
valorieI doubt that Ubuntu would want to sponsor another spin either - Erich is getting pushback on his ask for a minimal install01:20
valorieesp. for Studio01:20
sgmooreWhile it's not specifically Kubuntu, I can tell you Canonical is sponsoring Plasma 6 on Core iteration, which is being led by KDE's own Kevin Ottens.08:33
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Hmmm. Forgive me if I get this wrong technically. Wouldn't immutable, conflict / overlap with what snaps and apparmour are seeking to achieve08:44
arraybolt3sgmoore: odd, isn't that the domain of flavors to work on?17:29
arraybolt3Having a Plasma 6 Core distro is *going* to cause confusion with Kubuntu.17:30
arraybolt3If others want to do the work, that's fine, but I would think governance would have to be with us.17:30
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> The governance is Canonical and funding. We are spread so thin as is and couldn't possibly take on the enormous amount of work that is going into making it happen. For free. I don't see it as harmful to Kubuntu as it promotes KDE and it will attract a different market of users. I reckon once the initial work is done we could fairly easy do a Kubuntu spin.17:41
arraybolt3fair enough18:13
valoriewow, Canonical finally sees the Plasma light - years late19:24
valorieYEARS late19:24

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