
* GuestAgain waves03:56
GuestAgainhaving issues getting mint to recognize an m4. only reason i think this is a good place to ask is mint is ubuntu based.03:58
GuestAgaini've had issues previously on ubuntu with it as well, i know motu does not support linux and the m4 is allegedly pnp yet i still have issues sadly04:02
GuestAgainany advice appreciated04:02
GuestAgaini should add this is in reference to a MOTU M404:04
arraybolt3GuestAgain: You probably would be better served by joining the Linux Mint Development channel on Matrix. We don't know how Linux Mint's development process works because we don't develop Mint. Oftentimes derivative distros have substantial differences from the distro they are derived from.04:11
arraybolt3If you want to use IRC, there's also #linuxmint-help on the Spotchat network (not on Libera.Chat).04:11
GuestAgainarraybolt3: yeah i just popped in there. i'll pose the same question. more of a bsd guy here and don't want to keep writing drivers.04:13
GuestAgainjust wanting to digitize some old tapes tonight without having to use another computer. cheers for lookin out arraybolt304:14
sudipcan anyone please click on this - https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=oracular&arch=s390x&package=lintian&trigger=tidy-html5%2F2%3A5.8.0-1ubuntu106:31
ginggssudip: .06:36
sudipthanks ginggs06:37
mirespaceWorking on pystac08:59
sudipLocutusOfBorg: I was looking at the tidy-html5 transition. Can you do the rebuild of php8.3 please.. its in main.. also I have not done libhtml-tidy-perl and libhtml-tidy5-perl as my local build failed, will check.09:17
LocutusOfBorgsudip, rebuild php8.3   "new libtidy58"09:22
sudipthanks LocutusOfBorg09:23
LocutusOfBorgsudip, I'm also thinking to syncpackage php8.3 from experimental09:25
athosLocutusOfBorg: +1 - we got no delta at all! My original plan was to push for 8.3.10 which will most likely be out in the next couple weeks, but sync'ing it now is a great idea (I did not realize ondrej had pushed it to experimental earlier this month)10:19
mirespaceWorking in python-jsonschema10:24
LocutusOfBorgathos, and advocated you :)10:28
LocutusOfBorgnot needed anymore, but I had to do it :D10:28
LocutusOfBorgsorry if I came too late10:33
athos=O Thank you, LocutusOfBorg! \o/10:38
mirespaceWorking on dt-schema11:04
LocutusOfBorgflag, can you please double check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox-hwe/+bug/2073983 ?12:43
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2073983 in virtualbox-hwe (Ubuntu Jammy) "virtualbox-dkms FTBFS with linux-hwe-6.8" [Undecided, In Progress]12:43
bdrunglooking into django-assets13:08
LocutusOfBorgflag, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox/+bug/207326713:22
LocutusOfBorgcan you please help?13:22
LocutusOfBorg1, This issue is caused by the following 2 commits in upstream kernel:13:22
LocutusOfBorg9c573cd31343 randomize_kstack: Improve entropy diffusion13:22
LocutusOfBorgef40d28f17bd randomize_kstack: Remove non-functional per-arch entropy filtering13:22
LocutusOfBorgmaybe we should quickly revert such two commits in kernel?13:23
LocutusOfBorgwe probably need ef40d28f17bd384d7e0b630c7d83f108a526351b ASAP13:25
LocutusOfBorgapw, ^^13:25
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rbasaktsimonq2: are you planning on resolving the SRU in bug 2061214 please? It's resulting in some other issues due to a different bug (bug 2066290) but I get the impression that getting the SRU landed is the easiest/automatic workaround.16:38
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2061214 in software-properties (Ubuntu Noble) "[SRU] Software Sources is not compatible with deb822" [Critical, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206121416:38
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2066290 in Auto Package Testing "Attempts to fetch wrong version for package" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206629016:38
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Eickmeyerogayot: Some of this list you gave me is giving a certain FTBFS on certain archs when you NCR. Particularly aces3 and apbs at this point.19:25
Eickmeyerfftw FTBFS !armhf (lolwut?)20:36

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