
=== tomg_ is now known as tomg
LochessHello, im new to xubuntu. how to check if my xubuntu installation is wayland enabled?17:38
LochessFYI, I installed xubuntu on top of ubuntu 24.04 server using command apt install xubuntu-desktop-minimal.17:39
oerheksecho $XDG_SESSION_TYPE  #would show17:39
Lochessoerheks: thanks, it showed x1117:42
oerhekslogout, select user, then you should be able to switch session 17:42
oerheksoh wait17:43
oerheksnot available yet??17:44
LochessThats what I want to know, is xubuntu xfce support wayland?17:46
oerheksNot yet, i just found out and baffled17:47
LochessIs there any software like RDP for linux dekstop?17:48
LochessThat I can use?17:48
oerheksremina, xrdp17:50
LochessWhat is the lightweight ubuntu distro variants that support wayland?17:57
Lochessmy vm only have 2gb ram, and need to find linux distro to run waydroid.18:00
Lochessany suggestion.18:00
diogenessLochess: it's not distro it's Desktop Environment.18:03
oerheksonly KDE and Gnome .. lxqt is working on it too.18:04
diogenessthere are plenty of compositors like Wayfire, Sway, Hyprland.18:05
LochessPardon me, still new to linux enviroment and terms.18:39

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