=== tds4 is now known as tds [18:41] holmanb: just noticed #5561 merged. For NoCloud-Net embedded ENI in meta-data is the *only* way to provide network config... [18:42] as "network-config" is NEVER fetched [19:57] I have a basic cloud init: `package_update: true / package_upgrade: true / packages: [git, vcsh]`. On Ubuntu 22.04. Why is snap lxd being installed? [20:09] Guest29_: are you sure it's being 'installed' as opposed to being 'upgraded'? [20:10] take the same base system, without cloud init, and try to run apt update/upgrade, then apt install git vcsh [20:28] thanks minimal [20:28] Good catch [20:39] ananke When I run apt update && apt upgrade the lxd is not installed. But a cloud-init on that base system with package_update: true and package_upgrade: true DOES install lxd snap [21:18] holmanb: yeah I've used ENI-in-metadata in the past with HTTP/HTTPS seedfrom as I want to define static IPs etc. [21:19] it would be great if there was a way to use network-config v1/v2 instead in order to be able to config things like vlan id etc [21:19] any particular reason why seedfrom doesn't fetch "network-config" url? [21:28] minimal: because #5566 hasn't landed yet ;) [21:29] minimal: to answer your question: no, I can't think of a good reason it doesn't, or shouldn't [21:53] Guest29_: you may want to provide actual full config you're supplying, and then contents of /var/log/cloud-init* log files [21:55] Thanks. I can't replicate that issue now so I don't know what is going on. I will have to debug more