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msbwhat's going on here?02:31
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rktaWhen using git as root via sudo, git will use nano as my editor despite having EDITOR=vi exported. Where is this coming from?04:35
bougymanit's switching to root's environment and not inheriting the one from your env.04:35
bougymanthere's ways to make sudo preserve those. See man 6 sudoers04:36
bougymansorry, man 5 sudoers04:36
bougymanlook for env_keep04:36
rktasudoers has a line #Defaults:%sudo env_keep += "EDITOR" with a comment to respect the choice of the user. This looks right to me.04:44
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RegularPasteany recommendations for a hdmi switch? 2 inputs one output. nothing fancy. 1080p.05:53
knightwisehmmm... amazon is your friend there05:54
RegularPasteyeah, but wanting any experience or brand recommendation if it matters05:56
caralhoprobably try arch05:58
knightwiseThe Neewer HDMI switch would work for ya05:58
knightwisecaralho: some people try arch in the bedroom05:58
RegularPasteSo Neewer then?06:00
bougymanNeewer is decent stuff.06:16
bobdobbsCan someone help me install wine32 on ubuntu 22.04 please? At the moment if I do 'apt install wine32' then I get this: https://hastebin.com/share/ukalurupit.yaml06:33
bobdobbsIf I do 'locate libgphoto' I can see I have that library installed06:34
realivanjxis it possible to install nut 2.8.0 and later on ubuntu 22.04? i see that the later versions only available on 24.0406:54
caralhoanything is possible with snap06:57
caralhoThe installed package may even work06:57
realivanjxi guess i will have to compile manually07:07
* vlt was about to suggest tools like gcc instead of compiling manually :D07:11
bobdobbsSorry, I had to jump off for a moment. So if anyone responded to me, I missed it.07:12
bobdobbsBasically, I'm trying to install wine32 on ubuntu 22.04.07:12
bobdobbsBut when I try 'apt-get install wine32' I get this: https://hastebin.com/share/upadipudon.yaml07:13
vltbobdobbs: Where does this package come from in the first place?07:13
bobdobbsvlt: which one? The one I'm trying to install, or the deps that I'm missing?07:14
bobdobbsvlt: afaict, wine32 is in the default repos07:15
bobdobbsI don't know anything about the deps07:15
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vltbobdobbs: What does `apt show wine32 | grep APT` tell you about the package?07:53
simon_would you say I can use telegram desktop on ubuntu without being spied on or should I put telegram desktop into a vm?07:54
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nteodosiosimon_, telegram-desktop is open source, you should be able to tell it doesn't spy your system — as a snap you can confine it even more just to be sure. Of course what the server does with what you send via Telegram is a separate issue that a VM does not solve.08:16
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knightwisei've installed owncloud and have linked my home directory to owncloud08:54
knightwisei run a yunohost server08:54
knightwisewhen i'm logged into the server and i create a file in my home dir its owned by ME (knightwise)08:55
knightwiseWhen i drag a file into owncloud that file is owned by "owncloud"08:55
knightwisehow do i make sure the files in my home dir are visible and editable to both me and owncloud ?08:56
roySomething happened to apparmor and snapd in one of the systems, apparmor service not starting08:59
royCannot for the life of me find the reason, it's like a snowball when apparmor goes crooked08:59
royIt breaks snapd and then broken dependencies with dpkg09:00
royThen docker cannot run any containers09:00
royAbsolute nightmare09:00
sixwheeledbeastdid you try to remove snapd?10:02
oerhekswhy would someone remove snapd?10:04
oerheksthat does not solve apparmor issues10:05
weedmicubuntu uses quite a bit of snap items - i do not recommend its removal.  pls repeat the original posting of issue as I logged in too late10:10
[twisti]my (rp4) ubuntu lts 24 is not getting an inet/ipv4 address for eth0, only for wlan. what can i do ?10:22
[twisti]anything i google suggests commands that dont exist by default on lts 24, which i assume means that they were deprecated and i shouldnt manually install them, since wlan works fine10:23
weedmicdid you try assinging it an address manually - i shall give you a command - sudo ip a add brd + dev eth0 (return) then type - dhclient -4 eth010:28
oerheksare you sure it is the old interface naming?10:34
oerhekseth0 is so 201510:34
jimhello... does DreamTonics SynthV (voice singing synthesizer) work with ubuntu?10:34
oerheksthey give a linux download, so yes? https://dreamtonics.com/en/synthesizerv/10:36
weedmicyou can rename them at will - maybe he should list the cards/assignments he has - ip a10:39
weedmicuse the synaptic manager to see if there is one already designed to work with your version10:40
[twisti]oerheks: it shows up as eth0 when doing ip show10:43
[twisti]i dont want to assign a fixed ip, and dhclient is not installed10:43
jimoerheks, yep, tried with debian, got stuck with a file type issue... could it be that one of dreamtonic's executable file formats are missing in the debian kernel but present on the ubuntu kernel?10:50
jimpart of their instructions say to "double click on the voice database installer file"10:51
jimand running file on that file just says "data"10:51
oerheksjim, no clue, ask their support?10:53
oerheksthere is #ubuntustudio too, but i doubt they support 3rd party packages10:53
jimand trying to "execute" that file (./that-file) says words to the effect "can't execute binary file"10:53
oerheksand #lau linux audio users10:53
oerheksmaybe it needs the execute bit set10:54
jimgreat suggestions... I'll look into those10:54
oerheksright  click, permissions10:54
jimoerheks, yep I did the chmod10:54
jimand I've been in conversation with their support10:55
jimI figured that since thy run on linux, mayb ubuntu is one they run on (perhaps "out of the box") so I'm checking to see if someone has more info. thanks a lot for the pointers, I'll                   look into that; meanwhile if someone else here would like to reply to me I'll stick around here for awhile, and respond. I am an op on #linux so I can also be found there10:58
weedmicif you do not request an ip address and do not assign one - how do you expect to get one?  "i dont want to assign a fixed ip, and dhclient is not installed" - very confused @twisti10:58
jimweedmic, by static (you know the specific IP and arrange to use it manually), or automatic (usually this is accomplished by a DHCP server somewhere on the net, and your              machine would run a DHCP client11:00
jimif you don't get an IP at all, maybe that's you not wanting to participate in IP networking?11:01
jimI'm not so sure how to interpret your question otherwiase11:01
jim(that is, you must have an IP address in order to participate in IP networking)11:02
Yakovi have problem with python3-gimp, could not install with sudo apt install python3-gimp, how to debug?11:43
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jimpastebin the entire output of that command11:45
Yakovjim, is your reply meant for me?11:46
jim(because no information == nothing to go on)11:46
jimsomeone who knows ubuntu well should look at that, and possibly ask for more info11:48
Yakov24.04 Noble11:48
jimhow did you install that?11:48
Yakovsame Unable to locate package gimp-python11:48
Yakovyou mean how did I install OS?11:49
jim(for my own curiousity)11:49
YakovRufus -> ISO -> USB -> install standard drivers11:49
oerheksgimp-python nor python3-gimp is in the repositories.11:51
oerheksthere used to be a package in a PPA, but outdated11:52
BluesKajHi all11:52
jimwhere (exactly: URL) did you get the rufusable image to write to the USB?11:53
jimhi blues11:53
BluesKajhi jim11:54
oerheksjim? he is here for a gimp issue11:54
BluesKajhey oerheks11:55
oerheksmorning BluesKaj11:55
jimwell I'm asking him where he got the image for my own purposes11:55
oerhekslikely https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/noble/release/11:56
Yakovoerheks, how to install?11:56
oerheksYakov, there is no gimp-python or python-gimp plugin11:57
Yakovoerheks so it is not possible to install it now?11:58
oerheksthere used to be one, but that was the python2 era11:59
Yakovso how to proceed if I need scripting python with gimp12:00
oerheksnot sure how, as the debian packages might not match, version number. try the #gimp support channel ?12:01
jimis there an intel (amd64 arch) install media? I only saw arm, s390, ppc, others)12:03
oerheksamd64 serves amd and intel. as amd was the 1st one with 32+64 support on one cpu12:04
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oerheksif you find one, let us know 🤪12:05
jimhmm? has ubuntu dropped intel?!12:06
oerheksi did not write that.12:07
oerheksamd64 serves (both) amd and intel12:09
simon_are there some apps to get a financial overview about the markte12:47
oerhekshttps://snapcraft.io/stox with gui, or tty https://snapcraft.io/ticker12:49
oerhekstons of others too, some are paid https://slashdot.org/software/trading/linux/12:50
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Yakovis that true, folks? quote:from my understanding of flatpak... nothing outside the pak can see what's in it...13:11
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CosmicDJYakov: are you sure you got the direction right? IIRC (most) flatpaks are sandboxed, so they can't see much of what's outside13:18
ogra_you should probably ask that in some flatpack forum/chat ...13:19
ElliriaYou know how a conf file can have parameters like wrap-mode, family, indent, foreground, etc. in it? Is there a list of all possible parameters for conf files?13:19
ogra_(ubuntu does not support flatpak, so this is kind of offtopic here)13:19
oerhekssnaps have settings, not sure flatpak installs something simular13:23
leftyfbElliria: "conf" files aren't universal. Each application has their own with their own settings and restrictions. It's best to read the documentation for the application you're referring to13:24
ElliriaAh, thanks.13:25
simon_oerheks: can I install yahoo finance? XD13:32
Yakovthey have yaml, but I cant find it yet13:32
leftyfbsimon_: it's a website. Go to the website13:32
simon_what is a yaml?13:33
simon_leftyfb: I really do not like uncompfortable websites13:33
leftyfbsimon_: ok, good luck13:33
ElliriaIt's a markup language.13:34
simon_unity-scope-yahoostock/noble this one ? Elliria13:36
leftyfbsimon_: not unless you're running the Unity flavor of ubuntu13:37
leftyfbsimon_: yahoo.com is not an "unformfortable" website13:37
simon_I find firefox is an uncompfortable place13:38
simon_I think you understand why13:38
leftyfbnot at all13:39
leftyfbit's a web browser13:39
ElliriaI've got a Zim config file and was looking for additional parameters. It turns out they're listed in the Zim documentation. That's what I get for not reading the docs.13:39
leftyfbsimon_: if you don't like firefox, use chrome or chromium13:39
leftyfbthough I find it highly unlikely you've got this far without using any sort of web browser13:40
simon_how to know whether I run unite flavour of ubuntu13:42
leftyfbyou aren't13:42
simon_why does my mouse look different when I switch to the konversation app? :D13:46
simon_sad that there is no good app for stonks13:47
ElliriaInteresting. Mine doesn't.13:47
simon_it is not looking white?13:47
leftyfbsimon_: probably because you have konversation, which is a KDE application, installed on top of gnome13:48
webchat91How to solve acpi errors in Ubuntu13:51
leftyfb!paste | webchat91 please post your errors to pastebin13:52
ubottuwebchat91 please post your errors to pastebin: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:52
oerheksstep 1; check for a bios update13:52
Sai14I have selfhosted the nextcloud using IP address and used docker to deploy it and i have deployed in ubuntu . The url is getting http request and says not secure and since i have to use it only for local and i dont want to use https and instead make it secure and please can anyone help me13:54
leftyfbSai14: help you with what exactly?13:55
Sai14how to make it secure13:55
leftyfbyou said you don't want to use https13:55
oerheksthe only valid way to make it secure is to make it https13:55
Sai14got it if i use https is it possible to make the server only to local13:56
leftyfbSai14: if you haven't done any port forwarding for it or reverse proxy, then it is only local13:57
webchat91Bios are my updated now what to do13:57
webchat91To fix acpi errors13:57
leftyfbwebchat91: you have yet to pastebin any errors13:58
Sai14is it possible to deploy nextcloud with https and can anyone help me with the process on ubuntu14:00
leftyfbSai14: https://help.nextcloud.com/t/enable-https-on-nextcloud/16481314:01
leftyfbSai14: https://help.nextcloud.com/t/how-to-enable-custom-ssl-https-on-nextcloud-non-snap-on-ubuntu-22-04/17140814:01
leftyfbSai14: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-nextcloud-on-ubuntu-22-0414:02
hermanoAdding this line in visudo:14:41
hermanogitlab-runner ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/docker-compose up --build --detach14:41
hermano...but when running that command (specified in visudo) from terminal is still get asked about sudo pwd.14:42
leftyfbhermano: are you logged in as gitlab-runner ?14:42
hermanoI tested with another user, same command, then it works. Only difference is that gitlab-runner has a dash in its name.14:43
leftyfbthat's unlikely the issue14:43
hermanoleftyfb, I am logged in as gitlab-runner when executing the command. Adjusting the visudo I have tested both as sudo for gitlab-runner and as root.14:43
leftyfbdoes gitlab-runner have a shell?14:43
leftyfb"as root" doesn't test anything14:43
hermanoleftyfb, The gitlab-runner is created and registered with "shell executor".14:44
leftyfbI have no idea what "shell executor" is14:44
hermanoleftyfb, when registering a gitlab-runner one can choose different "executors".14:44
hermanoleftyfb, I guess you mean the user gitlab-runner if it has a shell. I  can do "sudo su - gitlab-runner" on the server in a terminal.14:45
leftyfbsudo grep gitlab-runner /etc/passwd14:46
hermanoleftyfb, doing a "echo $SHELL" it says "/bin/bash" for user gitlab-runner.14:46
hermanoleftyfb, Answer for that command:14:47
hermanoleftyfb, gitlab-runner:x:1003:1004:User for gitlab-runner:/home/gitlab-runner:/bin/bash14:47
simon_can I run android apps on linux14:52
oerhekssimon_, no. but there are tools like android studio and anbox and such14:55
hermanoleftyfb, this works: gitlab-runner ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/docker-compose up --build --detach14:55
hermanoleftyfb, sligthly different from the first text string i tested to add in visudo.14:56
hermanoleftyfb, I also removed gitlab-runners group membership to sudo, to reduce that gitlab-runner can only use sudo command as defined in visudo.14:58
hermanoleftyfb, works fine.14:58
hermanoleftyfb, Thanks for ideas and input.14:58
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simon_are cookies bad15:47
simon_how to stop cookies affecting my system?15:48
leftyfbsimon_: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_cookie15:48
nteodosioYou seem to be just asking random questions...15:49
oerheksyeah, questions with xd ..15:50
simon_should I only visit a cookie website from a virtual machine?P15:51
leftyfbsimon_: please stop15:52
simon_whats wrong15:52
leftyfbsimon_: this is an ubuntu support channel. Not internet/computer support15:53
leftyfbsimon_: I gave you a link that describes http cookies. Read it. If you have more questions about cookies, try #security15:53
simon_leftyfb: is there a browser which is his own sandbox?15:54
leftyfbsimon_: snap is a sandboxed environment. Firefox is a snap by default on ubuntu. You are good to go15:55
elias1fun fact: you can do a lot of daily things on linux without a GUI15:55
elias1*normal stuff15:56
leftyfbyou can also travel with just your feet, but I wouldn't recommend it15:56
elias1i walked 7 km a few months ago15:57
oerheksusing a desktop without mouse is also fun15:57
elias1to @oerheks: yes15:58
elias1to @oerheks: i did that yesterday, it was good.15:58
elias1how do i change the tail color of the Microsoft Pro Intellimouse, on linux?16:00
elias1it's blue, i can't change it back to red. i need windows to do that.16:01
elias1ok nevermind16:03
simon_interwebs is dangerous place16:04
weedmicthat's pretty specific - should be searchable.  i had an item that required windows to set it, but then it would work on linux.  in the end, i added a vm just for that purpose.16:04
elias1CAN YOU DO THAT ON A WM????????? WOW16:05
elias1i didn't know vm:s could interact with physical hardware16:05
realivanjxshould i be concerned about this kind of log?16:51
realivanjxusb 1-7: usbfs: USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed cmd usbhid-ups rqt 161 rq 1 len 2 ret -11016:51
realivanjxpopping up about every few minutes16:52
rodgerzki set up account, followed link to confirm email adress, Captcha, hit yes im sure....error captcha required! tried every way i could think of....i cant load me device now as it wants an email address your site wont let me verrify!16:54
leftyfbrodgerzk: sorry, which site are you referring to?16:54
rodgerzkyes cand do anything until i verify email...it wont let me!16:56
leftyfbrodgerzk: why are you using staging?16:57
leftyfbrodgerzk: https://login.ubuntu.com/+login16:58
rodgerzkfollowing email verification email16:58
rodgerzkwont let me in until my email is verified16:58
leftyfbrodgerzk: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSO/FAQs16:59
rodgerzkbout to give up entirely on ubuntu.....massive PITA already16:59
leftyfbrodgerzk: you do not need an ubuntu.com account to use ubuntu on a computer17:00
rodgerzknone of those address this issue17:00
leftyfbrodgerzk: lets start with why you are signing up for an ubuntu.com account to begin with?17:01
rodgerzki want to use ubuntu on raspberry pi, start up config says i need an account17:02
leftyfbyou don't17:02
oerheksonly for core on Pi you need a SSO account17:04
oerheksserver first, then desktop17:04
leftyfbrodgerzk: did you download ubuntu core by accident?17:04
rodgerzklooks like it17:04
leftyfboerheks: there's a desktop image for the pi. No need to flash server and then install desktop17:05
leftyfbrodgerzk: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/24.04/release/ubuntu-24.04-preinstalled-desktop-arm64+raspi.img.xz17:05
leftyfbrodgerzk: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/24.04/release/ubuntu-24.04-preinstalled-desktop-arm64+raspi.img.xz17:07
rodgerzkok cool, downloading, ill give it a go, thanks for the help Sir17:08
ghavilIn AWS, I'm seeing that the latest 22.04 LTS AMI (ami-00020716a041292ac) is coming up with 'ImdsSupport' set to v2.0 which prevents using v1. Is this an expected change? It's causing some of our old applications that need v1 to fail.17:21
leftyfbghavil: sounds like a question for Amazon AWS17:22
leftyfbor Canonical17:22
ghavilHmm, this should be set when the AMI's are built, I think that's part of the cloud-image build process on the canonical side17:22
zakariaHello people,  encountered an issue after restarting the installation process for windows 10 ltsc 32bit on kvm virt-manager on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. The error message displayed is: Windows Setup could not configure Windows to run on this computer's hardware.20:21
zakariaSame issue with gnome boxes20:21
pragmaticenigmazakaria, This is probably a limitation of the Windows 10 LTSC 32 bit OS release. If I had to guess, Microsoft probably made sure that the 32-bit version of Windows 10 & 11 only runs on 32-bit CPUs20:28
pragmaticenigmazakaria, there really isn't anything anyone here can do about your issue, as it is a Microsoft Windows issue, not a virt-manager or gnome boxes issue. Those appear to be working, it is the guest OS that is failing to run based on its own internal system checks.20:29
sixwheeledbeastprobably not the best channel to ask that. more qemu question. I'd guess you need some 32bit arch dependencies installing I don't recall any in there as default.20:29
oerheksenterprise windows..20:30
zakariaI have used Windows 7 starter edition 32bit It worked without any issue20:42
pragmaticenigmazakaria, its not an issue with your virtualization... Windows itself is failing compatibility check of its own definition. There is nothing anyone here will beable to help you with. You explination shows that the system boots, but Windows itself has determined it is unable to run. That's a Windows problem. Not a virtual machine problem.20:44
zakariaAlright glad to hear that, I was afraid its from my Ubuntu or my hardware. Thanks for your time <320:46
oerheksmaybe a license issue https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/windows-setup-could-not-configure-windows-to-run/9e2c46a9-39a3-4214-8d0e-d4f2b9488b0820:47
zakariaNope it's not about license, when I bootup I have installed windows 10 on the vdisk after reboot It can't complete its configuration process and setup its services20:49
oerheksgood luck20:54
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bobdobbsvlt: are you around?22:34
bobdobbsvlt: if so: sorry, I had to go away from terminal last night22:34
vltbobdobbs: o/22:35
caralhoUbuntu took them from us during the night.22:35
caralhoThis is an AI vlt replacement trained on their irc content.22:35
bobdobbsvlt: so yeah, yesterday you were helping deal with my wine32 installation woes22:36
vltbobdobbs: Glad I could help by simply pointing to `apt show` :D22:36
bobdobbswell, that's more troubleshooting than I know about apt22:37
bobdobbsWhen hitting package management issues, my policy used to be to reinstally my os completely22:37
bobdobbsI've never managed to understand how package management works22:38
bobdobbsanyway, apt-show show me this: 'APT-Sources: http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy/universe i386 Packages'22:38
bobdobbsSo I guess that that is showing me a customised source for wine32?22:39
vltbobdobbs: No, that looks fine to me, I just realised that you’re running an i386 system; on my amd64 machine, I couldn’t find a pkg wine32.22:44
bobdobbsvlt: I'm in territory that I don't know about. I believe that there are two packages: wine32 and wine64. I have wine64 installed.22:45
vltbobdobbs: Can you show /etc/apt/sources.list and files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/, if any?22:48
bobdobbscat /etc/apt/sources.list:   https://hastebin.com/share/owabaqapik.shell22:50
bobdobbsdammit - hastebin won't let me use it anymore22:51
bobdobbsdirectory listing of /etc/apt/sources.list.d:   https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/YdrQkchDZ2/22:52
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vltbobdobbs: There’s a lot going on in sources.list.d/ that *could* cause dependency problems.23:11

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