[04:12] good morning [19:21] * SamuelMarks goes brb [19:21] o/ [19:22] ok so the consensus is that I backup everything and reinstall Ubuntu but on a different filesystem that supports snapshots [19:22] ? [19:22] there's https://docs.zfsbootmenu.org/en/v2.3.x/guides/ubuntu/noble-uefi.html, which looks reasonable. I followed https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/Getting%20Started/Ubuntu/Ubuntu%2022.04%20Root%20on%20ZFS.html though [19:22] * SamuelMarks record for most OSs on one machine is 5 [19:22] SamuelMarks: that's not my proposal for solving your current problem, it's my recommendation for avoiding it in the future. Or at least possibly avoiding it. [19:23] I've had macos, windows and linux on the same. All different SSDs though. [19:23] backups are also a good idea :p [19:23] Yes... [19:23] how fast are clean installs on ssd's these days [19:23] I've had SOlaris, FreeBSD, Windows, Linux, macOS (specifically hackint0sh Mac OS X) [19:23] (if you want to use ZFSBootMenu, make sure to not use a separate dataset for /boot, put it onto / ) [19:24] lotuspsychj3: everything important is public on my github anyway :P [19:24] good [19:25] https://github.com/openzfsonwindows/openzfs - ok so maybe I can hack this together [19:26] I've got a free 64GB partition let me try and get Windows and Linux installed there and if that works I'll incrementally move the data across to that until I have one big 1TB partition [19:27] SamuelMarks: last I've seen, ZFS on Windows is very alpha [19:28] I wouldn't use it there. Even ZFS on MacOS is not as stable as on linux. (And I've used it on MacOS for a decade or so...) [19:28] well... I would have if I'd still boot MacOS) [19:29] so btrfs then? [19:31] may murphy have pitty on your data [19:31] that thing isn't even stable on linux I think [19:32] ok I need to think if I can be bothered risking everything ntfs2btrfs [19:36] you actually need windows? :) [19:36] I never really used it beyond a few games while using MacOS, and now on linux, every game I've tried worked just fine in proton or lutris [20:08] cbreak - yeah I do cross-platform development