
Juestokay, it seems i cant update snaps by running systemd in a isolated namespace apparently00:21
Juesterror: cannot perform the following tasks:00:21
Juest- Run the "firefox" snap post-refresh hook if present (run hook "post-refresh": cannot perform operation: mount --bind -o ro /mnt/usr/lib/snapd /tmp/snap.rootfs_dDwznc /usr/lib/snapd: No such file or directory)00:21
Juest- Run the snap configuration hook "snapd-desktop-integration" if present (run hook "configure": cannot perform operation: mount --bind -o ro /mnt/usr/lib/snapd /tmp/snap.rootfs_HMg5Pk /usr/lib/snapd: No such file or directory)00:21
Juest- Run the snap configuration hook "snap-store" if present (run hook "configure": cannot perform operation: mount --bind -o ro /mnt/usr/lib/snapd /tmp/snap.rootfs_FsKSd1/usr /lib/snapd: No such file or directory)00:21
aquos555my ass does NOT know how to use irc00:36
aquos555oh shit this is a support channel mb00:36
blinkieI need help with installing and using VirtualBox on Ubuntu.01:44
sarnoldif you're facing a new problem, give this a look https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox/+bug/207326701:45
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2073267 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "Guru meditation on VM start" [Undecided, Confirmed]01:45
DumbLDoorHi All!01:59
DumbLDoorIs snap discontinued with 24.04?01:59
Bashing-omDumbLDoor: No, but some of the flavours do not install snaps by default.02:08
DumbLDoor@Bashing-om - I am running 24.04. Can I remove core18, core20 and core22?02:09
DumbLDoor@Bashing-om - thanks for the previous answer02:09
Bashing-omDumbLDoor: so far as I am aware ( I run snapless) core24 is installed such that yes, lesser versions of core may be removed.02:13
DumbLDoor@Bashing-om. Thanks! What does app-armor do?02:15
Bashing-om! info app-armor noble | DumbLDoor02:22
ubottuDumbLDoor: Package app-armor does not exist in noble02:22
DumbLDoor@ubottu - it is AppArmor, apologies to both.02:23
DumbLDoor@Bashing-om - ty02:23
Bashing-omDumbLDoor: In terminal run ' apt show apparmor ' .02:24
Bashing-omDumbLDoor: More info: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/security-apparmor .02:26
DumbLDoor@Bashing-om - ty again!02:32
Bashing-omDumbLDoor: Welcome - help is what we do here :P02:35
teshhello, world03:04
neonemitesh: hello, human03:05
teshhi neonemi03:05
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DumbLDoorHi All! I ran into an issue with a browser, brave-browser06:33
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DumbLDoorFailed to load module "unity-gtk-module"... undefined symbol: gtk_module_display_init related to libcanberra-gtk3-module06:34
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nteodosioDumbLDoor, 'snap info brave' says contact https://community.brave.com/.06:56
DumbLDoor@nteodosio - I removed snap. I downloaded using apt now06:57
nteodosioDumbLDoor, is that from the official archive or a PPA?06:58
DumbLDoor@nteodosio - https://brave.com/linux/06:59
nteodosioSee if they have a contact/bug field in 'apt show brave', that's probably that web address anyway.07:00
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DumbLDoor@nteodosio - snaan fine all this while. I get the same error when I launch Chromium but the latter handles itself and works fine07:04
DumbLDoorsnap worked fine*07:04
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DumbLDoorthere used to be an app center / software center in Ubuntu. I don't see it now07:36
KomuDumbLDoor: i use aptitude and command line, but u find it by searching 'package'07:38
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KomuDumbLDoor: or better search 'software'07:39
DumbLDoor@Komu - looks like it went away with the removal of snap.07:41
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DumbLDoor-s-u-d-o -a-p-t- install gnome-terminal?07:49
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DumbLDoorSnap brave works - it downloads core22 on 24.04. I wonder why the recommended apt install CROAKS ..08:14
DumbLDoorand it also downloaded gtk-common-themes08:17
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Devrimpackages.ubuntu.com search seems to be struggling, anyone else running into this issue?09:27
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CosmicDJDevrim: just hit reload09:28
DevrimCosmicDJ I did, but seems like 1 in 20 refresh are successfull, rest is error 500 or really long load times.09:29
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kostkonDevrim: it's mirror dependent I guess09:48
JanCI don't think it has mirrors09:50
JanCDevrim: I've seen that happen too, although usually it's not that bad09:53
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BluesKajHi all11:49
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wishartGood afternoon, just joined12:21
wishartLooking around. Been a long time since I used IRC12:21
drigyanyone knows if Newsboat has padding option or text justification? #newsboat channel is all but dead12:59
cdriscoll@drigy: have you already explored https://newsboat.org/releases/2.36/docs/newsboat.html#_format_strings13:05
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hwpplayer1hello, When Ubuntu Desktop crashes, how can we understand if it is related with GNOME extensions or not ?14:09
lotuspsychj3hwpplayer1: check your /var/crash dir to see wich crash shows up14:12
hwpplayer1let me see what's cooking inside14:13
hwpplayer1Now I'm on Debian where is the crash location ?14:13
lotuspsychj3hwpplayer1: volunteers can only help you on Ubuntu here14:14
hwpplayer1I'll ask when I boot Ubuntu again14:15
Infrared_My apologies if this question is outside the scope of the channel, I'm running Ubuntu Server 24.04 at the moment...if you are doing a clean install and you have an existing MariaDB on your server, what files would need to be backed up/transferred over to the new server to preserve the database records?14:30
CosmicDJInfrared_: using dump+restore is not an option? https://mariadb.com/kb/en/restoring-data-from-dump-files/14:32
Infrared_CosmicDJ: My apologies, I was unaware of that option :) I have only recently moved to MariaDB, most of the apps that I have written used SQLite3 as an expediency, so I'm a bit new to it all ;) I will check out the website though, thanks very much14:33
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lotuspsychj3|N3on21|: seems like a dev made your bug public and possible regression15:13
lotuspsychj3bug #207367615:14
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2073676 in linux (Ubuntu) "after update of kernel HDMI audio is not working" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/207367615:14
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y_spotHi Guys, I have a question I accidentally did an upgrade to an unstable version of Ubuntu, was this version backdoored, I went back to the stable version; but I wasn't sure if was compromised or if there was any malicious binary or package attached to the unstble version(noble) It was basically usable at the beginning but then started acting up (freezing not opening external usbs etc). This15:30
y_spothappened yesterday. I wanted to make sure with the community if my data was fine?  lsb_release -a15:30
y_spotNo LSB modules are available.15:30
y_spotDistributor ID: Ubuntu15:30
y_spotDescription: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS15:30
y_spotRelease: 24.0415:30
lotuspsychj3y_spot: at wich date did you do the upgrade to 24.04 and from wich release?15:31
y_spotjammy LTS and I did the upgrade 7/24/2024 (Yesterday)15:32
lotuspsychj3y_spot: thats not too bad then, knowing 24.04.1 releases in august15:32
y_spotSo do you think im Ok? once I noticed it was unstable, I reverted back in like 15 minutes of running the unstable version.15:33
lotuspsychj3y_spot: just keep in mind it still contains bugs15:34
lotuspsychj3y_spot: i wouldnt state 24.04 is unstable at this stage15:36
lotuspsychj3y_spot: its just for keeping the LTS route, you should have waited until 24.04.1 upgrade path to open15:36
y_spotThank you, I appreciate it. My concern was if it was backdoored and someone took my data, I am not a developer by any means I just wanted to make sure data was not sniffed out of my system to a hackers or malicious parties hands.15:39
oerheksbackdoored? fud!15:40
y_spotlotuspsychj3: I was reading online that noble did have sometime of backdoor with a package, that came with the unstable version noble15:40
y_spotbut I guess that was patched15:40
lotuspsychj3y_spot: security is a wider perception then using an LTS or development version15:40
oerheksno, if you point to the xz bug, it never happened in ubuntu15:40
y_spotoerheks: Yes the xz bug, in simple terms what did this actually do to the system?15:41
oerheksoh you find enough info online.15:41
oerheksit did not happen.15:41
y_spotlotuspsychj3: I totally understand im pretty safe in general; just that unstable upgrade worried me, and then when i looked it up there was an xz bug that now according to oerheks it never happened15:42
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-ubottu:#ubuntu- Malicious code was discovered in the upstream tarballs of xz, starting with version 5.6.0. Through a series of complex obfuscations, the liblzma build process extracts a prebuilt object file from a disguised test file existing in the source code, which is then used to modify specific functions in the liblzma code. This results in a modified liblzma library that can be used b... <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-3094>15:45
neonemiIt just never happened in the context of making it into Ubuntu 24.04 as released15:47
neonemiIt mostly only affected distrobutions on the bleeding edge / rolling distros15:48
oerheksindeed, thanks to those early birds .. actually a Microsoft engineer15:49
y_spotneonemi: ahhh I see so even if I did upgrade to the noble 24.04 version it wasnt affected since it didnt use version 5.6.015:51
y_spotneonemi: Thank you guys so much, I appreciate your help and explanation.15:52
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hwpplayer1I lost my connection sorry16:14
hwpplayer1Are there any server side issues for discourse.ubuntu.com ?16:14
lotuspsychj3hwpplayer1: https://status.canonical.com/16:15
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hwpplayer1okay maybe my issue16:22
drigycdriscoll: Yes,but couldn't figure it out. I even put it through LLM and it gave me broken code.16:24
drigyIt is also my understanding that format string are for feedlist and not body text of an article16:25
hwpplayer1lotuspsychj3: fixed16:29
ObsdarkHello there, a question16:42
ObsdarkI had a system continuosly restarting itself written some things to a file and suddenly that file is no longer writeable, Although the owning continues to be to the correct user/group and the permisssions are there what can be the cause than the find command is unable to dump in that file? what could change? and how can i fix it?16:44
ObsdarkAlso, for some reason i have a folder with owner and group "?" in the home folder, it's called "thinclient_drives" i'm not using a thinclient and the folder is empty, should i worry about that?16:45
JanCsounds like you already worry  :)16:47
JanCObsdark: are you using xrdp?16:49
Obsdarkyes, indeed16:50
Obsdarkwhy is that?16:50
JanCsearching the web for "thinclient_drives" shows various problems related to xrdp16:53
JanCseems related to file sharing over RDP16:56
ObsdarkCan that be causing the sudden change than stop my system to write a file?16:57
JanCI don't know16:57
JanCis that a problem only with that file or also with other files in the same directory?16:57
Obsdarkonly that file, and the file is written ffconcat version 1.016:58
Obsdarkhave written16:58
JanCwhat filesystem is this, and how large is that file?16:58
Obsdark21 kb?16:58
Obsdarkis a text file16:58
Obsdarki use it as a buffer to write file names16:59
JanCand I presume the filesystem isn't full16:59
Obsdarkin order to process them farther in the bash16:59
JanCdid you check for any log messages when that happens?17:01
Obsdarkthe files he is supposed to obtain come from a USB17:01
Obsdarkyeah i can17:01
Obsdarkthe program running those files next is ffmpeg, and it says than "the format is invalid"17:01
Obsdarkof course it is, because the file never get the names of the files, it just wrote17:02
Obsdarkffconcat version 1.017:02
Obsdarki assume is not able to get the files somehow?17:02
JanCmaybe the filesystem is corrupted?17:02
Obsdarkjesus christ, how can i know that?17:02
Obsdarkthat sound serious, how can that happend?17:02
Obsdarki have it literally working all by itself until it stop suddenly17:03
JanCdepends what filesystem it is17:03
Obsdarkis ubuntu mate if that matters17:03
Obsdarkshould have the same than base ubuntu17:04
Obsdarkat least so far i know, aren't it?17:04
JanCalso, when this is an USB stick, it might be worn out from writing to it too much...17:04
Obsdarki mean, it just read on it17:04
Obsdarki can access the files from desktop17:04
Obsdarki verify that17:04
JanCdid you check the log files?17:05
Obsdarkthe daemon tell me that, "incorrect format"17:05
Obsdarkand of course, after all there is no files on the txt written17:05
JanCwhat daemon?17:05
Obsdarkno names at all17:05
Obsdarki have a daemon for running that application i mention17:06
Obsdarkis a bash file used by a daemon17:06
Obsdarkwhich drop the names of the files and then pass them through a program17:06
Obsdarkthe names of the files are written in this text file i mention, then modified a little bit and then processed, but they just so happend, suddenly stop arriving there17:06
JanCso what is writing to the file then?17:07
JanCand can write to that file with other applications?17:07
Obsdarkto the text file which i am using as some kind of buffer17:09
Obsdarkis writing the names of the files in the USB drive17:09
Obsdarkthe command than does that is find17:09
Obsdarkthen i'm processing it17:09
Obsdarkto give it the right format17:09
Obsdarkbut now, from nowhere, this happend17:10
JanCdid you try deleting (or renaming) that file & try again?17:11
Obsdarki find something intresting17:17
Obsdarkafter deleting the folder i ask before i check again the usb17:17
Obsdarkand for some reason, the name of it changed17:17
Obsdarkit was a minimal change, one character was added17:17
Obsdarkis there a simple way to change that back to his original name?17:18
Obsdarki could change the name on the config file but i think this happend because the folder was, i assume, remounted somehow?17:18
Obsdarki haven't seen any evidence in logs or so about that tho17:18
GrandPa-Gwhen I try to log in, ssh, sftp as soon as I put in my password I get a Broken pipe error. How can I fix this?17:19
JanCObsdark: do you mean on the USB?17:20
Obsdarki mean the mount point17:20
Obsdarki find than for some reason the mount point of the USB is still there (the original name)17:21
Obsdarkand was taken by root17:21
Obsdarkdoesn't contain anything of course17:21
Obsdarkthe usb now have this very slightly changed mount point17:21
Obsdarkis there a way to change the mountpoint?17:21
JanCthe mount point is not really relevant17:21
Obsdarkthe service is not working so there is no need to keep it operational, if that impact the answer somehow17:21
Obsdarkok? can you explain a little bit more?17:22
JanCit might just be that the way mount points are named changed & this is leftover from an older version17:22
Obsdarkok, so i just take the usb and load it again?17:22
hopplogg2011hey guys i have a question17:25
JanCmaybe, but I would also run filesystem check on that USB filesystem (e.g. with Gnome Disks or fsck)17:25
hopplogg2011and that is how i add menu items in TWM window manager17:26
hopplogg2011please help17:26
enigma9o7sweet hopplegoopper, if you share it here, maybe someone will answer?17:26
enigma9o7does it not automatically update based on xdg spec, i.e. desktop files?17:26
hopplogg2011if i can start xterm, i can do everything. but there is no xterm in the menu.17:27
hopplogg2011how do i add it17:27
Obsdarkthere you go, thanks JanC, unplug and plug again works like a charm (after removing the remanent folder and umounting the USB)17:27
Obsdarkhow can i do that? (check filesystem in the usb?)17:27
hopplogg2011to @enigma9o7: what do you mean by "share it here"17:30
hopplogg2011i've asked you17:31
enigma9o7You had mentioned you had a question.  You did later share your question, so you have already met my suggestion.17:31
hopplogg2011the question is: how do i add menu items in twm?17:31
hopplogg2011u act as robot17:31
enigma9o7Indeed.  I suspect you may have to read twm docs, or find a twm channel, as most users here are using ubuntu-desktop17:32
enigma9o7But you may get lucky.17:32
hopplogg2011the twm docs i super hard to understand.17:32
JanCObsdark: you can do it with Gnome Disks or GParted if you want a GUI, or with fsck (or some filesystem-specific version) from the command line; you might have to unmount the filesystem first (depending on the filesystem)17:32
hopplogg2011and english isn't my first language either17:33
hopplogg2011i need swedish docs pls17:33
hopplogg2011where do i find swedish doc17:33
enigma9o7You may have to create them.17:34
hopplogg2011no no no.. what in the world.... bruhhhh17:34
hopplogg2011but how do i add xterm to the menu, still17:35
Obsdarktried with fsck but it reply "fsck from util-linux 2.37.2"17:35
Obsdarkdid it work?17:35
JanCyour English seems good enough to read the twm manpage17:36
Obsdarkalso, when i tried to umount the usb, it worked, i mean it umount the usb but then i cannot target the usb to disk repair17:36
Obsdarkto check it using fsck17:36
Obsdarkat list it doesn't show when i df -h17:37
JanCdf only shows mounted filesystems17:38
JanCwhat filesystem is on that USB?17:38
Obsdarkfat one17:39
Obsdarkbut the fat beyond 4 gigs17:39
Obsdarkextfat i think it's called?17:40
ioriaexfat has its own tool to check, i think is exfatfsck17:43
JanCfsck automatically calls fsck.exfat when it sees an exfat filesystem17:44
JanCbut callign it directly doesn't hurt, of course17:45
ObsdarkGood to know17:48
Obsdarkthank you guys17:49
JanCObsdark: did you pass the right partition to fsck?17:49
Obsdarki think so, at least it was the correct one according to df -h17:50
Obsdarkbut as i mentioned, if i dismounted you cannot have it check somehow17:50
Obsdarkbut i think that it worked?17:51
Obsdarkbecause it return me something, but i'm not certain if that is a good output17:51
Obsdarkit doesn't show the process tho, so i think it may fail17:51
Obsdarkbut then again, why doesn't said it failed17:51
JanCafter the version line(s) it should say something like "/dev/sdj1: clean. directories 1, files 0" (except with more files & directories--I just created this one for testing, and of course whatever device name it has for you)17:54
JanCor when there were errors found it should say that instead of "clean", of course17:55
JanCmaybe use fsck.exfat directly17:56
u0_a98exit 118:00
JanCObsdark: BTW, you can also use lsblk to list all partitions, including ones that aren't mounted (more useful than df for this!)18:01
junyxHow to check if root ssh password login is enabled?18:02
JanCyou try?18:03
JanCit's usually a bad idea though18:04
Obsdarki'm trying it right now18:04
Obsdarki mean, i may can umount it differently?18:04
Komujunyx: search for 'PermitRootLogin' in /etc/ssh/ like find -type f -print0 /etc/ssh |xargs -0 grep PermitRootLogin,18:06
junyxKomu that line is commented out18:07
JanCwhen you umount a filesystem, the partition should still be there18:07
Obsdarkapparently now is working18:08
Obsdark"Bad magic number in super-block"18:08
Obsdarkwherever that means18:08
JanCit probably means it's not exfat18:08
Komujunyx: man sshd_config says  The default is prohibit-password.  rtfm18:08
junyxKomu hey don't be rude ok?18:08
Obsdarkany way to check what filesystem has?18:09
Komujunyx: dude, saying 'fucking' before 'maunual' isn't rude. rtm, OK?18:09
JanCObsdark: lsblk -f18:09
Obsdarkit says that it is exfat18:10
JanCand you are using fsck.exfat on exactly that device?18:12
Obsdarkit can't find fsck.exfat18:12
Obsdarkbut yest18:13
Obsdarkin sda and sda118:13
Obsdarktried both18:13
JanCthe filesystem would be in the partition (with a 1 at the end)18:13
Obsdarki see that, tried anyway18:13
Obsdarkboth cases, it fials18:14
Obsdarkfails to find it18:14
KomuObsdark: apt install exfatprogs18:14
Obsdarkthat will give me a way to fsck that usb?18:15
JanCoh right, that's not installed by default18:15
JanChopefully  :)18:15
Obsdarkapparently it works now18:15
Obsdarkthe only thing than it do was delete two directories18:15
Obsdarkor "clean" them18:15
Obsdarknot sure if they eliminate it but clean sound like that18:15
Obsdarkoh, maybie it refers the disk is fine18:16
KomuObsdark: i think so, but have not much clue about windows filesystems. u can find the needed package if u have the filename with 'apt-file search fsck.exfat'18:16
Obsdarkyeah, you mention something about that before, thank you both18:16
JanCif it says "clean" that means the filesystem was fine indeed18:16
KomuObsdark: u might may also use windows tools to repair, if it has faults18:17
ObsdarkWonderful, thanks you people18:17
Obsdarkit's ok, that usb is not moving from there, i guess the mounting issue was caused by that weird folder18:18
Obsdarkit was said than apparently xrdp apparently cause issues with that18:18
Obsdarkor, better said, that folder18:18
ObsdarkSo i guess that folder probably do something weird with that18:18
Obsdarkor, better said, xrdp when it place that folder, in the same process18:19
Komuis it really that offensive to say 'RTFM'? that dude is name calling me and is like 'You in Germany or using a VPN?'18:23
ObsdarkWell, certainly you could avoid the RTFM and just tell him than what he is looking for is in the manual18:25
ObsdarkYou can of course just say than "Welp, was trying to help but now i will don't tell you anything, the solution is there is literally there, if you don't want to see it..."18:26
Obsdarkit's better if you tell him "welp, that is because in the docs it says (what the docs loosely said) therefore that is happening by design"18:27
Obsdarki think that are better ways of answering Komu, but then again, i don't think saying RTFM should be answered with an attempt to dox you18:28
junyxExactly. No need to be rude to someone asking a question.18:28
JanCit's also always a good idea to mention what manpage(s) or other documentation people should read18:29
JanCand/or maybe what keyword to search for18:30
junyxYeah, I read the whole sshd man page and didn't see it in there. I wasn't even aware sshd_config man page existed.18:30
JanCI'm pretty sure the sshd manpage has a reference to the sshd_config manpage18:31
junyxJanC yeah I see it now. I missed it as I was laser focused on finding the password18:31
Komujunyx: i told u ' search for 'PermitRootLogin'' and ' man sshd_config' ..............You can lead the horses to the water trough, but they have to drink themselves.18:31
junyxKomu don't try to pull a fast one. You said sshd_config in the same line you said rtfm. Funny boy18:32
Komuif iäm at the point where i literaly copy past man pages, i say rtfm18:33
Komujunyx: i think it's b/c i know that almost all files that are in /etc/ having a man page,  and also u should try man -k sshd18:34
junyxKomu thanks for the tip. I didn't know about -k18:36
Komudude junyx, u called me all this names and then 'rude'... rtfm is admin slang for 'read the fucking manual' nothing more18:39
junyxKomu at this point you're just harassing me18:39
junyxLeave me alone ok?18:39
Komujunyx: on ignore, wish granted18:40
=== arif-ali_ is now known as arif-ali
cdriscollIf I wanted to go about  adding a custom dialog that appears at the end of the Ubuntu Desktop install process - is there a more appropriate Ubuntu channel to get assistance?20:01
oerheksI see no such option in cubic https://launchpad.net/cubic20:07
cdriscollYeah, I've used Cubic in the past for ISO customization, it's just missing some features I need :)20:07
oerheksah a hint https://answers.launchpad.net/cubic/+question/69272820:11
cdriscoll@oerheks: I've tried using that with a terminal window and whiptail (making sure to export the DISPLAY variable) but was never able to get the window to display.  Have you had success with it before?20:16
cdriscoll(thank you for taking the time to investigate also)20:17
oerheksno, such post install invoke is the 1st time someone needs it20:17
oerheksthe old preseed way https://nekodaemon.com/2021/04/27/How-to-make-an-unattended-Ubuntu-Server-Installation-ISO-with-cloud-init/#write-post-installation-script20:18
cdriscollI already have quite a bit of preseed configuration, but I'll try the success_command method again20:18
=== Medic2016___ is now known as Medic2016
zakariaHello people, please I have some issues with the kernel of Ubuntu 24.04 which is 6.8.0, which is a freeze for the whole OS after plug in my power cable. I have install kernel 6.5 (using Ubuntu Mainline) it works perfect. Am I safe at this situation ?20:37
oxfuxxxyes, just keep that kernel, there is probably a bug in the power module, maybe report it to the ubuntu bug tracker.20:45
oxfuxxxbecause next update it would be fixed on the new kernels then.20:45
zakariaI have reported my bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/2061840 I'm afraid it won't be solved or get attention20:47
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2061840 in linux (Ubuntu Noble) "Ubuntu 24.04 freezes after plug in power cable" [Undecided, New]20:47
GrandPa-GI created a system months ago. I don't remember how it is set up for desktop. This is how it looks. https://pasteboard.co/KCqOqvHVVQs7.png How do I get a new machine to be the same experience?20:48
enigma9o7Well that could be Xubuntu.20:48
enigma9o7But you could use clonezilla to make an image then restore it to another machine I guess.20:49
GrandPa-Gno, the second machine is already made (unfortunately) and is supposed to be Xubuntu but doesn't look at all the same, especially the menus.20:50
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cdriscollThat's definitely the Xubuntu icon next to "Applications"20:52
enigma9o7well it's the xfce icon....20:53
enigma9o7doesn't necessarily mean its ubuntu20:53
cdriscollSure, fair point20:53
enigma9o7Anyway Grampa, one idea would be to copy your home dir to the other machine.20:56
enigma9o7Try it on another username so you don't mess anything up if it doesnt work as expected.20:56
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enigma9o7but that's only going to cover locally created config files for the user.  if they're different OS or have different things installed, that won't work as well.20:57
neonemiGrandPa-G: probably better off backing up what is needed on the new machine, and overwriting it with an image of the original system as others here have suggested. Then restore any data you need from the back up you created in step 0.21:03
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hwpplayer1Is there a documentation for snap apps and Qt for Ubuntu Core application development ?22:31
tarzeauhwpplayer1: for creating one?22:37
hwpplayer1for coding22:37
tarzeaui have the same question but for without qt, cli thing :)22:37
hwpplayer1development in other words22:37
hwpplayer1cool tarzeau22:37
tarzeauhwpplayer1: what you trying to package? it's not available in debian as deb?22:39
hwpplayer1I'm learning22:39
King_DuckZhi, I have removed (I think) all the nvidia drivers and want to install them again, I'm trying the sudo ubuntu-drivers install nvidia-driver-545 command but it keeps saying all drivers are already installed22:48
King_DuckZapt list --installed | grep -i nvidia  shows nothing22:49
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enigma9o7try `sudo apt install nvidia-driver-545`23:29
enigma9o7assuming you are on jammy anyway, and have 'restricted' enabled23:31
enigma9o7But you may wanna consider nvidia-driver-550 instead King_DuckZ23:32
enigma9o7Especially on noble, as there is no 545 in noble.23:33
sarnoldnvidia drops support somewhere along the way, sometimes you might have to run older ones, too. it's all very confusing.23:36
King_DuckZenigma9o7: thanks, I'll try tomorrow23:36
gordonjcpKing_DuckZ: which card?23:37
enigma9o7hopefully things haven't changed by then23:37
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