
webmindhelping someone who needs to switch keyboard layouts on the login screen, is this possible?09:13
webmindI remember there being a button for it, but don't see it anymore.09:14
sixwheeledbeastthe greeter has changed I believe, no idea if the new one supports that09:51
sixwheeledbeasttheres some config files in /etc/lightdm/* Maybe you can find if arctica can show keyboard layout icon. I believe show-keyboard=true is just an onscreen keyboard on boot.10:18
webmindsounds like quite a regression. laptop has users using azerty and qwerty and now can't type their password :)10:21
sixwheeledbeastthe greeter has changed a few times recently. I haven't been keen on the replacements but they haven't annoyed me enough to manually put the old one back.10:23
webmindcan I switch to one that does support this?10:24
sixwheeledbeastMy machine is mostly on so i only see mates log screen generally.10:24
sixwheeledbeastYou should be able to remove arctica and put standard lightdm back I believe. Maybe look into that, I haven't done it myself so make sure that will solve your issue first.10:25

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