
rbasakNeither the nominated chair nor their nominated backup are here.19:05
rbasakI'm not sure there's much to discuss though.19:05
rbasakI did start an ML thread as was an action item for me from last time, but nobody has replied.19:06
bdrungI haven't made up my mind regarding PPU for core packages.19:06
rbasakAnything to discuss now about that? Or no meeting today?19:15
bdrungIt's probably better to discuss it in a bigger group.19:15
bdrungor via the ML19:15
bdrungso I am okay with no meeting today19:16
teward*burps loudly*19:17
tewardrbasak: i'm here but i was late due to a phone call for work19:17
tewardi don't see anything pressing that needs a meeting19:18
tewardutkarsh even said as such on their email to devel permissions19:18
* bdrung looks in his mail client19:18
teward> As I’m traveling back from DebConf, I won’t make it to today’s meeting. I don’t see anything pressing on the agenda either. < - that was from utkarsh19:19
tewardi haven't made up my mind for PPU for Core Packages yet either19:19
tewardbut i don't think we need a live discussion on it (ML should be sufficient)19:20

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