[00:01] JanC: There weren't necessarily at the time I set this up years ago, and the largely Windows users in question were already used to running VirtualBox on Windows anyways. [00:02] keithzg: Either Upgrade to 7 or Boot from Last OLD kernel.. :) [00:02] Oof I don't wanna upgrade to VirtualBox 7.x, I wanna stay on the version in the official Ubuntu repos! Granted I mainly desire that because I want to avoid issues if possible, and clearly that isn't uhhh actually working out for me lol [00:03] some of those GUIs have been around for more than a decade, I think :) [00:04] They seemed less slick in my hazy memories and weren't familiar to the Windows users who, especially as software engineers, are petrified of all change ;) [00:04] We're still running a bugtracker that is long abandoned and last officially supported Ubuntu Server *12.04*... [00:04] they might not have *all* the features you want yet (I don't know what you need...), hence my suggestion to talk to upstream devs of them if you need more :) [00:05] yay [00:05] Yeah it's uhhh . . . [00:05] The problems are in what *I* want, lets just say that ;) [00:07] keithzg: then boot from OLD last kernel.. [00:08] Tingo: Yup, that's what I'm gonna do, since it seems to be that bug (and journalctl just prints the same error as the log and dmesg doesn't seem to see anything amiss) but that's ah unfortunate that a regression got in like this :( [00:08] https://virt-manager.org/ is one GUI option [00:09] Yup that's the one I tend to use when I'm bothering to use a GUI. Frankly for my purposes I rarely need one anyways! [00:34] Hmmm, I'm doing *something* wrong, I ran `grub-reboot Ubuntu\,\ with\ Linux\ 5.15.0-113-generic` before rebooting but it rebooted into 116 again anyways. [00:42] try using the numbers? [01:07] keithzg: Reboot Ubuntu server and Press/Hold SHIFT Key.. until You see Grub Loader .. Press Down Arrow and select "Advanced Option" and then down Arrow key and select 5.15.0-113-generic, Press Enter Key.. [01:35] I'm surprised that's necessary since tab-autocomplete worked for providing the name! But I'm trying that and . . . I foolishly didn't actually read the manual and I gave it a bogus number ("3" when I should have given "1>2"), d'oh! After correcting my unforced error and getting the kernel module back in for 113 it's all good now, for now :) [01:35] Tingo: Bold of you to assume I bothered having a monitor and keyboard hooked up to this system ;) While there are some people back in the office these days, even they would rather just work at their own desks so they're just running the VMs remotely. [01:54] keithzg: your current Grub conf file (/boot/grub/grub.cfg) contains GRUB_DEFAULT='1>2' ? for booting 113 kernel ? [03:19] what the hell [03:19] 20.04 just updated bind9 from 9.16 to 9.18 [03:21] https://ubuntu.com/security/notices/USN-6909-1 [03:21] oh wow, fucking great to wake up at 6am with 400 fucking alerts because "everything" is down [03:21] dear god [03:35] oh that sucks === schopin_ is now known as schopin [11:12] znf: apologies, it was our only reasonable way to fix the recent bind CVEs. Did you have configuration changes that were no longer supported? [11:42] mdeslaur: yes, the dnssec options [11:45] znf: dnssec-enable and dnssec-lookaside? [11:49] dnssec-enable, yes [11:50] that sucks, sorry about that [11:51] looks like they were just a warning in 9.16 but now got removed completely === arif-ali_ is now known as arif-ali === Medic2016___ is now known as Medic2016