=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 [12:27] hello, I have a question I [12:27] I trying the download cyberpanel from that link https://cyberpanel.net/KnowledgeBase/home/install-cyberpanel/ [12:27] But download failing at https://downloads.mariadb.com/MariaDB/mariadb_repo_setup [12:28] message [12:28] Ubuntu 22.04 [12:28] Anyone any idea what wrong? [12:34] that sounds like a question for Cyberpanel's support [12:39] Thank you [12:39] it seems like they have some sort of support forum on their site [12:44] Yeah I find it thank JanC [12:44] I looking in the forum [23:01] I'm doing our SOC2 compliance and I need this document: Screenshots or configuration showing that an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is set up to monitor traffic for abnormal activity - anyone running something on Ubuntu for this? [23:03] Snort, suricata, OSSEC? I don't believe Ubuntu has this by default [23:08] yeah, probably nothing in that category has been selected as "the one to use" [23:10] nothing has that by default [23:10] setting up an IDS/IPS is a big deal [23:13] even in a small network, that's at least one full time job [23:15] qman: well I'll give it 1-2 hours and cross my fingers. heh, we haven't had this before. Our systems all operate behind the scenes and have limited public exposure. I found https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorial-collections/how-to-configure-suricata-as-an-ips [23:15] I think I'm going to go with Suricata unless someone thinks otherwise [23:15] It sounds like I can also use a firewall which may be easier to do for now and I can have a proper linux admin new hire help with Suricata [23:20] qman: appreciate you helping me understand. We've got 2 ubuntu digital ocean droplets, that's it. [23:31] In which case, what's the simplest/suggested ubuntu firewall these days? [23:31] I could take an iptables screenshot I suppose ha