
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
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eqwwhy gnome-shell eats 40% CPU?05:55
test924does ubuntu 24.04 with gnome do quarter-window tiling?06:24
bparkerI wish06:25
bparkermost of the extensions I tried were not very usable for me either06:25
test924actually, I just found the extension. It does seem to work for me.06:27
bparkerwhich extension?06:28
test924it's called 'Ubuntu Tiling Assistant' and it was already present under System Extensions section06:28
fwehtim on xubuntu and somehow the system often forgets shortcuts, most often "Super+Right" for "tile window to the right" but also others.  when i reassign them, they keep working for a while until they are not.07:11
noob15hi, I've been using Ubuntu for about 6 months now as a starter for learning about Linux. On my Desktop on root, I had a number of text files on desktop and a bunch of stuff in my "todo" app...however, logging back into root after a while I noticed everything is gone. I had not done anything to delete these things, so I'm bewildered what happened to07:40
noob15them. The only thing I can think of is that I was playing around with Log files and learning how to unzip and rezip or delete, them, but don't think this should be related to my app data...anyone had similar issues?07:40
CosmicDJnoob15: "on root" what does that mean?07:47
sixwheeledbeastyou will have to clarify further what you think you have done. Ubuntu disables root account by default.07:47
noob15Hey guys, I thought "root" was just the main account created when first signed in07:49
noob15I have root privelgages when running sudo etc...07:49
noob15but have created other "users"07:49
comphso nothing in /home/nameofuser/Desktop ?07:50
noob15I have no idea what I have done, or why stuff has disappeared07:50
comphif you type "whoami" in a terminal07:50
comphwhat do you get07:50
noob15comph - I used to have folders on the GUI but now they are not there07:51
sixwheeledbeastyour user has privilege to run root command with sudo but this isn't a root user.07:51
comphthat username should have a directory in /home/username07:51
noob15comph I'll try whoami now07:51
noob15sixwheeledbeast I have been reading Running Linux and it said that about Root - I just assumed the main account was root. Will have to look more into this.07:52
comphthe account you initially create usually belongs to the sudo group07:52
comphso it will have root privileges if you type sudo before any command07:53
sixwheeledbeasthave you logged in as the wrong user? Ubuntu does root accounts a little different they are disabled and you use sudo instead.07:53
noob15comph I tried whoami...and it just gives me my user name07:53
comphif you go to a terminal, write "cd /home/username"07:53
comphthen "ls"07:53
comphor "cd Desktop" you should see your Desktop directory07:53
noob15sixwheeledbeast yes, sure I'm in the right user account, because I used this for 5 months before experimenting with "add user"07:54
comphyou can do a "ls" there and probably see the files07:54
comphin home you can see all the users07:54
comph"cd /home/" then "ls"07:54
noob15comph I did a ls in Desktop and there is nothing in there07:55
sixwheeledbeastI can only assume you have switched to the wrong user or the data has been removed or moved.07:55
skdskwhy doesn't netplan do shit?07:56
skdskit doesn't activate, it doesn't generate, is it broken?07:56
noob15sixwheeledbeast man...I dunno..that really sucks. I know computers only do what you tell them to do, but I'm really scratching my head here. Like I said, I'm using this as a learner account, but still had a bunch of stuff to help me learn that I'd saved, so it's not end of the world, just confusing / annoying07:56
sixwheeledbeastYou may have accidentally removed them when messing with users. Anything important you should have a copy of.07:58
comphhave you checked the trashbin?07:58
sixwheeledbeastIf you know the exact file name you could maybe search the whole system, but I suspect you have accidentally deleted it07:59
comphyou could see if there are other user accounts created if you "ls" in the "home" directory07:59
comph"ls /home/"07:59
noob15comph Yup, there are 3 other users - all which I created recently07:59
comphok then you can go into them and ls their Desktop08:00
noob15sixwheeledbeast it was mainly stuff in my "todo" list - you know the default app that comes with Ubuntu ? I had a bunch of to dos in there and they all disappeared08:00
comphif you have deleted files with rm08:00
noob15comph but I know it was within this user that I had stuff that isn't there08:00
comphthere's no trash bin08:00
comphyou can maybe try some recovery app08:01
noob15So it was data that was inside an app that has disappeared which is weird08:01
noob15comph sixwheeledbeast do you guys use Ubuntu as your daily driver / main computer?08:02
noob15comph any recommendations on recovery app08:02
sixwheeledbeastI don't use this app so no idea where it's user files would be08:02
noob15Also comph how long have you been using Ubuntu as your daily driver? Have you found it to be reliable? Why do you use over Mac for example?08:03
noob15sixwheeledbeast okay, thanks08:03
sixwheeledbeastI have used some flavour of ubuntu for 15 years, currently ubuntu-mate08:03
comphi've used it for 10-15 years off and on08:04
comphi think it works well and is a easy to use linux distribution08:04
comphmany things just works out of the box08:04
noob15sixwheeledbeast comph thanks - why do you continue to use it over the likes of Macos? And are there any other flavours of Linux Distro you like particularly?08:05
comphcompared to other linux distros which you might need to configure more08:05
comphi'm not a mac user08:05
noob15comph gotcha08:05
noob15comph on the root question - if I cd .. out as far as I can go and get the bin, home, user etc files, isn't this08:10
sixwheeledbeastUbuntu MATE I prefer the classic gnome2 workflow. You should check these other users for your data. I still don't understand how you would have files on the desktop if you used "an app", programs usually have there own space for user data.08:11
sixwheeledbeastroot of the directory08:11
sixwheeledbeastnot root user08:11
noob15sixwheeledbeast I had some text files just saved to Desktop + I had data that was in todo app just disappear...I was wondering if stuff auto deletes if I log out of user,but that doesn't make sense08:12
noob15sixwheeledbeast root of the directory..hmmm...so, there's no way to access root in Ubuntu? Not that I want to - just curious.08:12
sixwheeledbeastthere is also /root to confuse you further... it's disabled in Ubuntu you can un-disable it but it's highly not recommended. other distros will often let you run as the root user with a password.08:17
CosmicDJnoob15: "/" is the root filesystem or root directory, see man hier08:21
CosmicDJnoob15: still having a terminal open? try running sudo ls /home/*/Desktop   do you see your files there?08:23
geirhaOn solaris they avoid that confusion by simply making root's homedir / instead of /root08:25
comph/ is the moint point, which points to /root i think08:26
comph/ /root is the system08:26
comph /root*08:27
noob15CosmicDJ this just gives me a list of all users08:27
noob15For context on root - if I go to switch user, on the main interface where I have all my users, all of them have a coloured circle with the user's initials, but the main one I thought was Root, is the outline of a person08:28
noob15Dunno if this changes anything08:29
CosmicDJcomph: /root is the home directory for the user root08:30
CosmicDJcomph: man hier08:31
geirhaYou have to go out of your way to enable the ability to log in as root, so the user you thought were root is probably just your main user that happens to have admin-priviledges allowing it to run commands as other users with sudo08:31
fritz_I need help for my virtualbox system. I use the virtualbox for a few years but since yesterday it interruptet while the windows boot with the message serious defect. I don't know whats to do08:32
geirhanoob15: I'm guessing you've accidentally wiped your homedir by accident, running some rm command with -rf on the wrong dir.08:34
geirhanoob15: if you open a terminal and run   find ~ -type f -print   does it list any files you recognize?08:36
noob15Thanks geirha that makes sense08:38
test924is it expected that ubuntu 24.04 desktop notifications have no icons?08:39
test924if anyone could point me to what changed there, I'd appreciate it08:40
noob15geirha that find print command lists literally hundreds of files lol08:40
noob15Flicking thru, there's a lot of names I recognize like Firefox and Brave files etc08:40
skdskwhy doesn't netplan do shit?08:45
CosmicDJskdsk: netplan is doing "shit" here08:46
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YakovI've tried to fix out of date build and now face some difficulties10:03
YakovThe following packages have unmet dependencies:10:03
Yakov libgegl-0.4-0t64 : Breaks: libgegl-0.4-0 (< 1:0.4.48-0build2~ubuntu2204) but 1:0.4.46-0build2~ubuntu2204 is to be installed10:03
Yakovtried some purge variants but still stuck, kindly advise :)10:03
noob15how can I access application files thru terminal from the current /home/user?10:04
anshag2007hi anybody remembers me?10:15
anshag2007im the guy who messed up my xubuntu yesterday10:15
anshag2007well ive did  clean install as i was instructed and ive also removed the dualboot im only running linux now10:16
anshag2007but there is screen tearing10:16
anshag2007it was there in my previous install too but a guy called diogeness fixed it for me10:17
anshag2007looks like ill have to do it again10:17
anshag2007is it safe to follow this guide for it? https://techstop.github.io/fix-screen-tearing-xfce/10:17
anshag2007its similar to what i did previously but im not sure10:18
gordonjcpanshag2007: seems reasonable10:20
anshag2007hi gordon10:20
anshag2007ill do it10:20
gordonjcpI find tearing really annoying because my monitors can only run at 60Hz and I want them to run at 50Hz10:21
diogenessanshag2007: not all of that is related to your system, you have to know to cherry pick.10:21
anshag2007oh youre here too10:21
anshag2007idk if you remember me10:21
anshag2007but i was rocksaltprism10:21
anshag2007on #xubuntu10:22
diogenessyes i remember you.10:22
anshag2007i messed up my system more and folks told me to reinstall10:22
anshag2007so i did10:22
anshag2007and now ive to fix this issue again10:22
diogenesswhy? it shouldn't have happened again.10:22
anshag2007it did10:23
anshag2007i did a clean install10:23
anshag2007i messed up my snap and installed some PPA's10:23
anshag2007so today i removed my dualboot too10:23
anshag2007its all linux only10:23
gordonjcpdualboot is great, until it isn't10:23
gordonjcpone of my laptops quad-boots10:24
diogenessyeah that's wrong to install random PPAs is asking for troubles, ok let's get some info.10:24
gordonjcpit's a maintenance nightmare, it just has failure written all over it10:24
anshag2007well actually the reason i had dualboot because i wasnt so sure about linux10:24
anshag2007and not all my apps worked here10:24
gordonjcpUbuntu, Haiku, NetBSD, and OpenIndiana10:24
anshag2007but now i mostly find myself surfing the web10:25
anshag2007so i got rid of windows10:25
gordonjcpthey all have this mental wee turf war over the boot sector10:25
gordonjcp"Hey NetBSD that's a nice little bootblock you've got there, shame if anything happened to it"10:25
anshag2007lol (pretends to understand)10:26
anshag2007also i tried manjaro and endaevour today aswell10:26
anshag2007manjaro is hated for some reason so i didnt finalise it and10:26
anshag2007endaevour just didnt boot10:27
anshag2007i thought maybe i could find something to top xubuntu10:27
anshag2007i didnt10:27
anshag2007so i was following the guide and10:29
anshag2007i cd'd to /usr/share/x11/xorg.conf.d10:29
anshag2007and there is a config file for every vendor but intel10:29
anshag2007how come10:29
diogenessanshag2007:  run is terminal: dpkg -l | grep -i intel | nc termbin.com 999910:30
diogenessshare the url.10:30
diogenessnow do: ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d | grep intel10:32
diogenessand just tell me if you get something or nothing10:32
diogenesssudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf10:33
diogenesspaste the content of the above url in there.10:33
diogenessafter that hit Ctrl+s and Ctrl+x10:34
anshag2007reboot now?10:34
diogenessfirst check this out10:34
diogenesscat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf10:34
diogenessand see if what you get in terminal matcher the url.10:35
anshag2007it does10:35
diogenessok reboot now.10:35
anshag2007also can i ask u smth10:35
diogenessyou can ask anything.10:35
anshag2007whats the differnece between 20-intel.conf and 10-intel.conf?10:36
anshag2007the guide has a file called 10-intel.conf10:36
diogenessno difference, just one will run earlier than the oher one.10:36
anshag2007thanks a lot again10:36
anshag2007ill reboot now10:37
anshag2007i rebooted10:41
anshag2007the tearing is gone i believe10:41
anshag2007i got some error message at startup10:41
anshag2007i got this for the first2-3 times in my previous xubuntu install too10:42
anshag2007how do i attach images10:42
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:42
anshag2007happened before too in my xubuntu minimal10:45
anshag2007but it went away after 2-3 reboots10:45
anshag2007still not taking risks again10:45
diogenessrun in terminal: sudo dmesg | grep -i firmware | nc termbin.com 999910:47
diogenessok as long as everything works (video, sound, wifi, touchpad, microphone, webcam) you have nothing to worry about, just ignore the error messages.10:50
anshag2007sorry i got disconnected10:53
anshag2007so is that error serious or what10:53
diogenessi wrote that as long as everything works (video, sound, wifi, touchpad, microphone, webcam) you have nothing to worry about, just ignore the error messages.10:53
anshag2007thanks again10:54
diogenessyou're welcome.10:54
Guest2410what's up?11:22
Guest2410someone alive?11:23
ice9is there a way to clear dock app notification counter once that app is in focus?11:29
BluesKajHi all11:37
Yakovto my previous question, is some one succeeded to install gimp v 3?12:33
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ravageThere is no version 3 yet12:37
oerhekssnaps give 2.99 from feb 22 https://snapcraft.io/gimp12:37
oerheksMateusz Łukasik did a ppa build few hours ago ..https://launchpad.net/~mati75/+archive/ubuntu/gimp30?field.series_filter=noble12:39
ravageEven that is 2.99.18-1~bpo24.04+212:39
ravageThere is just not release of a version 3 yet12:40
oerheksoops, my bad12:40
oerheksflathub gives 2.1012:40
oerheksoh it is not even out yet?12:41
Yakovj@j-MacBookPro:~/.config/GIMP$ gimp --version12:42
YakovGNU Image Manipulation Program version 2.99.1812:42
anshag2007so i had another doubt12:43
anshag2007whenever i reboot, there is a single underscore (like in terminal) that is there for a long time before it actually starts booting into xubuntu, it was there when i used windows too but it only appeared for a split second, but now it is there for like 10 seconds before it starts booting into xubuntu12:45
anshag2007any way to remove or reduce its time12:45
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oerheksi see no way speeding up booting.12:46
oerheksyou must have the same experience on your other installs.12:47
anshag2007when i used xubuntu minimal, it didnt happen for THAT long either12:47
anshag2007i had dualboot back then12:47
anshag2007now i just removed windows12:47
anshag2007maybe its grub still trying to dualboot?12:48
anshag2007but yea it wasnt always like this12:48
oerheksnope, no idea.12:49
anshag2007let me update grub maybe12:50
anshag2007and then try again12:50
oerheksThe cruise liner Queen Elizabeth II moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns.13:50
leftyfbwrong channel :P13:50
GudduWhat happens when a ntfs drive is connected to a ubuntu server? I can see in dmesg that it was recognized as sdb attached SCSI disk but should it automount itself? Or how can i see it in the file browser?14:00
leftyfbGuddu: it will not automount14:01
leftyfbGuddu: what "file browser" do you have on ubuntu server?14:01
Gudduleftyfb, Its a new installl...So the one that comes by default.14:01
leftyfbGuddu: there is no file browser installed by default on ubuntu server14:02
Gudduleftyfb, I just googled. Should nautilus be a good choice?14:02
Gudduleftyfb, On the left hand menu there is a files icon. I thought that was the default file browser.14:03
leftyfbGuddu: if you have a graphical environment, that's not ubuntu server14:03
Gudduleftyfb, Basically i installed ubuntu server and over that I installed ubuntu-desktop to get a gui14:03
Gudduleftyfb, I wanted the ease of a GUI. I will ofcourse use cli for whatever I can do over cli.14:04
Gudduincluding ssh to this server.14:04
leftyfbyou should have just installed the ubuntu desktop flavor if you wanted ubuntu desktop14:04
Gudduleftyfb, I agree. Do you suggest I reinstall?14:05
leftyfbGuddu: and if you ask me, there is zero advantage and countless disadvantages to running a GUI on something that's considered a server14:05
GudduI thought it was ok. I did a sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop after installing ubuntu server. I clearly have messed up.14:06
leftyfbGuddu: what is this machine going to be used for exactly?14:07
Gudduleftyfb, Copy operations from a master disk to various recipient disks. All external drives. Formatting of disks using mkfs etc14:08
leftyfbGuddu: automated or manual operations?14:09
GudduSo i will connect a source disk (ntfs) copy its content to local drive and from there copy it over to around 40-50 disks to explain it a bit more. It will be manual as I still have not figured out how to automate it.14:09
leftyfbif manual, use the default desktop OS. If automated, use a server with no GUI14:10
oerheksit still will not automount, on desktop. recognized yes.14:10
leftyfbit will automount on the ubuntu desktop OS .... as long as the filesystem is clean14:11
Gudduleftyfb, Desktop will still allow me to ssh and all right? And install libraries that are otherwise part of server package if needed?14:12
leftyfbGuddu: also, it sounds like you should look into clonezilla (the OS)14:14
GudduOK. I will install Desktop instead now. I hope my ubuntu pro free quota will not get wasted when I do that. Does it consider that the install is on same machine?14:14
Gudduleftyfb, Clonezilla definitely is worth looking it. I used it earlier with live CD. Never installed it as such.14:15
ravageJust unattach your token before you reinstall14:17
Gudduravage, Thanks.14:18
=== Randy_ is now known as coderandy
andersjorghi, is there some technicality why fedora doesn't include lxd? fedora 40 has lxc 6.0.114:39
ravagePlease ask fedora support for that14:40
andersjorgall i got from #fedora was it's not included14:40
andersjorgis it because it's a snap in ubuntu?14:41
andersjorgah https://snapcraft.io/docs/installing-snap-on-fedora14:43
CosmicDJandersjorg: I guess it's because they have podman14:45
andersjorgpodman can't run vms and it's a single host solution14:47
andersjorgalso podman doesn't run system containers by default, just like docker14:47
ravageFedora may support Incus. But please use their support channels14:47
ravageThis is Ubuntu support14:48
andersjorgsir, no chat here14:48
GudduI am installing the latest and the greatest ubuntu desktop now.14:49
GrandPa-GDoes anyone work with mosquitto mqtt over websockets here? I am getting invalid creds when I know they are valid.14:55
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Yakovtrying to execute python with gimp, receiving error ImportError: cannot import name Gimp, introspection typelib not found15:21
Yakovgimp 2.10, any clues?15:21
oerhekshow is gimp installed? deb or snap package?15:21
GudduIn linux systems if i format a disk using mkfs once then when i copy large data sets (400 gb and beyond) and then when i need to remove the old data to copy a new one then is it recommended to format again or just delete using rm -rf and copying the new content is enough?15:27
leftyfbup to you15:29
Yakovoerheks, deb15:32
oerheksYakov, and what command executed?15:33
Yakov   sudo apt-get download gimp gimp-data gimp-plugin-registry15:34
Yakov   sudo dpkg -i gimp*.deb gimp-data*.deb gimp-plugin-registry*.deb15:34
Yakovtested with this gimp -i -b '(python-fu-eval "print(\"Python is working!\")")' -b '(gimp-quit 0)' and with python3 terminal 'from gi.repository import Gimp15:35
anankeGuddu: that question seems predisposed on an idea that removing files is somehow not enough. not sure what you propose the issue would be15:36
Gudduananke, Like fragmentation, file corruption etc15:37
GudduIn a different problem, I am trying to do a mkfs.ext2 on a disk. I get an error "Permission Denied while trying to determine the file system size". So i execute the command using sudo and it works fine but then I am not able to rsync to the disk as it is now owned by root. What is the best way to get around this?15:39
anankeGuddu: fragmentation wouldn't be an issue. 'file corruption' is a curious one, what makes you anticipate that?15:39
Gudduananke, These are huge files and even if 1 bit is off the contents won't be read by the destination system. May be I am being overly suspicious.15:39
anankechown the root directory of your new filesystem to be owned by said user. also, why ext2? that's a poor choice for most workloads15:39
anankeGuddu: your suspicion doesn't seem to be based in reality15:40
leftyfbGuddu: why ext2?15:41
Gudduananke, leftyfb The Digital cinema spec requires it to be in ext2 (with a inode size of 128) or ext3 and i have heard that ext3 has issues on some cinema servers.15:43
leftyfbext4 won't work?15:44
Gudduleftyfb, No.15:45
GudduI am trying to find the latest spec on this.15:45
anankeif requirement is ext2, them ext4 certainly won't work15:45
ananke"o EXT2, EXT3 – inode size set to 128 bytes"15:47
anankeseems ext3 is an option, unless you're working with some older version15:48
Gudduananke, I am leaning to bet on ext315:49
GudduBut I am not sure if even for ext3 they require inode size of 12815:49
GudduOh. For ext3 the default inode size is 128 itself as i can see.15:50
anankethere is no redeeming value to ext2, if ext3 is an option15:50
Gudduananke, Also the chown should be on the mount point right?15:52
anankeGuddu: yes. the mount point would be the root path for that fs15:53
oerheksall i find that gimp 2.99 breaks something with Gegl 0.4 https://developer.gimp.org/core/debug/problems_and_solutions/#building-development-gimp-299-breaks-for-missing-dependency-gegl-04-gt-04xx15:55
anankeand the document I quoted is https://hpaonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Deluxe_Source-and-DCP_Delivery_Specifications_v5-11_20220314-2.pdf15:56
UmeaboyDoes anyone here has trouble visiting packages.ubuntu.com ?16:09
UmeaboySometimes I get 500 error.16:09
UmeaboyIs this to be expected?16:09
UmeaboyMy connection works just fine otherwise.16:10
oerheksworks here, and i see no issues https://status.canonical.com/16:10
UmeaboyResponse time is slow.16:10
UmeaboyIt's still working to open https://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/unity16:11
oerheksa little slower, but oke16:13
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UmeaboyAre those statistics based on pings?16:13
UmeaboyHow fast it responds and how many packets that are lost.16:14
oerheksnot sure, maybe you might want to reask in #launchpad16:15
Guddugparted is taking forever to write the inode tables.16:21
Guddu4352/7453 done and increases by 1 every 20 odd seconds.16:22
huslageHello folks. I'm trying to install Ubuntu 20.04 on a headless box over serial console and the installer is crashing constantly. Here's a screen cap of what it looks like: https://youtu.be/AAXYUiATxbE16:27
huslageDoes anyone know why this might be happening?16:28
leftyfbhuslage: why 20.04?16:28
huslageA vendor requested it. The installer does the same with 24.04 as well.16:28
huslage@leftyfb any ideas of how to debug this?16:36
huslageJul 29 18:35:43 ubuntu-server subiquity.subiquity-server[2375]: BlockingIOError: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable16:38
huslageJul 29 18:35:43 ubuntu-server subiquity.subiquity-server[2375]: Exception ignored when trying to write to the signal wakeup fd:16:38
huslagealso getting this error in the syslog16:38
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bondkinghaving an ubuntu problem today16:47
bondkinghoping someone here is talented enough to help fix it16:47
oerheksask wait and see16:48
webchat19Is there any way to have a desktop area larger than the monitor (viewport), with the ability to move the viewport?16:50
oerhekswebchat19, on gnome, hold windows key, right click, move workspace right, a virtual desktop page, alt tab can be used to cycle between them16:56
oerhekshttps://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/shell-workspaces.html.en  https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/shell-workspaces-switch.html.en16:57
bondkingThe only way I am able to install LTSpice on Ubuntu is as sudo, whereas with other sane OSes I can do this as a regular user.17:10
leftyfbbondking: lets not17:10
leftyfbbondking: contact the vendor for support with their software17:11
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leftyfbalso looks to me like they don't support linux anymore17:11
oerheks LTSpice is a wine thingy?17:12
leftyfblooks like their unsupported download for linux is an .exe, so yes17:12
webchat19oerheks, thank you. I don't want workspaces, though. I want to, for example, be able to move my monitor's viewport partway between two "workspaces", similar to how one might scroll a webpage.17:15
webchat19If there is a name for this type of interface that I can try to look up, that would also be helpful.17:15
oerheksi dont think that is possible.17:15
webchat19oerheks, is it impossible because of a certain limitation (of gnome), or is it just not supported by the default install?17:17
oerheksi find no gnome plugin that helps, and AFAIK you are the first one with that request17:19
ravageIt is not supported by the default install17:19
bondkingYeah, so anyway. You can't install LTSpice as a normal user in Ubuntu17:55
bondkingBut you can do that with most other distros.17:55
bondkingSo I'm wondering why in Ubuntu you can't.17:55
leftyfbbondking: contact the vendor for support with their software17:56
bondkingno u17:56
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:56
bondkingoerheks: any idea why that may be?17:56
oerheksgood luck in #winehq, i do no windows stuff17:56
bondkingThat's cool, but this is more of an issue with Ubuntu not allowing wine to run except for superuser17:56
bondkingIt has everything to do with the way Ubuntu is setting permissions.17:57
oerheksi guess you need to switch to that sane OSes17:57
leftyfbbondking: that's not true17:57
ravageYou do not need root to run Wine17:57
bondkingOh believe me I would never run Ubuntu by choice17:57
leftyfbyeah, that's going to encourage ubuntu users here to help you17:57
enigma9o7But you do need root to install apps for all users.  That's normal.17:57
leftyfbenigma9o7: not in wine17:58
leftyfbbondking: you have yet to post any errors. Either way, your best bet is to contact the vendor for support.17:58
enigma9o7Well that's not installing it for your actual OS, that'd be installing it within wine, in your home folder.17:58
ravageenigma9o7: I published my snap by the way :)17:58
enigma9o7For the one user.17:58
leftyfbenigma9o7: now you're on the same page as the one asking for help17:59
enigma9o7ravage: oh sweet, yeah I forgot you fixed frozen-bubble!17:59
enigma9o7ravage: did you also share your fix with upstream debian or anything so it'll make it into the regular deb package?17:59
ravageNot yet. Did some tests with a friend earlier18:00
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ravageAlso the current master server URL is my raspberry pi18:00
oerheksno players in CED117 nor icepalace18:00
ravageMy snap is the only version that works with network play atm18:01
ravageSo that is to be expected:)18:01
enigma9o7Ah ok.  So the problem is the original "master server" is permanently down.18:01
ravageIt is not really down18:01
ravageSource forge redirects to https but the game does not support it18:02
ravageAnd the list is old and contains only one working server anyway18:02
bondkingleftyfb: I literally have never seen you be helpful tbh18:02
bondkingMostly just trolling and gatekeeping18:02
bondkingravage: I'll revisit it. Maybe I clicked the wrong thing.18:02
bondkingYup just tried again. It gives the error:    wine: could not load kernel32.dll, status c000013518:02
bondkingBut that only happens on Ubuntu18:02
leftyfbbondking: it also happens with majaro with a completely different Windows application due to a misconifguration on your part: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/wine-could-not-load-kernel32-dll-status-c0000135/69811/218:04
leftyfbliterally typed your error message on google and clicked on the first result and there's your answer18:04
oerheksdid you install wine 32 bit by adding architecture i386?18:05
ravagefollowed the guide i posted. runs just fine without root18:05
bondkingwhat guide?18:06
bondkingThis does not happen on Manjaro btw leftyfb18:06
bondkingok, I will try this guide. Thank you ravage18:07
leftyfbbondking: it does when you have a misconfiguration as per the link I sent you which you seem to refuse to click obn18:07
oerhekshaha if you get an kernel32.dll error .. with  LTspice64.exe18:08
bondkingI have installed LTSpice several times on several different distros without any issue whatsoever18:09
bondkingonly Ubuntu18:09
bondkingOk, followed the instructions in that guide. Same error.18:10
leftyfbbondking: did you follow the link I posted?18:10
bondkingNo, because that is for Manjaro. I plan to look at it after this guide from ravage.18:11
bondkingActually, the guide from ravage would usually work.18:11
bondkingThat is how it should work.18:11
bondkingBut on Ubuntu it does not.18:11
oerhekscheck your wine version, and you show no output what happens when you try18:12
bondkingThere was no 'misconfiguration on [my] part'18:12
oerhekslikely it is.18:12
bondkingThere is no configuration involved in that guide if you look at it.18:12
bondkingIts basically just 1) get wine-stable 2) get LTspice64.exe 3) run wine-stable LTspice.exe18:13
bondkingTry it for yourself. Look inside and you will see that this is true.18:14
leftyfbbondking: ravage did and posted a video as proof18:15
bondkingThat isn't even the right program.18:16
bondkingAnyway, I'm looking at your guide now leftyfb but its a little more sketchy18:17
leftyfbit's easily tested and reverted18:18
bondkingOk, cool. leftyfb your link helped18:19
bondkingI had to delete ~/.wine and then run winecfg18:19
leftyfbok, so misconfiguration18:19
bondkingI did not create ~/.wine18:19
bondkingSo not misconfiguration by me18:19
ravageyou did by using it with some program before18:19
bondkingit was Ubuntu's fault18:19
bondkingnope! :)18:20
ravageusing the same profile with different applications is never a good idea18:20
leftyfbbondking: problem solved, good luck18:20
bondkingLTspice is the only wine program I even use, so i don't eally know what a profile is18:20
ravagegood luck18:22
bondkingthanks <3 I appreciate you guys not being a bunch of haters and losers today18:23
bondkingtomorrow is a new day18:24
junyxbondking I have definitely been a hater and loser in the past. So I feel you18:24
EgonXHave a server on Ubuntu 18LTS, anyone know of any issues I need to look out for if I do a "do-release-upgrade" from 18 to 20 and then 20 to 22?18:50
bondkingEgonX: potentially something could break and you'd have to contact the software developer for suppourt18:52
EgonXThere is only one app the server runs and we are updating the os specifically for that update that needs Ubuntu 22. If that's all I have to worry about, this should go "fairly" smoothly18:53
geniiEgonX: If you don't have PPAs installed it should go fairly smooth18:53
EgonXIt shouldn't but I was just handed the server this morning... So I'm in an information gathering phase. I have no idea if the server has been used for anything else, but it shouldn't have been18:55
ravageIf you don't know if the server is in use for anything I would turn it off and wait for anyone to notice it :)18:59
ravageIf it is in use I would find out for what, document it and test your documentation with a fresh 24.04 installation19:00
tagI've been having this issue with gvim which started relatively recently (in 24.04) where artifacts from wayland compositing animations kind of linger in the window until I kill and restart gvim. Typically window borders and typically after resizing a window or switching workspaces. Once it starts, it only keeps happening until I restart it.19:08
tagBut it doesn't start happening at first, it takes a little while to occur. It's a very strange bug.19:09
oerheksartifacts and text missing? i found this answer interesting, GSK_RENDERER=gl >>  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1511575/ubuntu-24-04-screen-glitches-on-gnome-apps-after-install19:11
webchat50hola , tengo un problema , alguien me puede ayudar?19:35
ravage!es | webchat5019:35
ubottuwebchat50: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:35
stevie3Nobody here ?20:38
stevie3I using xubuntu 24.04 , X is locked. I'm from ctrl +alt+ F120:39
stevie3new installation20:39
tarzeauunlock it> which locking software? kill it?20:39
stevie3I'm from text no X ,  is locked20:40
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stevie3[   91.896944] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: msvld: unable to load firmware data20:41
stevie3[   91.896951] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: msvld: init failed, -1920:41
ravageWhat is your GPU20:41
stevie3I'm using a oldest nvidia 630 card20:42
stevie3impossible it is unsupported20:42
ravageIt looks like missing firmware20:42
stevie3how may I install firmware ?20:42
ravageThe firmware package that comes with Ubuntu is pretty old20:42
ravageLet me see if I remember how to get a newer version20:43
stevie3nouveanu support old nvidia20:43
stevie3it go with debian 1220:43
ravageIf you are on Debian please contact Debian support20:44
oerheksubuntu-drivers list # my GTX650 is supported by the 470 driver20:44
enigma9o7Well you could install the propreitary 470 driver package, it supports GT630.  nvidai-driver-47020:44
ravagei dont know which kernel version is supported by that20:44
enigma9o7nvidia-driver-470 sorry20:44
stevie3what packet ?20:44
oerheksor go wild ubuntu-drivers autoinstall20:44
stevie3no X here, bash20:45
ravagebut if ubuntu-drivers offer it then install it20:45
stevie3apt install .. ?20:45
ravageyou dont need X for rhat20:45
ravagesudo ubuntu-drivers install20:45
stevie3ubuntu-drivers don't exist20:45
stevie3apt install ubuntu-drivers # error dont exist20:46
ecdheI want to be able to drag-and-drop a .JPG file onto a desktop icon and have it convert to a .PNG.  I got an "imagemagick" command to work, then put it in a bash script (operating on "$1").  Then I made a .desktop file that runs "Exec /bin/bash /path/to/file.sh %F" when double-clicked.  However, when I drag a file over the icon (on the desktop) nothing happens.20:46
ecdheUbuntu 22.0420:47
oerheksubuntu-drivers list20:47
stevie3# ubuntu-drivers install20:48
stevie3All the available drivers are already installed.20:48
ravage# ubuntu-drivers list20:49
bpromptecdhe: that might be a good question for #bash methinks20:49
ravagestevie3: what does "ubuntu-drivers list" show?20:49
ecdhebprompt: the bash script already works by referencing the $1 variable; the problem I have is the drag-n-drop doesn't result in the script getting called with the dragged-file-path20:54
oerheksdo you have Pro activated, for imagemagick updated packages?20:56
oerheksPackage: imagemagick Version: 8:
matsamanecdhe: so what is it called with instead?20:58
bpromptecdhe: hmmm the drag-n-drop will apply to the file manager used I'd think, I've written some bash stuff, however I use a right-click menu on a file to process it20:59
bpromptecdhe: and I use the right-click in Konqueror, which is my file manager20:59
ecdhematsaman: file.sh contains something "convert $1 --flag --flag".  "bash file.sh image.jpg" works.  I have a .desktop file that runs the script when I double click it.  The .desktop passes the "%F" variable instead of a "image.jpeg".21:02
ecdhes/something/something like/21:02
bpromptecdhe: I do about the same, I use a .desktop to launch it from the right-click21:03
matsamanecdhe: it passes %F literally as a string?21:03
matsamanwhat makes you think your file manager or whatever supports %F?21:04
ecdhematsaman: Freedesktop defines the variables accessible in their environment.   %F expands to the list of files passed to the program through the freedesktop system.  Ubuntu appears to have this feature disabled (but users report that it has worked in Ubuntu over the years)21:05
matsamanecdhe: okay so you're using GNOME's 'Files'?21:06
matsamanecdhe: which version of Ubuntu?21:07
ecdhematsaman: I think the program is `nautilus`.  22.0421:08
matsamanecdhe: might be this business: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1405687/how-to-install-filemanager-actions-in-ubuntu-22-0421:10
ecdhematsaman: this might work, thanks21:18
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stevie3 73.255109] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Direct firmware load for nouveau/nvd9_fuc084 failed with error -222:14
stevie3[   73.255177] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Direct firmware load for nouveau/nvd9_fuc084d failed with error -222:14
oerheksstevie3, 1; your bios is outdated https://www.asus.com/supportonly/p8h61-m/helpdesk_bios/22:30
oerheksVersion 4801 2.98 MB 2014/05/2222:31
stevie3oerheks: no, the pc is old, it's a I5 old22:34
oerheksi see, only the 390 could work, or just nouveau https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/gf119-nvs-315-drivers-for-ubuntu/27882122:34
enigma9o7I thought I looked it up earlier and it was 470 driver.22:35
leftyfbstevie3: i5 is a family of processors. Not an age22:35
oerhekserr https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/geforce-graphics-cards/5/535225/gf119-nvs-315-drivers-for-ubuntu/22:35
stevie3oerheks: no, with debian it go. Overall is not the bios, but the video card. However it's a I5-3550 , it's not a slow cpu. 4 phisical cores 4,3 hz22:35
leftyfbThe 14401E i5 is expected to be released in the next couple months22:35
leftyfbstevie3: what release of Debian are you running?22:36
leftyfbstevie3: perfect, try asking for support in #debian, not #ubuntu22:36
oerheksoh that is why ubuntu drivers does not work 🤪22:36
stevie3I'm using ubuntu now22:36
stevie3leftyfb: no dumb here22:36
oerheksso, update bios first22:37
stevie3bios is updated22:37
leftyfbstevie3: false22:38
leftyfbstevie3: https://www.asus.com/supportonly/p8h61-m/helpdesk_bios/22:38
leftyfbstevie3: please update your BIOS22:39
stevie3no bullshit22:39
oerheksgood luck22:39
leftyfbThe latest is 4801 from 2014/05/22  according to your dmesg output, you are running 4601 from 2013/09/1822:40
leftyfbinterestingly enough, they don't show that version or release date on their page22:41
leftyfboh, it's P8H61-M LE22:42
leftyfbyup, you're on the latest, though the release date of the BIOS doesn't match22:43
leftyfbstevie3: https://www.asus.com/supportonly/p8h61m_le/helpdesk_bios/  maybe try that latest BIOS anyway22:43
leftyfbsince it's got a newer release date than what yours says, by a year22:43
oerheksle? oink22:44
oerheksalso version Version 460122:44
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