
blucahi - salsa.debian.org seems unreachable again from the s390x testbed08:57
blucaworks fine on other arches08:57
bluca257s fatal: unable to access 'https://salsa.debian.org/systemd-team/systemd.git/': Failed to connect to salsa.debian.org port 443 after 134615 ms: Couldn't connect to server08:57
blucahas been happening since yesterday morning or so08:57
andersson123bluca: looking :D10:20
andersson123bluca: I've submitted a fix, once it gets merged I'll ping you and an hour or so after that you can retry your test10:44
andersson123bluca: you can retry your test now if you please :) 13:12
blucawill do, thanks for taking care of it13:23
blucait works again now, thanks!16:56

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