=== stasen is now known as ST === ST is now known as __ST__ === __ST__ is now known as _ST_ === _ST_ is now known as __ST__ [06:44] pin this (re @IrcsomeBot: user|65: last I checked, yes, however there is no upgradeability until the 24.04.1 version comes out, and that'll be until August 15th, so after that date, yes you can) [11:52] Hi all [14:19] Hello, will there be a Kubuntu Manual for 24.04? [14:22] not yet online https://kubuntu.org/support/ but there is also https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-docs [14:24] I also want to open a bug report about a visual bug in Kubuntu installer iso. Where should I do this? [14:26] !bug [14:26] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [14:27] user|19: bug in the installer app or something else? [14:27] Yes, installer. [14:27] user|19: likely https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu then [14:28] Thanks!:] [14:28] if it should actually be another package, that can be changed once reported [14:29] but that is best bet to start with [14:29] if you have a launchpad account, you could get feedback [14:29] RikMills, not just calamares ? [14:30] oerheks: could be either. but 'visuals' prods me slightly towards the settings package [14:30] but as said, that can be changed once reported if needed [20:33] buonasera [20:33] kubuntu 24 funziona su un a4 6300 ? === daniel_ is now known as WarSpEcK