
justme_Hi just wanna update on my kernel issue. Thankfully got a friend around the server today and we got it booted on a earlier kernel version and now the virtualbox is able to start the vm's works again. I do have also found out that thankfully I werent the only one facing the issue00:57
justme_So now the server is set to always boot on the earlier kernel at least for now. and thank you all for the help with the guide links00:59
tomreynjustme_: i haven't followed or don't remember the earlier conversation. virtualbox is a desktop virtualization software - if you want something to run on servers, you should consider qemu instead.01:23
tomreyn(this said, it's nice that you found a temporary workaround to the issue you ran into. if those are ubuntu virtualbox packages, you might want to file a bug against those.)01:25
leftyfbor lxd, especially if you only need server "vm's01:25
justme_tomreyn well the reason that it's virtualbox headless on that ubuntu server is because its just a few smaller vm's ( and have planned because of this situation to move three of them to docker ).01:29
justme_and since the server there is the host also is used to alot other things on the bare metal. And about Qemu tbh I have never been able to figure it out so that was why it olways just stayed on the virtualbox headless ( also since its not public accessable )01:29
justme_tomreyn I feel it would be wrong of me to file a bug on it since that branch of virtualbox reached EoL january this year and the only reason I'm staying on it for now is that there arent prober remote management tools for the headless in the newer version01:36
justme_but yeah I'm also looking into both moving the two windows vm's and one linux desktop vm to another virtulisation platform like possible learning qemu01:36
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tomreynjustme_: if you can be bothered to configure your guest systems (containers and VMs) using a CLI, incus is probably a good choice, since it can manage either: https://linuxcontainers.org/incus/01:43
tomreynlibvirt also can do so to some degree, though, IIRC, and it's the usual companion to quemu, plus it also offers a GUI you can use remotely from your desktop via SSH.01:44
leftyfbtomreyn: I would recommend LXD over incus. Incus is only available in the noble repos01:45
leftyfblxd added back in other OS's as part of it's images which was the only advantage incus had over LXD for a bit. The only reason for incus at this point is for childish politics01:46
justme_tomreyn thank you very much I will defiantely take a look. And I have no problem at all to configure over ssh the only issue I just had with virtualbox were purely I were used to their gui though when I create vm's that is done from the terminal.01:50
justme_leftyfb gotcha, thanks for that info. I'll defiantely take a look at both01:50
leftyfbjustme_: sudo snap install lxd ; lxd init ; lxc launch ubuntu:24.04 myfirstcontainer01:51
leftyfbjustme_: 3 commands and you're running a container01:51
justme_ohh a snap well then it's a no thanks unfortunately01:53
leftyfbjustme_: yeah, I also had when my packages work fine and are more secure01:53
justme_sure it's more secure but it gives also a extreme IO overrhead and slows the systems so no thanks its a thing I always uninstall01:55
justme_since it's so poorly optimized even when it arent used01:55
justme_actually it's true I literally feel the slow down and mesured with time commands the additianal disk IO overhead01:56
justme_like on my desktop jjust by installing 1 snap program and not even having it started there were a 5% slowdown from the aditional mounts etc that it uses all times01:57
justme_so snapd is always removed as the first and blocked in apt01:58
tomreynfwiw, incus is packaged via apt. but 24.04+ only, as lefty mentioned.02:00
justme_tomreyn actually found out that the main developer has released a repo for 22.04 so think I'm gonna try it on a spare server first just to learn it02:03
realivanjxdo i need to install the package watchdog if i use system.conf watchdog configurations?03:19
realivanjxif not then how do i apply the changes there03:19
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realivanjx6weird that after making sure iTCO_wdt isnt in modprobe blacklist and adding it to /etc/modules, it still wont load automatically after reboot03:56
realivanjx6had to use the crontab @reboot03:57
realivanjx6is /etc/modules ignored on ubuntu?03:57
=== realivanjx6 is now known as realivanjx
sam_wongSorry, simply test connection04:16
=== travisghansen7 is now known as travisghansen
=== TheCaptain8980 is now known as TheCaptain898
fazio83good morning I can speak in italian?07:06
CosmicDJfazio83: try one of the local ubuntu channels https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList07:06
fazio83buongiorno qualcuno parla italiano?07:08
fazio83in questo canale07:08
fazio83qualcuno mi può rispondere?07:09
fazio83I have as system feren os07:09
fazio83firefox is slow whitch browser light I can install on this pc?07:10
realivanjxare you using gnome? maybe switch to lighter DE07:15
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BluesKajHi all11:49
tuxick"Could not connect to archive.ubuntu.com:443" is this a joke?13:06
CosmicDJtuxick: I bet you never had any downtime whatsoever13:07
tuxickyou mean they occasionaly do allow https?13:08
ioriai did not know archive.ubuntu.com was an https 44313:08
tuxickbut why not?13:09
ioriaask them13:09
tuxickpicked a mirror that does do https13:11
geirhathe deb packages don't contain anything sensitive that requires encryption to hide, and the package lists are pgp signed, so you'll get an error message if a mitm tries to send you modified packages13:14
tuxickyes, i agree it's false sense of security13:17
lotuspsychj3no incidents today13:17
tuxickbut i'm dealing with on-premise servers managed by people who mess around with firewalls13:17
=== Randy_ is now known as coderandy
=== JoelJoel is now known as Joel
BertAnyone here using Ubuntu 24.04 and Totem? I've noticed that when I scroll inside a video file I constantly get "Internal data stream error" and I've noticed issues with other gstreamer players too. I'm trying to figure out if this is a universal issue in the 24.04 version of gstreamer or some kind of curse on specifically my install13:53
lotuspsychj3wich filetype are you trying to play Bert13:55
Bertlotuspsychj3: mkv Input #0, matroska,webm, from 'test_gstreamer.mkv':13:58
lotuspsychj3did you install any plugins for totem13:59
BertStream #0:0(eng): Video: h264 (High), yuv420p(progressive), 1920x820 [SAR 1:1 DAR 96:41], 23.98 fps, 23.98 tbr, 1k tbn (default) Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: dts (DTS), 48000 Hz, 5.1(side), fltp, 1536 kb/s (default) Stream #0:2(eng): Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 224 kb/s13:59
Bertlotuspsychj3: I did "sudo apt install totem" and used it as is13:59
BertI was using xplayer and clapper before, noticed a bug in there, and wanted to see if I could replicate it in totem, but totem seems worse off :P13:59
lotuspsychj3i cant even seem to play any movie (on 24.04 totem)14:00
Bertyeah it seems extremely broken14:00
BertI think there's something really not right with Ubuntu 24.04's gstreamer14:00
Bertbut no one seems to have noticed, which is very odd14:00
Bertlotuspsychj3: are you getting some kind of error or is it just frozen?14:01
aberrantmorning all. I installed clangd-15 but `clangd` is still showing not found - `clangd-15` works. What's the proper way to create the necessary aliases?14:01
lotuspsychj3Bert: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=014:01
lotuspsychj3lets see if your/my bug is in here14:01
Bertlotuspsychj3: there are no bugs filed against noble14:02
Bertthat's why I came to ask :P14:02
Bertwhat player does base Ubuntu ship with by default? Celluloid?14:03
lotuspsychj3mpv i think14:03
Bertyeah Celluloid is an mpv frontend14:03
lotuspsychj3file a new bug Bert14:05
lotuspsychj3and ill see if i can reproduce14:06
Bertyeah, I wanted to be sure it wasn't just me before filing a bug14:06
Bertdo I file bugs against all the players I have weird bugs in, then also file a gstreamer bug?14:06
lotuspsychj3it surely seems borked on my side14:06
BertI'm quite sure it's an underlying gstreamer issue14:06
lotuspsychj33 videos dont play here14:07
Bertthings play for me but once I scroll it just errors and stops14:07
lotuspsychj3maybe we need to install some codecs first14:08
Bertthose should be dependencies14:08
Bertand I have nice, bad and ugly installed14:09
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Bertafaik it should give you a message if it doesn't know how to play the file14:13
lotuspsychj3Bert: i install ubuntu-restricted-extras and the bad plugins, now its playing14:15
lotuspsychj3cant reproduce by scrolling14:15
Bertso you don't get any errors at all?14:16
lotuspsychj3totem[1883201]: Missing plugin: gstreamer|1.0|totem|E-AC-3 (ATSC A/52B) decoder|decoder-audio/x-eac3 (E-AC-3 (ATSC A/52B) decoder14:16
lotuspsychj3from journal14:16
lotuspsychj3but not in totems window14:17
BertThis seems to be a specific file14:17
lotuspsychj3keep a journalctl -f open while messing with totem, see if you can catch something14:19
Bertcan you specifically try an mkv file, lotuspsychj3?14:19
lotuspsychj3Bert: if you share it and its legal sure14:20
Bertsadly these are movies14:21
BertI obtained them legally but I can't share them legally14:21
lotuspsychj3you cant share warez here indeed14:21
Bertit's against my principles too :P14:21
lotuspsychj3scrolling with mouse makes it lag a bit on some here Bert14:22
Bertlotuspsychj3: oh you should aggresively scroll back and forth with mouse and the arrow keys14:24
Bertit takes some effort but at some point things will freeze14:24
lotuspsychj3lets see14:24
Bertor video will but audio will continue to work14:24
Bertthat's the underlying bug I've been trying to catch14:24
Bertthe one I'm getting with mkv is seemingly unrelated14:24
Bertbut the scrolling one I get on every single gstreamer player14:25
BertI've been able to replicate it on clapper and xplayer too14:25
Bertnot on gtk4-demo but that might be because it's implemented very differently14:25
lotuspsychj3totem[1884229]: No installation candidate for missing plugins found.14:26
lotuspsychj3cant seem to invoke more errors14:26
BertI guess I'm gonna have to dig deeper14:27
lotuspsychj3start totem from terminal Bert14:28
lotuspsychj3see if something spits out14:28
Bertlotuspsychj3: I always launch it from the terminal but it never says anything14:31
Bertso if I open https://download.blender.org/peach/bigbuckbunny_movies/big_buck_bunny_720p_h264.mov in the terminal and I scroll to the end and scroll back and forth, unpause then scroll a little more it freezes even though it thinks it's playing14:32
Bertthis is similar to the problems I see in xplayer and clapper, but is seemingly unrelated to the totem-specific issue I have with MKVs14:32
Bertlotuspsychj3: ah interesting, the Internal data stream error is a subtitle problem14:40
Bertit autoselects danish and gets confused by that, somehow14:40
Bertgotta go but I will get to the bottom of this lotuspsychj3!14:45
lotuspsychj3okay good luck!14:45
BertThanks, I'll try and remember to mention you here with the launchpad links :)14:47
lotuspsychj3use ubuntu-bug packagename Bert14:48
BertI already did for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/livi/+bug/2076098 no worries :)14:49
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2076098 in livi (Ubuntu) "Livi crashes on startup with livi_gst_paintable_video_renderer_create_video_sink: assertion failed" [Undecided, New]14:49
lotuspsychj3lets see14:54
lotuspsychj3seems to work on gnome for me Bert14:55
BertI'm guessing it's a dependency issue for livi14:56
=== tom_ is now known as paul424
belovedsandwormshit. have to update ubuntu17:11
belovedsandwormpray for me broethers17:11
junyxbelovedsandworm om mani padme hum17:14
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lotuspsychj3welcome xbox17:53
xboxQuestion what are some good apps for 10.0 ubuntu i can install via sudo apt17:54
lotuspsychj310.0 ?17:54
xboxyes im running it on my xbox 360, FREE60 which is based off old ubuntu lol17:55
leftyfbxbox: sorry, but we cannot support that here17:56
xboxcan do thanks anyways17:56
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alex__Hello. I hope I've come to the right place. If I wanted to build my own linux distro, where's the best place to start?18:51
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=== Sidewyz1 is now known as Sidewyz
enigma9o7Well, probably not the right place, since this is Ubuntu support.  You may wanna start with something like LFS.20:16
oerhekshello rain, do you have an ubuntu support issue? lets not type random messages again.21:17
bprompt!topic | rain21:18
ubotturain: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic21:18
rainhi! i have ubuntu studio 24.04lts 6.8.0-39-lowlatency (64-bittinen) G x11 !discovery doesn't not work and it does not opens21:20
enigma9o7How are you trying to open !discovery21:21
Eickmeyerrain: Known bug, check the release notes, linked on the Ubuntu Studio website.21:22
enigma9o7Also, what is !discovery and how did you install it?21:22
EickmeyerAlso has a workaround in the release notes.21:22
EickmeyerLesson: Always read release notes when encountering issues.21:23
enigma9o7Eickmeyer is brilliant cuz he reads docs.21:23
Eickmeyerenigma9o7: I wrote the docs21:23
enigma9o7Ah, I guess it was too much to imagine someone actually reading them, my mistake.21:24
EickmeyerNah. I just see people come in with a problem like that and it's obvious they didn't try to find help for themselves first.21:25
AavarI dont like not being able to edit /etc/resolv.conf on my server and having a nameserver running on localhost. Is the right way to change this to stop and disable the service systemd-resolvd and replace /etc/resolv.conf?21:48
leftyfbAavar: edit your netplan config21:49
leftyfbthat's the proper way to configure your nameserver(s)21:50
Aavarleftyfb: I understand, but is that the right way if I don't want the localhost nameserver?21:50
Aavar(like the way it is in debian for example)21:51
leftyfbAavar: if you like the way Debian is, don't change anything as it's exactly the same setup21:53
leftyfbI just spun up this Debian 12 container https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kYFcTMvjNk/21:54
leftyfbexcept they're not using netplan. But systemd-resolved is running the caching server21:55
Aavarleftyfb: it is not. I just ran a clean debian install and /etc/resolv.conf has my nameserver. Not localhost21:56
leftyfbAavar: the Debian 12 container I just installed 1 minute ago would disagree with you21:56
Aavarleftyfb: does it matter?21:56
leftyfbAavar: either way, when I type "ubuntu disable systemd-resolved" into google, one of the first links is https://gist.github.com/zoilomora/f7d264cefbb589f3f1b1fc2cea2c844c which should work for you21:57
Aavarleftyfb: thank you. I think that is exactly what I am looking for :D21:58
Aavaronly... I am not using network manager...21:59
leftyfbthen ignore that 1 change22:00
Aavarok, thank you22:00
Paul_J_2024Hi All, i'm trying to install gtk+ 4 and i keep getting an error which I have not been able to find a way around online22:42
enigma9o7Perhaps if you share that error here, someone may be able to help you Paul_J_2024 ?22:46
oerheks!info libgtk-4-dev22:47
ubottulibgtk-4-dev (4.14.2+ds-1ubuntu1, noble): development files for the GTK library. In component main, is optional. Built by gtk4. Size 918 kB / 12,413 kB22:47
enigma9o7Or if you're just looking for sympathy, sorry to hear that, I know web searching can be rough.22:47
Paul_J_2024subprojects/gobject-introspection/tools/meson.build:42:10: ERROR: Tried to override finding of executable "g-ir-scanner" which has already been found.22:47
Paul_J_2024To give you background, I'm trying to rebuild Meld from the github source code, I used it before but when I installed it on this machine, i get an error when loading it. So I thought maybe if i can build it from the source like I do when I install HandBrake, maybe it'll make it work, this is not proving as easy as I had hoped22:56
SamuelMarksMy poor poor CPUs can't handle my screen :( - 70% average with just irssi and System Monitor running22:59
SamuelMarksAMD driver install didn't fix anything. Suggestions? - Happy to try another distribution23:00
oerheksPaul_J_2024, not sure meld supports yet gtk+4 https://meldmerge.org/23:00
SamuelMarks`diff`erent strokes23:01
oerhekswe do have the latest stable https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meld23:01
oerhekson noble, that is23:01
Paul_J_2024Samuel, what processor etc do u have, i'm running Ubuntu on a HP Mini-PC and a Gaming PC connected to a 48" 4K and both run smooth23:04
Paul_J_2024Oer I have that package, when i try to build that I get meson.build:19:0: ERROR: Dependency "gtk+-3.0" not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake23:05
enigma9o7Have you tried installing the dependency?23:05
Paul_J_2024But my system insists GTK+ 3.0 is installed, was hoping upgrading the GTK might fix it23:05
Paul_J_2024libgtk-3-dev is already the newest version (3.24.41-4ubuntu1.1).23:06
SamuelMarksPaul_J_2024: I have a Alienware Alienware m17 R5 AMD with AMD Ryzen™ 9 6900HX with Radeon™ Graphics × 16 and 32GiB of RAM connected to builtlin laptop screen23:07
enigma9o7it doesn't tell you an actual file it's looking for eh?23:07
SamuelMarksYou can try `ldd`?23:07
leftyfbSamuelMarks: did you check your BIOS to see if your discrete GPU is maybe disabled?23:08
SamuelMarksleftyfb: no because my GPU works fine on Windows (dual boot)23:08
enigma9o7did you instal the build depends for meld package?23:08
SamuelMarksI also checked all the updates to confirm23:08
enigma9o7sudo apt build-dep meld23:08
leftyfbSamuelMarks: just because you have video on Windows doesn't mean it's using the discrete GPU23:08
SamuelMarksok let me double-check; I mean I was able to load LLMs into my GPU on WIndows alos23:09
* SamuelMarks reboot23:09
leftyfbLLM's will work without a discrete GPU23:09
Paul_J_2024Enigma, yeah I ran that, still get the GTK+ error, but the system insists it's installed, tried purging it and re-instaling it, feel like i'm losing my mind lol23:11
SamuelMarksok so it was all enabled23:12
SamuelMarksI tried disabling hybrid graphics and rebooting and my CPUs are slightly higher load than before now23:13
leftyfbSamuelMarks: at this point, you've been dealing with this for weeks. I'm willing to bet a fresh install will resolve your issue23:14
SamuelMarksPop_os is almost out with a rust de; maybe I'll try that then23:15
oerheksfirmware update manager ..23:15
leftyfbSamuelMarks: good luck. Pop_OS isn't supported here23:15
SamuelMarksneither is my hefty laptop running Ubuntu 24.04 :(23:16
leftyfbSamuelMarks: running a broken install of 24.0423:16
leftyfbSamuelMarks: try a fresh install23:16
SamuelMarksOk I'll backup my web-browser profiles first23:17
SamuelMarksWait does the latest ubuntu installer handle the case of overwriting just the /usr, /etc, /var, /bin but not user profiles and whatever23:19
leftyfbSamuelMarks: you already tried a new user and said it didn't make a difference23:19
leftyfbthe whole point of the new install is to start from scratch. Once everything is working the way you want, then restore your files23:19
leftyfbalso, please tell me you don't have separate partitions for everything23:20
SamuelMarksleftyfb: nah just two partitions; NTFS and ext423:20

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