
=== Anthaas2 is now known as Anthaas
enigma9o7Welcome ludvig.00:48
ludvig_is there a linux mint channel here00:49
ludvig_or some chat00:49
ludvig_some offtopics where i can talk about irrelevant things00:49
oerhekslinux mint  is on OFTC ?00:51
oerhekssee their homepage?00:52
bpromptludvig_: try -> /join #ubuntu-offtopic00:52
ludvig_What's that? OFTC?00:52
ludvig_bprompt: Thanks for the help00:52
ludvig_I noticed there's not really a channel list feature here like there is on HexChat.00:53
ludvig_Having that there made it so much easier to look for and join channels00:53
bpromptludvig_: well, there is and there isn't, one sec00:53
oerheksthere is.00:53
ludvig_I haven't found it00:53
oerhekshexchat > server > channellist00:54
bpromptludvig_: there's the /alis services, which is so-so, or you can use something like netsplit.de/channels/?net=Libera.Chat   and there you can search channels or topics, once you find one you want, simple come here and type /join WHATEVERCHANNELNAME00:54
ludvig_oerheks: No i know of that00:55
bpromptludvig_: try typing -> /join #ubuntu-offtopic  <--- to join that channel00:55
ludvig_I did00:55
enigma9o7linux mint is on spotchat, not oftc.01:00
oerheksoh, mixed up with Debian then01:04
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
archpcI can’t seem to find any ARM64 desktop images for Ubuntu Noble. Is there a mirror or alternative source that I might be overlooking?03:30
Bashing-omarchpc: DDG shows: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/noble/release/ :D03:40
archpcthank you! I must've missed that link, thank you :D03:42
oerheksand only live server arm64 on https://torrent.ubuntu.com/tracker_index03:42
=== olli-toshiba is now known as OlliC
Guest57Hello everyone. I'm using the new 24.04 desktop installer, switching over from Fedora, and want to keep my partition scheme (which includes 2 LUKS encrypted partitions). I do not see any option that allows me to decrypt the LUKS with the manual install selection.06:17
Guest57I tried doing "Cryptsetup luksOpen" before starting the installer, and still it recognizes the partitions as "crypto_LUKS" type, and doesn't allow me to decrypt or use those partitions without formatting them...06:18
haliaeetusYou can install on other partitions @Guest57, just leave the luks encrypted partitions alone, or am I misunderstanding something?06:34
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
haliaeetusWhen you want to see them, you can add them to crypttab for them to be automatically opened at startup06:35
Guest57haliaeetus I'm actually trying to keep my home partition which is LUKS encrypted, not format it, but use it as my home partition under the new Ubuntu installation.06:35
noob43Hi, I've read numerous articles on Ubuntu forum and chapters from books on back ups, but still don't really feel confident. I know I could backup folders etc to an external drive or serve. I know I could do a system snapshot with Clonezilla, but not really sure on the best way to go about things...how many people here use the Deja Dup utility that06:35
noob43comes with Ubuntu for everything?06:35
Guest57noob43 You can look into rsync, or fsarchiver (which supports compression).06:36
haliaeetusAh, I understand, I guess the installer want to format the partition it is going to be installed on06:37
haliaeetusI have no idea then06:37
noob43Guest57 I know about rsync too, which somewhat adds to the confusion....that is more for system to system backups I think and just for folders, not system-wide06:38
Guest57haliaeetus Exactly, I see no way of having the installer allow me to decrypt the partition, then use the decrypted partition to install. Hell, there's no options to even create an encrypted partition in the manual formatting options...06:38
Guest57noob43 What do you mean not system-wide if it's system to system backups? fsarchiver will allow you to backup partitions to compressed files, using only the space that the files/directories on that partition used up. Then you can restore that backup to any partition of an equal or larger size.06:40
noob43Guest57 my understanding that rsync was for backing up individual files and folders, not a complete snapshot of entire system. System to system meaning two computers connected to the internet can share files and folders - am I wrong?06:42
haliaeetusI am very happy with my backup system. I have two LUKS encrypted USB hard drives, and I use rsync in my backup script. The rsync stuff runs from a backup script, and the backup script will run if the hard drives with the correct ID is connected according to a simple service and a timer06:42
Guest57noob43 Ahh, you're looking for system-wide backups. Yes, in that case, fsarchiver might be what you want, it allows compressing, and putting the whole partition to single files, which can then be restored.06:43
noob43I will look more into fsarchiver thanks Guest57...but dangit, another utility to try and figure out. Doing my best to be a Linuxer, but man a lot of unclear options at least from my perspective now - kinda bewildering.06:44
noob43Okay cool thanks Guest57 - will do some digging on that.06:45
Guest57noob43 No, rsync isn't necessarily for sharing files, it's for syncing files (such as for backup cases), but it works on a file by file basis. rsync also works efficiently only updating files that have changed. fsarchiver on the other hand does a backup of files on a partition, including the partition type, and allows the stored file to be06:45
Guest57compressed on the fly.06:45
noob43Okay, thanks for the extra clarification Guest57 - any reason you don't recommend deja dup?06:45
haliaeetusI have backup of all dotfiles and important application settings, reinstalling and setting up everything is simple if I have that. I also have lists of apps so I can install them in one command06:46
Guest57noob43 No problem. If you want to clarify more on exactly what you're trying to accomplish, with examples, may be able to tell you which should work.06:46
noob43haliaeetus how do you make back up? I'm interested in this too for when I decide to experiment with another distro06:46
noob43Thanks Guest57 - basically want a) a snap shot of computer so I can go back in time if anything gets corrupted, b) a common sense file sharing back up for most cases and c) an option for saving all settings in case I want to experiment with a new distro. Also, I have a few different home folders, so something that includes all those would be cool06:48
noob43I did see one video where I guy recommended creating a separate home folder partition, so he could hop straight into a new distro and have all his files there copied over.06:49
Guest57noob43 Never used deja dup myself, not sure if it preserves permissions, timestamps, etc., but if it seems like it'll work for you, try it out. :)06:49
noob43hehe...thanks Guest57 - guess it's worth a try. Curious why you never tried it? Have you tried Duplicity?06:49
noob43Or Clonezilla?06:50
Guest57Just Clonezilla back in the day. Clonezilla is very similar to fsarchiver, Nowadays I just do a quick rsync of my home directory to a USB HDD I have and it's good enough for me.06:51
haliaeetusIf hdds are connected it will rsync -avh  --delete /home/user/.config and more. So to run it I have something like "for mount_point in "$!MOUNT_POINTS[@]}"; do ...", and then check the uuids and then it will run the perform_backup function06:51
noob43Good to know - thanks Guest5706:52
noob43That seems complicated haliaeetus06:53
noob43If you just rsync home folder doesn't it include .config files as well?06:53
haliaeetusfstab and crypttab needs to be set up to auto mount. And the backup.service will just have [Unit] After=local-fs.target [Service] ExecStart=backup.sh [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target06:54
haliaeetusnoob43 If you are asking me, yes, but I don't do backup of the entire home folder06:54
noob43I don't really understand all this "mount" business coming from Windows and MacOS...I haven't got to that chapter yet in my Linux book06:54
Guest57mount basically allows you to access the contents of the partitions, within your OS.06:55
noob43haliaeetus yup, was directed to you - roger that - thanks. So, if I rsync a home folder then copy that into a new distro say, will it preserve all my settings and stuff - even for applications like Firefox?06:56
Guest57It attaches a partition to a directory you have.06:56
haliaeetusnoob43, no, not really :D06:57
noob43Guest57 hmmmm...still not sure I follow with the partitions. I get you use mount to say use a USB stick or something, but that's the limit of my smooth brain06:57
noob43haliaeetus okay :( what is the best type of back up for that?06:57
haliaeetusThe settings and user stuff for firefox will be in the firefox folder. If that is installed with snap for example, the location is somewhere else .. I think06:59
Guest57I think haliaeetus was maybe just joking. In Linux, when you start a program, the settings are read in from the configs in root, then whatever settings you have in your home directory overwrite the root configs.07:00
haliaeetusOr maybe it actually is in ~/.Mozilla/ or something like that? Not sure07:00
Guest57So if you backup your home directory, then restore it in another distro, when you start Firefox it'll use the settings in your home directory,07:01
haliaeetusWill that be the case for snap installed apps as well?07:02
noob43Guest57 ah okay - that's good to know...coz yeah, if .snap folder or ~/.Mozilla is in home it should back up right?07:02
haliaeetusIn that case I guess home directory is all you need07:02
noob43Or, would I have to back up root folder or something?07:02
Guest57No, just your home directory.07:02
haliaeetusI was not joking, but I just thought snap might do something else07:02
noob43Oh okay, cool07:02
noob43Thanks Guest57, you're pretty knowledgable for a guest ;)07:03
Guest57When you install a package, it populates the root configs itself. When you make changes in Firefox or whatever, it reflects in your home directory configs.07:03
noob43Guest57 okay, cool - that's good to know07:03
noob43I guess I just gotta play around a bit more and get my hands dirty07:03
Guest57You really never need to backup root configs unless you know you need to. You'll be manually editing /etc/ directory configs, so you'll know. Besides that, configs really never change from anything you do in the GUI short of anything that asks you for the root password when you're making a change (add user, change password, etc.).07:04
noob43Guest57 that makes sense. I guess the beauty of Linux is that everything is essentially a file, so I could just rsync individual riles like .config or etc or all of it depending on what I need.07:05
haliaeetusYeah, ok, so apps installed with snap will have its configs in ~/snap/firefox/common/.mozilla/07:06
noob43haliaeetus is that from root  or home?07:06
haliaeetuscurly thing means home of the relevant user07:07
noob43ah, gotcha yeah - I should have known that :)07:07
Guest57~/ means home. Try doing this: "cd Download" "cd ~/", you'll see it takes you back home.07:07
noob43Yeah, thanks, I've been practicing stuff like that cd .. etc07:08
Guest57It boggles my mind how the manual installation (partitioning) in Ubuntu has no LUKS support, whether decryption or creating one, and it's been overlooked.07:10
Guest57As non-intuitive as Fedora's installer is, never faced a lack of support for something like this.07:10
Guest57Read that the 24.04 release installer was replaced with something new, probably why.07:11
haliaeetusDoes anyone have suggestions for terminal apps that Linux users should know about? I have fallen in love with ranger, that is a very nice file manager for the terminal. And also bat. It's like cat, but with nice formatting07:12
noob43Not really sure what that is Guest57 (LUKS) but looks like some sort of tool for disk encryption. Have you seen if Pop OS has it?07:12
haliaeetusGuest57 have you access to a terminal before this happens? Can you run lsblk there?07:13
haliaeetusIf you can, then you can maybe also just do sudo cryptsetup luksOpen on the relevant drive, and after that maybe you can do what you want?07:14
Guest57haliaeetus I do, and I have. Did exactly that, opened the lock before the installer started, still sees it as a crypt_LUKS partition type. I think it's reading the block devices, /dev/mapper/ ignored.07:16
haliaeetus(and also mount it after luksOpen)07:16
haliaeetussudo mount /dev/mapper/disc /mnt/disc07:17
Guest57Even tried mounting, there was a suggestion to try "live-$name", but it was for the Kubuntu installer.07:17
Guest57I'm going to try to see what the server installer does now. Maybe I'll have more luck.07:17
Guest57Turns out the server installer is just as limited... Why can I not have a capital letter for my hostname...07:24
Guest57Installer here crashes as well when I try to use the LUKS partition as /home/ without formatting it. Tries to mount it, can't fails. Haha.07:30
Yakovcan please someone help me debug my usb thing, it was set to read only, then I cant even see it with lsusb, i just ejected prematurely and now it looks dead08:43
JonTheNiceGuyHi. Previously Ubuntu images for Vagrant were available on app.vagrantup.com (e.g. https://app.vagrantup.com/ubuntu/boxes/jammy64) but I can't see one for Noble. Is this a decision that was taken, should I be looking somewhere else, or... is there something else that I'm missing?09:01
JonTheNiceGuyFound a bug and discourse documentation for it. Apologies for the disruption. https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-24-04-lts-noble-numbat-release-notes/3989009:04
=== TheCaptain8980 is now known as TheCaptain898
incesguestHello all,09:44
incesguestI am trying to load a big array in a common lisp script and for this I have to increase the allowed heap size for the lisp implementation, SBCL.09:44
incesguestHowever, the command to do this: sbcl --dynamic-space-size 2000009:44
incesguestthrows the following error message in the terminal:09:44
incesguestmmap: Cannot allocate memory09:44
incesguestNOTE: Relocating [0x9000000:0xa880000] into [(nil):0x1880000]09:44
incesguestfatal error encountered in SBCL pid 622389(tid 0xf7e9a700):09:44
BluesKajHi all11:05
incesguestHello all,11:09
incesguestI am trying to load a big array in a common lisp script and for this I have to increase the allowed heap size for the lisp implementation, SBCL.11:09
incesguestHowever, the command to do this: sbcl --dynamic-space-size 20000 throws the following error message in the terminal: https://bpa.st/LPKA11:09
incesguestDoes anyone knows how should I go about solving this?11:09
lotuspsychj3incesguest: maybe you can also give some context & details around that11:19
lotuspsychj3!details | incesguest11:19
ubottuincesguest: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.11:19
Walexincesguest: there is a fairly active LISP channel too11:26
Walexincesguest: but it *might* be an SBCL bug: in "Relocating [0x9000000:0xa880000] into [(nil):0x1880000]" if "(nil)" is the new starting address that would not work as address 0 is not allowed.11:27
Walexin any case it is the usual shoddy error message: "mmap: Cannot allocate memory" does not say which program printed the error, which parameters were given to 'mmap', and what was the return code. Very common.11:30
incesguestI added hardware and version information, as well as the configuration files for SBCL and emacs here: https://bpa.st/L6JQ11:58
incesguestConcerning lisp and SBCL, people on the common lisp channels told me that it was more probably an OS problem than with SBCL.11:58
incesguestI am more than happy to add information that can be necessary.11:58
CosmicDJincesguest: what is ulimit -Hl showing?12:05
itaiI forgot my password to acces the BIOS. Is there a way of resetting it?12:14
ioriaremove the cmos battery ?12:14
itaiioria: so, I have to open the laptop.12:16
itaiioria: thanks12:17
itaiI have to remove it for a few moments and then, put it back?12:17
ioriamore than few moments12:18
incesguestCosmicDJ, ulimit -Hl is showing 1645666412:19
itaiioria: is there any documentation on this?12:22
ghodawalaamancan I install a theme in ubuntu using apt?12:23
ghodawalaamansomething like 'sudo apt install gruvbox-theme'12:23
CosmicDJincesguest: sounds like you can lock 15G in memory (-l -> "locked address space (Kibytes)"), but you want 20000M, right?12:23
ledtape_brunobuongiorno, sto cercando ,da alcuni mesi,di passare dalla 23.10 alla 24.04 su una installazione su minipc chuwi amd ryzen9 ma ottengo sempre "errore collegamento "12:28
incesguestYes, I want to load in a big array from a file, and I just want the code to not crash.12:28
incesguestThe machine has 126 Gb of RAM, so I was thinking allocating 50gb for the SBCL heap should not be an issue.12:28
CosmicDJincesguest: I'm pretty sure it'll when you increase some limits..12:30
ledtape_brunoAggiungo che tutti gli upgrade della release attuale vengono installate senza problemi ed in automatico. Vi risulta?12:30
lotuspsychj3!it | ledtape_bruno12:30
ubottuledtape_bruno: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi «/join #ubuntu-it» senza virgolette)12:30
incesguestCosmicDJ how should I go about increasing those limits you are mentioning?12:39
incesguestI really have no clue has to how to do in ubuntu.12:39
ledtape_brunoGood morning, I have been trying to upgrade from 23.10 to 24.04 for a few months now but I always get errors. I am using a chuwi minipc with Amd Ryzen9. It should be noted that all 23.10 upgrades are done automatically and without errors. Are you experiencing any problems?12:39
ravageand would you tell us what errors you get?12:40
CosmicDJincesguest: I'd try this https://manishrjain.com/increase-open-file-limits-ubuntu (just substitute nofile with the limit you want to increase)12:42
ledtape_brunoprobable internet connection problems but not true12:42
realivanjxi hate it when something switches my ubuntu from wayland to x11 without my knowledge12:44
lotuspsychj3you let people take over your pc realivanjx ?12:45
realivanjxdoesn’t necessarily need to be people12:46
dacdhello everyone, can someone help me please? My installation process gets stuck at the keyboard layout screen. Already changed usb drives and ports, nomodeset and without.. still unable to install :( Thank you very much12:51
dacd...24.04 lts. ;12:52
ioriadacd, what hardware is this ?12:55
dacd8700k with a 3070 gpu12:56
ioriadacd, the brand ?12:56
fwehtanyone else has this problem?  when i open a folder in vscode and i press ctrl + l to enter the path directly, i cant press enter to open a folder, i can only press enter to open a file?12:56
dacdits a desktop12:57
dacd22 and 23 installs without a issue but 24 gets stuck !?12:59
ioriadacd, french layout ?12:59
dacdive tried a azerty and a qwerty same issue too12:59
dacdi pick us lang and keyboard or french lang + keyboard still not working13:00
dacdon ask ubuntu theres a italian with the same question but without answers13:01
ioriadacd, boot the live session (Try Ubuntu without ...)13:01
dacdok gonna check, thank you very much13:02
priyamsHi I have one doubt regarding power management in ubuntu13:21
priyamsI am using kubuntu in an lenovo ideapad gaming 3. But kubuntu does not show any power management option13:22
priyamsany idea??13:22
CosmicDJpriyams: did you check your BIOS settings? maybe it's tuned for performance there giving the linux kernel no chance for powermanagement13:23
leftyfbpriyams: is there a problem you're trying to solve?13:23
realivanjxthem quitted13:24
=== mave5 is now known as mave
PokeyHey there, puzzled by this one. I have Ubuntu Server running in an LXC container on a Proxmox host. It has IPv4 connectivity, but does not have IPv6 connectivity (though it has link local and loopback addresses). When making connections to places, it seems to make attempts to connect over IPv6 for those domains which have AAAA records available, even though there is no actual IPv6 connectivity available. There are no IPv6 routes outside of those defined14:34
Pokeyfor link local and loopback. I sometimes have tot ry 2 or 3 times for IPv4 to be selected and a connection to be made, otherwise I just get Network Unreachable.14:34
PokeyThere is nothing configured in /etc/gai.conf nor do I know of any other reason it may prefer to try IPv6 when it should know it won't get anywhere with that. Disabling IPv6 with sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 works but I feel like that should be completely unnecessary. Other systems are perfectly capable of working out they can't use IPv6, why not this one?14:34
PokeyAny advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!14:34
WalexPokey: that's an application problem.14:59
WalexPokey: if applications ask for IPv6 addresses and use them, that's how they are written.14:59
WalexPokey: if the application uses 'getaddrinfo' and it is configured to ask IPv6 addresses first.15:00
ravagethere is ##proxmox15:00
ravagebut that comes to mind is the VM firewall15:00
ravageif you block too much ipv6 wont work15:00
PokeyWalex / ravage: IPv6 is entirely unrestricted, and this appears to be a wider system issue. This happens for pings, curls, apt requests, you name it. It takes 2 maybe 3 attempts to have it switch to V415:04
PokeyIPv4 is enturely unrestricted* Well, both are, there's no restrictions15:04
PokeyI also can't type to save my life today, apparently15:04
WalexPokey: again, it is an application issue. If the application takes the default configuration of 'getaddrinfo' and that asks first for IPv6, that's what happens.15:05
WalexPokey: some applications do not use 'getaddrinfo' and have configuration parameters to ask only for IPv4, only IPv6, both in one order or another.,15:05
Walexput another way: edit 'gai.conf' for those applications that rely entirely on 'getaddrinfo' and otherwise look at application parameters.15:06
PokeyI don't really understand why I would need to touch gai.conf. There's no way this system can uise any V6 except for link local and loopback. gai.conf has nothing special defined, it's just an empty file save for the comments describing its use15:08
PokeyOther systems do not have this issue and are capable of working that out for themselves. I don't see why this one is incapable of doing the same15:08
WalexPokey: indeed you are right. "I don't see why this one is incapable of doing the same15:12
WalexPokey: indeed you are right. "I don't see why this one is incapable of doing the same" seems quite correct.15:13
PokeyWalex: Bit of a headscratcher15:14
WalexPokey: I gave you a full explanation of what is going on: the application asks first for an IPv6 address, and then tries to connect to it, then the connection times out and it asks for an IPv4 address, and that succeeds.15:16
WalexMS-Windows used to also return first an IPv6 address, and that default was changed a while ago.15:17
PokeyWalex: It doesn't retry on its own, I have to re-run whatever it is that failed. Your explanation makes sense to an extent, but there has to be a reason this specific system is behaving in this way when other's done, that's the headscratcher, as there seems to be no good reason nor immediately obvious fix15:20
leejonesI'm trying to add a wiress mouose to my system.17:42
ravageMaybe try a new functioning keyboard first :)17:43
lotuspsychj3leejones: doesnt your wireless mouse have a dongle plug n play?17:45
leejonesI'm trying to add a new wireless mouse to my system. I don't know how.17:46
lotuspsychj3!details | leejones17:46
ubottuleejones: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.17:46
lotuspsychj3leejones: ubuntu release, mouse brand, what goes wrong exatly?17:48
kupihi, is there a way to use kvantum themes for qt snap apps?18:01
=== comph1 is now known as comph
halcyfornhello i will be install ubuntu on new laptop as main system, second for emergency programs will be windows 11. do i need  change something in bios to have normal dual boot. on old fujitsu after run windows 10 i must go to bios to change boot sequence to grub to run linux again.18:52
lotuspsychj3!dualboot | halcyforn18:58
ubottuhalcyforn: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:58
lotuspsychj3!uefi | halcyforn see also18:59
ubottuhalcyforn see also: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:59
TeridonI'm having a trouble with the chromium snap on Ubuntu 20.04.  snap list:  https://bpa.st/ZM7A  output of start with SNAP_DEBUG=1:  https://bpa.st/OIFA .  chromium will not even run if I put snapd-confine in complain mode19:02
leftyfbTeridon: sudo apt install --reinstall snapd19:04
Teridonthanks, I did that -- but I will note that I'm using a local aptly server for patches, so I'm not getting the latest snapd, if that matters.  I have 2.63+20.04.  Chromium still won't start however.  I also tried refreshing the chromium snap and got a similar snap.rootfs error:  https://bpa.st/MDZQ19:11
sarnoldi'd try a reboot, snapd is very particular about permissions and perhaps a snap update has invalidated the currently enforced profiles19:13
Teridonty, a reboot did not seem to help; similar error creating the symbolic link in snap.rootfs*19:17
leftyfbTeridon: don't use the local aptly server until the issue is resolved19:18
Teridonwell to maybe ask a silly question:  https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/snapd lists the latest version as 2.63+20.04ubuntu0.1 -- is that different than the one I have (dpkg -l shows 2.63+20.04 )19:23
sconesI don't suppose there's someone from Canonical who could DM/PM me?  I'm trying to give you money.  I fill out the forms and it says someone will get back to me in a business day, but that doesn't happen.19:24
Teridonoh, I see from the changelog I don't have the latest snapd.19:25
ravagescones: nope. community support only here19:25
ravageTeridon: why would you limit patches on a LTS release?19:25
joakoI dont understand this error. How do I install the package: Package gsmartcontrol is not available, but it is referred to by another package19:25
joakoIs there an online list of software I can install?19:25
ravagejoako: https://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/gsmartcontrol19:27
ravageit is available in the universe repo on 24.0419:27
sconesravage: Yeah.  I know.  Hence the request to start the conversation off the channel.  I figured there would be a reasonable chance someone was lurking in here that might be able to point me in the right direction.  Also, technically this is a support question anyway.19:27
Teridonmore possibly-silly questions:  I built a new system (not using aptly).  the dpkg version of snapd doesn't match the "snap list" version?  https://bpa.st/WALA   .  I'm assuming I can "snap refresh snapd" but I'm curious why they don't match already?19:33
ravagethe snapd apt package basically takes care of making the system snap ready19:34
ravageit is not the same as the snapd snap itself19:34
ice9ubuntu doesn't have iptables nf_conntrack_ipv4 module?19:34
ravageim sure it does support connection tracking for ipv419:35
ice9modprobe: FATAL: Module nf_conntrack_ipv4 not found in directory /lib/modules/6.8.0-39-generic19:36
ravageyou are probably looking for the wrong module19:37
=== seanh__ is now known as seanh
luna_3how do I tell if the slowness is my computer or my internet provider connection? 22.04 acer 8g ram21:47
leftyfbluna_3: define slowness21:48
luna_3leftleg_,  HI (I am also morgan-u in case it matters, here for >a decade) OK web pages slow coming up. --- But, chrome died AND  irc got disconnected as well. -- I have been having this problem since 18 or 20 Ubuntu LTS and chrome or ff. -- this is the first time I have noticed irc also resetting!  Next question?  because I dont know how to proceed except to restart the program and go on with my life.)21:52
luna_3oops leftyfb21:53
leftyfbluna_3: I would highly suggest a fresh install21:53
luna_3That had happened in the past. But Iwill very soon follow that advice with 24.04 -- so thanks.21:53
luna_3just need to back it up... just in case.21:54
oerheksif you work wireless, maybe an idea to reboot the router, for strange connection persisting issues21:55
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TheSHADOWIs there any way I can change the resolution of the video on a console via ssh from another machine?22:55
TheSHADOWHah.  Okay, I actually got that working, but now I have the issue that the display's native resolution is no longer available...23:02
LordyAnyone know of a decent PPA for running latest version of gnome?23:53
LordyI need > 46.1 for explicit sync/wayland23:53
LordyI guess I could just go to 24.10... that'd do it23:54
leftyfbLordy: 24.10 is unsupported23:55
Lordynothing else is really either23:55
leftyfbLordy: why doesn't 46-2404 work for you?23:55
Lordybecause explicit sync wasn't added to gnome until 46.1, 24.04 has 46.023:56
Lordygnome on wayland with nvidia-proprietary 560 (which supports wayland) runs like crap23:56
Lordywhich is cool23:57
Lordythe nvidia560 part23:57
Lordydoesn't look like they'll be adding explicit sync to the LTS23:58
LordyI'm guessing 24.04.123:59

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