
IrcsomeBot<TheAnonymousbg> About my audio fiasco 😐does anyone knows how to fix it01:39
IrcsomeBot<TheAnonymousbg> ?01:39
IrcsomeBot<rcpp85> If it's only 10, you can list only the nine you need. If it's bigger, I know you can ignore some, but don't know from heart. (re @CatchMe007: Hello all,01:41
IrcsomeBot<rcpp85> Suppose I found 10 updates by typing "sudo apt update" in terminal but I don't want 1 update, i.e I want to install 9 out of 10 updates. Is it possible to exclude one update from terminal?01:41
IrcsomeBot<rcpp85> Thanks)01:41
IrcsomeBot<ykruH> vim set on hold.08:30
IrcsomeBot<ykruH> $ apt-mark showhold08:30
IrcsomeBot<ykruH> vim08:30
IrcsomeBot<ykruH> $ apt-mark unhold vim08:30
IrcsomeBot<ykruH> Canceled hold on vim.08:30
IrcsomeBot<ykruH> $ apt-mark hold vim08:31
IrcsomeBot<ykruH> vim set on hold.08:31
IrcsomeBot<ykruH> $ apt-mark showhold08:31
IrcsomeBot<ykruH> vim08:31
IrcsomeBot<ykruH> $ apt-mark unhold vim08:31
IrcsomeBot<ykruH> Canceled hold on vim.08:31
BluesKajHi all11:49
=== JoelJoel is now known as Joel
daumhi all - somehow when uninstalling wine it has caused my entire X system to be uninstalled, mysql no longer can boot, etc.  Not sure how it went so wrong.  Is there a way i could do a "warm" install of kubuntu to get back to normal?13:50
daumgot kde to finally load via apt install --reinstall kde-plasma-desktop but it's having trouble finding the sddm themes and all sorts of other issues13:56
daumah saw there is a reinstall kubuntu-desktop trying that13:59
daumbrb trying reboot after that13:59
daumseems that did it14:02
=== VanUnamed_ is now known as VanUnamed

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