
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== gcwtwaljradkmgyx is now known as ufarlwiqamcfjglv
=== ufarlwiqamcfjglv is now known as georgiag
JanCthe CrowdStrike post mortem is interesting reading...21:19
tomreyndoes it say more than just "it's all deltas fault"?21:25
JanCbasically, their in-kernel interpreter that runs regex patterns over certain inputs had no input validation21:26
tomreynah, that sounds entirely sane21:27
tomreynwell, at least they provided details, that's more than most other companies this size would have done.21:32
JanCI wonder how many more bugs there are in that thing21:34
=== hwpplaye` is now known as hwpplayer1
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== hams2 is now known as hams
sarnoldthe whole thing felt like "we were focusing on features and not quality" to me .. my guess is there's loads more where that one came from23:56

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