
xu-help13wHello, I run Xubuntu 24.04 on my laptop. When I close the lid, the laptop still remains running, so that after a while the battery is empty. When I open the lid again, the system is frozen and I had to do a hard reboot. Can somebody help me?17:33
tomreynxu-help13w: try a bios update17:36
oerheksIf you installed TLP, it conflicts with laptop-mode-tools17:39
xu-help13wWhat is TLP?17:40
oerheksit is a tool with scripts to save battery life, fancontrol and more. https://linrunner.de/tlp/index.html17:42
oerheksnot really needed17:42
xu-help13wI have no TLP on the Laptop17:43
xu-help13wFor this laptop from 2012 there is no BIOS update at Medion available17:49
oerheksoke, than that is ruled out. i found this, "the laptop does not suspend when the lid closes." https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=248245717:51
oerheksalso after waking up, it can take up to a minute to restore fully, with networking and such17:52
xu-help13wI see no answer in that chat. Do I miss something?17:54
oerheksxfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p /xfce4-power-manager/logind-handle-lid-switch -n -t bool -s false17:54
xu-help13wPS: when i had 20.04 as before, there was no problem17:55
xu-help13wseems to be a 24.04 problem17:55
oerheksall settings should be in XFCE power manager17:57
xu-help13wAh, I found it, I will check17:59

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