[00:19] UWN: Opening 851 shortly for the day's update. [00:42] Saved and out. [01:11] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Colin Watson: Free software activity in July 2024 @ https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~cjwatson/blog/activity-2024-07.html [01:11] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: How Canonical enables PCI-DSS compliance @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/how-canonical-enables-pci-dss-compliance [02:55] * guiverc soon to paste (uwn 851) [02:58] * guiverc out [03:24] * guiverc pasting [03:26] * guiverc out [04:40] Eickmeyer, if you want me to tweak wording on summary/final.sentence, just say so (or PM me)... off walking dog now, but will return... [05:55] * guiverc pasting [05:59] * guiverc out [07:23] * guiverc about to paste summaries [08:01] * guiverc pasted & was out long ago sorry ^ [20:22] UWN: Opening 851 for the Saturday ops - nothing new found to add. [22:18] UWN: Saturday ops completed - saved and put. Away for a spell to allow the lawn mower to beat up on me.