[03:56] heya all, I'm realizing I probably could be uploading LXQt 2? [03:56] Plasma 6 is in the repos, as is libkscreen and layer-shell-qt right? [03:56] (and kdecoration) [03:57] argh, I forgot part of the conversation I had with Rik Mills (been so busy I forgot that he said he'd coordinate with us when things were ready). Sorry, please disregard [07:05] arraybolt3: not in the archive yet [11:33] Hi all [14:23] @RikMills , do you remember u do anything to make itself fixed? i've upgrade to 6.1.4 , the icon still blacked (re @RikMills: Yes, but it fixed itself once the VM was fully upgraded) [14:36] others icons works