
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
IrcsomeBot<deemuzz> hi. where i can download ubuntu OS? i tried downloading it from ubuntu.com, it fails11:04
IrcsomeBot<karan_soni_8306> Try from another browser and make sure that internet connection is stable (re @deemuzz: hi. where i can download ubuntu OS? i tried downloading it from ubuntu.com, it fails)11:58
IrcsomeBot<deemuzz> could you please suggest which browser?11:58
IrcsomeBot<karan_soni_8306> Chrome,edge,opera11:59
IrcsomeBot<karan_soni_8306> I downloaded it from chrome and download was completed in about 10-15 minutes (re @deemuzz: could you please suggest which browser?)11:59
IrcsomeBot<deemuzz> ok i try12:00
IrcsomeBot<deemuzz> already tried..all failed12:14
IrcsomeBot<deemuzz> using edge, chrome12:14
IrcsomeBot<deemuzz> trying multiple of mirror12:14
BluesKajHi all12:14
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> your internet connection might be having issues. Dropped packages or something alike. You could try the torrent as well, torrent protocol is really robust and it should always recover no matter what happens12:21
IrcsomeBot<ht990332> don't download large files using a web browser. use a download manager or wget or curl.12:25
IrcsomeBot<ht990332> or the torrent as stated above.12:26
BluesKajor use qbittorrent12:31
=== VanUnamed_ is now known as VanUnamed
user|5anybody knows how to change software sources in kubuntu 24.04?19:59
user|5ex: how to select the best mirror20:00
bpromptuser|5: hmmm changing the sources is just a matter of editing /etc/apt/sources.list I'd think20:02
user|5ok. I'll try. thank you20:15
user|65can i update kubuntu from 22.04 to 24.04 without loosing my data?22:06
bpromptuser|65: last I checked, yes, however there is no upgradeability until the 24.04.1 version comes out, and that'll be until August 15th, so after that date, yes you can22:07
bpromptin two weeks in essence22:08
oerheksif you have no backup, your data is unimportant 🤪22:14
valorieoerheks: ha22:21
user|65sorry people. I thought this was an AI chatbot knowledgeable in the inner workings of kubuntu. Had i known it was just people i would have just looked it up. Carry on......22:41
sarnoldheh :)22:42

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