
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== fauxpride- is now known as fauxpride
=== itu is now known as Guest1627
=== Guest1627 is now known as itu
=== Juesto is now known as Juest
=== crazybyte28 is now known as crazybyte2
UnivrslSuprBoxI'm still often getting errors when trying to browse around ubuntu.com/security/notices. For example, HTTP 500 on https://ubuntu.com/security/notices?order=newest&release=noble&details=&offset=10 (which might resolve itself if it manages to generate the page once, I suppose)21:35
sarnoldyeah, it's a very sad service21:35
sarnoldexpect it to be bad for a while21:35
sarnoldif you want to relive the 90s, but this time with git, https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cve-tracker/tree/active  and ..../ignored and ..../retired  may be helpful21:36

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