
kingkeithThe "offical" Minecraft lancher updater has glitched out and does not close when clicking the x button02:05
kingkeithAny idea how to close it?02:05
kingkeithIs that a ip address?02:12
kingkeithIm perplexed02:12
kingkeithWhat is this02:12
kingkeithI have a question02:15
kingkeithAny one know how to get discord to work? I tried wine and setting the correct address, but it refuses to work with the error msg:"execvp: permission denied"02:18
kingkeith*I set the correct address which gave this error, i doubt it was wine02:19
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> Ah hmm there's a native Linux client that you can use02:21
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> If we are talking about the discord voice chat app thing02:22
kingkeithI installed the tar.gz discord02:23
kingkeithIdk the correct one for kubuntu02:23
kingkeithIts like the Minecraft launcher but i was able to run that without any issues02:24
kingkeithThe discord website had options i might try the .deb02:25
kingkeithnvm it didn't have any applacation02:27
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> Discord downloads page has a Deb file which at least for me has worked without any additional configuration.02:29
kingkeithI took a look at properties and found that both are set to executable02:29
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> It even updates itself02:29
kingkeithWine doesn't seem to do anything02:30
kingkeithwelp i was stupid02:31
kingkeithI got it to work02:31
kingkeithAny way thank you for helping02:33
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== zul is now known as wakkarto
BluesKajHi all11:40
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=== wodencafe2 is now known as wodencafe
=== unclea is now known as Holmessss

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