssome bugs about that, ssh issues23:53
oerheksdispose old encryption, i say23:53

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