
mitchdzAnyone seen this error before on arm64? Seeing this on optee-os and thought the newer binutils would fix it, but it's still happening with the newer binutils. aarch64-linux-gnu-ld.bfd: Error: unable to disambiguate: -specs=/usr/share/dpkg/elf-package-metadata.specs (did you mean --specs=/usr/share/dpkg/elf-package-metadata.specs ?)00:42
sarnoldmitchdz: forgive me for asking, but is the - vs -- difference important?00:44
mitchdzIs the what important? sorry didn't follow00:45
sarnoldmitchdz: the first one has a single hyphen and the second one has two hyphens00:46
mitchdzYeah, not sure why that flag is becoming that00:46
mitchdzah might need a new gcc too let me check if that's in proposed00:46
mitchdzOkay I'm on the newest gcc00:48
mitchdzthat -specs=/usr/share/dpkg/elf-package-metadata.specs is showing up in the LDFLAGS of our build, but in the debian build system I'm seeing LDFLAGS=''00:49
mitchdzjust not too sure where that's even coming from00:52
sarnoldgcc is a challenge to grok :( heh00:55
mitchdzlooking at gcc build failures makes me feel some sort of way01:02
sarnoldlol yes01:02
mitchdzbut on good news I see multipath-tools just migrated :)01:02
sarnoldyeah i'm out of ideas on this one, sorry :(01:03
mitchdzmaybe if I sleep it will come to me in the form of a dream01:11
sarnoldor you'll invent benzine! either way01:11
mwhudsonmitchdz: got a link to a build?01:37
mwhudsonit sounds related to bdrung's recent changes for https://systemd.io/ELF_PACKAGE_METADATA/01:38
mwhudsonpossibly in combination with some evil hackes in d/rules, at a guess01:38
mwhudson"Strip -Wl, from LDFLAGS as optee_os calls ld directly." oh.01:39
sarnoldor, if you sleep, mwhudson might show up with a pretty good idea :)01:42
mwhudsoni guess you _could_ put the --package-metadata=JSON thingy into LDFLAGS directly but i'm sure shell quoting gremlins will eat your brain if you try that01:45
sarnoldbase64 encode all the things01:45
mwhudsonsarnold: did you know base64 is bad actually? https://www.opswat.com/blog/how-base64-encoding-opens-the-door-for-malware01:47
mwhudson(do not read this page)01:47
mwhudsonactually maybe that's not the really bad one i was looking for01:48
mitchdzno build link, this is a local build. I could upload to pastebin01:54
mwhudsonwell i think i can see what is going on by inspection01:58
mwhudsondid the words above make any sense?01:58
mwhudsonbasically the code that munges LDFLAGS should probably strip out -specs= too01:59
mwhudson(i see it already filters out -f*, maybe it should _only_ keep things that start -Wl,? i don't nor do i want to speak GNU make very well)02:00
mwhudsonhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5kdw5szmN9/ maybe?02:07
mwhudsonmitchdz: ^^02:07
mwhudson(completely untested)02:07
mwhudsonafk for a bit now02:07
mitchdzI'll try that later tonight after I'm back :)02:08
ginggs@pilot in03:57
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mitchdzmwhudson: tried that and the substitution failed, might need a bit more of a tweak04:30
mitchdzhmm got it to build locally with this ugly line https://git.launchpad.net/~mitchdz/ubuntu/+source/optee-os/commit/?id=d71fa06f0f5e7ce3279f221e56eabfd7f091a84404:46
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Commit d71fa06 in ~mitchdz/ubuntu/+source/optee-os "d/rules: also remove elf-package-metadata.specs from LDFLAGS"04:46
mitchdzHonestly not familiar with this /usr/share/dpkg/elf-package-metadata.specs file and if it's safe to just not link against04:47
mitchdzCool it built. If someone more knowledgeable could give their $0.02 on if dropping the elf-package-metadata.specs is fine that'd be great05:08
mitchdzfrom what I'm reading it seems that it's _fine_ but could shoot ourselves in the foot when trying to debug a coredump05:09
mwhudsonmitchdz: eh i guess that works but seems a bit specific05:13
mwhudsonotoh GNU make is not a good programming language so05:13
mwhudsonit's not create to skip the metadata but not the end of the world (aiui anyway)05:15
mwhudsonit's not *great to ...05:15
mitchdzThat's my understanding too. It's nice to have a ready solution though :)05:17
mitchdz(even if it's not the best)05:17
ginggs@pilot out09:26
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ginggsThank you for flying Ubuntu Air!09:26
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sudipLocutusOfBorg: is it ok if I do the gnuradio and synfig transitions later today.. just wanted to sync with you before you start with them..10:32
LocutusOfBorgsudip, ask also jbicha :)10:45
LocutusOfBorgI did slurm and miniupnpc10:47
LocutusOfBorgand fixing optee10:47
sudipI looked at miniupnpc, but that had one dependency in main so did not ask10:48
* sudip will wait for an ack from jbicha before doing gnuradio and synfig today evening (after they are ready)10:49
ginggssudip: i think j.bicha is on vac10:56
LocutusOfBorgsudip, just do them :D10:57
sudipack, will do. thanks ginggs LocutusOfBorg10:58
LocutusOfBorgsudip, nobody forbids you to do transition and then ask just to rebuild main packages to some core-dev :)11:06
LocutusOfBorgat least I won't11:07
sudipLocutusOfBorg: its not about forbid. its about wasting time and effort if 2 person is doing the same. imho, just sending a line to you and j.bicha when I want to look at some transition will save that wasted effort :)11:09
LocutusOfBorgsudip, I watch transitions based on the html page, so if you do something, I just see in red what is missing12:19
LocutusOfBorgthere is not huge risk of duplicating work12:20
sudipok :)13:28
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flagLocutusOfBorg: the last upload of bpfcc is completly missing on ppc6414:12
mkukri_flag LocutusOfBorg, bpftrace runtime_tests still failing on your latest upload (and blocking linux-meta)14:12
mkukri_and likely the same for llvm-toolchain-1814:14
flagmkukri_: ??? - bpftrace 0.21.0-1ubuntu6 passed all tests, but is blocked on bpfcc, not on testing14:28
mkukri_bpftrace/0.21.0-1ubuntu6 x linux-meta 6.10.0-15.15 is marked as a regression for me14:29
mkukri_there is a test that is only broken by the new kernel i believe14:29
flagmkukri_: flaky test, running runtime-tests manually against 6.10 everything passed14:30
mkukri_then please retry it until it passes14:38
flagmkukri_: already restarted14:42
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mitchdzLocutusOfBorg: You mentioned earlier that you are working on optee, I may have a fix for optee-os FTBFS15:05
mitchdzI was bothered about the new flags that we see in the optee-os build (-specs=/usr/share/dpkg/elf-package-metadata.specs), I'm not sure why/where they are from. I decided to build the current version in release (4.2.0) and it FTBFS for the same reason as the proposed package15:12
mitchdzso it looks like something on our end changed to cause this15:12
mitchdzany idea on what package change would include that flag?15:12
LocutusOfBorgmitchdz, I already changed and fixed?15:36
LocutusOfBorgdpkg is injecting them by default now15:36
LocutusOfBorgand I removed the feature for it15:36
LocutusOfBorgcheck proposed :)15:36
mitchdzwhich package in proposed? dpkg15:36
mitchdzoh optee-os15:37
mitchdzah darn I had this bug up for it :( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/optee-os/+bug/207401215:37
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2074012 in optee-os (Ubuntu) "arm64 build failure" [Undecided, New]15:37
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mitchdzLocutusOfBorg: did you see my bug linked in excuses page before you started optee?15:46
LocutusOfBorgmitchdz, no...16:04
LocutusOfBorglet me open16:04
LocutusOfBorgI'm uploading your change16:05
mitchdzJust curious what I can do to help make sure we don't do parallel work :)16:05
LocutusOfBorgmitchdz, I usually check excuses, but since this package was in an already open chrome tab, I didn't check again16:05
LocutusOfBorgmy fault16:05
mitchdzno worries16:05
LocutusOfBorgI have like 30 tabs already open of packages16:05
LocutusOfBorgbut I'm uploading your fix16:05
mitchdzhehe I feel that16:05
mitchdzIs that a good way to document I'm working on it though?16:06
mitchdzI realize we don't really have great documentation on how to handle that (at least IMO)16:06
LocutusOfBorgyes it should be indeed16:06
LocutusOfBorgbut that update-excuses sometimes shows really old bugs, so people might not notice it16:06
LocutusOfBorgincluding me16:06
mitchdzYeah, it definitely is a double edge sword16:07
mitchdzNo hard feelings, glad to see we came to the same conclusion :)16:07
LocutusOfBorgmaybe you can forward to Debian16:08
LocutusOfBorgbasically this link script adds some metadata in the binary itself16:09
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2071468 in texinfo (Ubuntu) "ELF package metadata failure: environment variable ‘DEB_HOST_ARCH’ not defined" [High, Triaged]16:09
mitchdzYeah I'll make a debian report once I get back16:10
mitchdzEven though they don't suffer from it right now16:10
LocutusOfBorg    DEB_SOURCE, and DEB_VERSION16:11
mitchdzwhoops weird pasting17:41
mitchdzI'll just paste raw17:42
mitchdzbefore I go down this rabbit hole I'll ask quickly here, were there recent changes to case Cmake to do this?17:42
mitchdz-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - failed17:42
mitchdz(seeing this in pico-sdk)17:45
jbichasudip: I'm returning from GUADEC today with very limited connectivity so I won't be duplicating any of your work :)18:20
tarzeaujbicha: hope you enjoyed, looking forward for things :)18:21
sudipthose are still in pending publication stage, so please consider that an advance ping for tomorrow :)18:24
sudipif the builds of the dependencies fails in a transition then whats the usual process followed? do we wait for Debian to complete the transition or is it ok to add a delta now and sync/merge from Debian later ?18:49
sarnoldmwhudson: ahh, img src=data:image/png;base64, my old friend! I once did a very hasty "copy image link" from firefox and pasted it into irssi over ssh (or mosh?) and then watched the next hour as a line of infinite length was sent to the remote server with no way to kill it except *killing* it19:07
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