
IrcsomeBot<karan_soni_8306> Hello,03:49
IrcsomeBot<karan_soni_8306> I wanted to install kubuntu and i downloaded the latest iso file, mounted it on a 6 gb partition on my jard drive using UUI..03:49
IrcsomeBot<karan_soni_8306> I also created a 10 gb space to install kubuntu.03:50
IrcsomeBot<karan_soni_8306> Then i saw a guide to install it and it said to make a 1000 mb partition for boot loader with mount /boot03:50
IrcsomeBot<karan_soni_8306> And the main 9 gb portion with root directory /.03:50
IrcsomeBot<karan_soni_8306> I did but there was no option for  bootloader. After installation completed i restarted but then again the screen for *try or install kubuntu* appeared.03:50
IrcsomeBot<iomari> I'm assuming you removed the installation medium before rebooting. (re @karan_soni_8306: Hello,10:14
IrcsomeBot<iomari> I wanted to install kubuntu and i downloaded the latest iso file, mounted it on a 6 gb partition on my jard drive using UUI..10:14
IrcsomeBot<iomari> I also created a 10 gb space to install kubuntu.10:14
IrcsomeBot<iomari> Then i saw a guide to install it and it said to make a 1000 mb partition for boot loader with mount /boot10:14
IrcsomeBot<iomari> And the main 9 gb portion with root directory /.10:14
IrcsomeBot<iomari> I did but there was no option for  bootloader. After installation completed i restarted but then again the screen for *try or install kubuntu* appeared.10:14
IrcsomeBot<karan_soni_8306> No that partition is still on hard drive of my laptop (re @iomari: I'm assuming you removed the installation medium before rebooting.)10:56
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
IrcsomeBot<karan_soni_8306> No that partition is still on hard drive of my laptop11:06
IrcsomeBot<karan_soni_8306> Now i can only run kubuntu live environment (re @iomari: I'm assuming you removed the installation medium before rebooting.)11:06
IrcsomeBot<karan_soni_8306> No that partition is still on hard drive of my laptop11:06
IrcsomeBot<karan_soni_8306> Now i can only run kubuntu live environment11:06
IrcsomeBot<karan_soni_8306> And in partition section of installation, i cant see any option for boot loader (re @iomari: I'm assuming you removed the installation medium before rebooting.)11:06
IrcsomeBot<iomari> Check ur bios boo section fir whether your booting uefi or legacy.11:49
IrcsomeBot<iomari> Check ur bios boot section for whether your booting uefi or legacy.11:49
BluesKajHi all12:00
IrcsomeBot<karan_soni_8306> Uefi12:24
IrcsomeBot<karan_soni_8306> But I've tried both and the same screen appears (re @iomari: Check ur bios boot section for whether your booting uefi or legacy.)12:24
IrcsomeBot<TheAnonymousbg> Hi12:45
user|72buenos dias,14:39
user|72cual es la contraseƱa por defecto del kubunto14:39
user|72desde ya muchas gracias14:39
user|72del kubuntu si instalar14:40
user|14I am using Bluefish editor and I cannot find a way for it to keep taking over as my default http application, I can go to the application editor and change the default to Firefox but nothing else, then a couple of days later the system reverts the default to Bluefish.17:47
user|14I meant 'keep it from taking over'17:49
user|14If someone has an answer, email me - ron@ronscastle.us18:00
SlimothyHello everyone. Im having an issues with a weird behaviour on shutdown/start up I am brand new to Kubuntu and fairly new to linux in general. I installed Kubuntu today and have done a small amount of updating drivers and adding programs for my own needs. my issue begins when i shutdown or reboot the system from the KDE launcher:20:09
Slimothyafter i reboot from the KDE launcher and the system begins to boot again i get prompted with the system being in emergency mode. after it proceeds to boot i find myself on an instance with no sound driver,none of my files or installations (or so it appears) and none of my activities. when i attempt to restart from the launcher in this one the20:09
Slimothysystem will sometimes freeze and not shut down.20:09
Slimothyif I restart the system via the terminal on either of these desktops it will return me to the configured system that i have intentionally installed. I know this isnt a great description of the issue im having but if anyone can provide insight i would be highly appreciative.20:09
=== unclea is now known as Holmesss

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