
qmanfoo: ufw is one of the go-to solutions specifically for ubuntu, personally I just write my own iptables rules, I find the layers on top more complicated 01:29
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ghavilIs there perhaps someone here that's familiar with how the AWS EC2 AMI's are built and published. It looks like at least in us1-east-1, the "ubuntu-minimal/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-jammy-22.04-amd64-minimal-20240723" AMI changed 'ImdsSupport' to 'v2.0'. I'm trying to find where these are actually built now days as I believe that's a drastic change from 'ubuntu-minimal/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-jammy-22.04-amd64-minimal-20240701" which did not have this17:54
ghavil option configured. 17:54
a7xhi, I noticed something odd after upgrading to 24.04, both machines have issues contacting dns servers, nslookup google.com Server: …. ;; Got bad packet: unexpected end of input20:32
a7xsimilar issue with dig ;; Warning: Message parser reports malformed message packet.20:32
sarnolda7x: are there any messages in dmesg that look related? does ip -h -iec -s l20:43
sarnold.. show a high error count?20:43
sarnoldghavil: I suggest asking in #ubuntu-cloud20:44
ghavilsarnold: Thanks, I have gotten help over there 20:44
sarnoldoh yay :)20:45
a7xsarnold, no high error count (interesting amount of "dropped") 20:51
a7xafter a third restart (on both machines) it seems to be working, still need to check dmesg20:51
sarnolda7x: heh yeah I've got a high 'dropped' on my system, i'm not entirely sure what those are, but I think it's along the lines of multicast packets that it doesn't care about or something similar20:52
a7xah, one thing, I disabled docker20:52
a7xI ended up disabling it since it was spamming dmesg with connection issues20:53
a7x(maybe I should say that I tried disabling docker with "sudo systemctl disable docker20:55
a7x" but after a reboot it's still up)20:55
a7xthanks for now, I will report back when it happens again20:57
sarnoldI *think* if another service depends upon docker, systemd will still start it despite being disabled20:57
sarnoldI think that's the problem that caused the 'masking' method to be introduced20:57
a7xthat might be related to "status" showing that preset is enabled21:01

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