=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 === gcwtwaljradkmgyx is now known as ufarlwiqamcfjglv === ufarlwiqamcfjglv is now known as georgiag [21:19] the CrowdStrike post mortem is interesting reading... [21:25] does it say more than just "it's all deltas fault"? [21:26] basically, their in-kernel interpreter that runs regex patterns over certain inputs had no input validation [21:27] ah, that sounds entirely sane [21:29] https://www.crowdstrike.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Channel-File-291-Incident-Root-Cause-Analysis-08.06.2024.pdf [21:32] well, at least they provided details, that's more than most other companies this size would have done. [21:34] I wonder how many more bugs there are in that thing === hwpplaye` is now known as hwpplayer1 === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === hams2 is now known as hams [23:56] the whole thing felt like "we were focusing on features and not quality" to me .. my guess is there's loads more where that one came from