
oerheksocular gives 46.4 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/46.4-1ubuntu100:00
leftyfbocular is unstable, unsupported and still under constant development00:01
leftyfbif you don't care about having a stable system, have at it00:01
oerheksjoin #ubuntu-next indeed00:02
sarnoldLordy: ubuntu-dev-tools has a 'backportpackage' command that can build a package from the -devel version for the release you're running in a PPA for you00:02
LordyAhh, thank you for all the info :)00:02
leftyfbgnome is installed from snap by default btw00:02
sarnoldLordy: so if you're up for being your own guinuea pig and run something that nobody else in the world is running, you can give it a try :)00:02
sarnoldleftyfb: oh lol00:02
sarnoldleftyfb: wait .. that's probably just gnome stuff available for other snaps, no?00:02
Lordythis article is saying this https://www.phoronix.com/news/GNOME-Mutter-46.2-Ubuntu00:03
LordySo I'm not sure what is going on with that, I'm only showing 46.000:03
sarnoldleftyfb: I can't imagine that *veerything* has moved to snap00:03
oerheksLordy, i showed you the real info url. 46.400:03
sarnoldugh phoronix, they *never* link the actual thing they are talking about :(00:03
leftyfbgnome-46-2404 is installed on my 22.04 system00:03
leftyfbthe apt package is not00:03
sarnoldhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter  -- 46.2 in noble-updates, yup00:04
oerheksone must have a reason to want the 560 driver00:05
LordyI do a lot of 3d work in linux00:05
Lordyit's helpful for substance painter/blender/vulkan dev00:06
LordyThis is weird, even in proposed gnome-shell/noble-updates 46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.1 amd64 [upgradable from: 46.0-0ubuntu5.1]00:11
sarnoldhave you confused gnome-shell with mutter?00:13
sarnoldhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell -- 46.0 thing in noble-updates00:13
ravageThe gnome snap is only used for in installed snaps that use the snap gnome extension00:14
sarnoldthanks ravage00:14
TabmowMy ec2 instance randomly became unresponsive this morning, where I had to force stop and start it. The last log was: 2024-08-07T09:38:02.804228+10:00 jumphost kernel: systemd-journald[125]: Under memory pressure, flushing caches. I don't see really anything else that could have caused it - where do I go from here to troubleshoot?00:51
sarnoldrecord slabtop or /proc/meminfo along with process memory use every minute or something and see if you can spot a memory leak in progress00:52
sarnoldif you don't have swap, you might see nice benefits from adding a gig of swap or so, so the kernel has some place to stuff memory that hasn't been used recently00:53
TabmowI had a cron misconfiguration where I didn't have /snap/bin in my path and there were a bunch of aws commands ran - There were 6-7 of these messages: 2024-08-07T08:30:01.837408+10:00 jumphost systemd[1205]: Started snap.aws-cli.aws-95e98318-fe00-487c-8087-bdee6002b565.scope.00:53
TabmowI wonder if that caused some issues...00:53
TabmowYeah it's a t3.micro so only has 1gb ram - Normally it sits at around 0.5gb available/free so I wonder if this is just an anomaly. I'll do some monitoring and see how I go.00:55
sarnoldoh dang, that's probably a bit tight if you've got snaps01:02
sarnoldmy 512M irssi machine worked great for years until I installed the livepatch snap01:03
sarnoldwhen it would force a refresh i'd hit the oom killer and it'd kill the only application I cared about on the system01:03
sarnoldklausvalka: any chance you can fix your connection?01:05
sarnoldredstarcomrade: any chance you can fix your connection?01:05
Tabmowsarnold: is snap that resource intensive? I wasn't aware...01:06
sarnoldTabmow: snapped things won't be sharing libraries with the rest of the host, or often even each other; i'm not sure how much memory gets pinned via the squashfs mounts, but probably those aren't 100% free01:10
sarnoldjmw: any chance you can fix your connection?01:15
Tabmowsarnold: interesting... I only have 4 snaps installed and they are all aws specific so I wouldn't have thought they would have a massive impact, but I'll keep an eye on it.01:18
jmwsarnold: I thought everyone just hides joins & parts on their client01:18
sarnoldjmw: many do, yes01:19
leftyfbjmw: you have 73 joins this month :)01:20
leftyfbprobably more since there was a good week my logging was off01:20
leftyfbno, scratch that, that was last month ... still thinking it's July01:21
jmwleftyfb: ha, I've been running the client on my laptop which likes to doze off01:21
leftyfbjmw: don't. Or get a bouncer01:22
sarnoldheh it sure does ;)01:22
jmwI know. It's annoying to lose messages and I suppose, annoying to others :)01:23
sarnoldit's just your unlucky timing that I noticed it in the midst of a handful of others, heh01:23
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wrench2What's upp meeeeeeeen03:36
wrench2someone alive?03:36
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mihaelI have a container running Ubuntu 20, and there seems to be services under /etc/services.d, is this a part of systemd?05:13
grymihael: hi05:24
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mihaelgry: hi05:36
screamwhat's up?05:44
CosmicDJscream000: there's a social and offtopic channel if you just want to chat05:58
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someone235Hi, when trying to run an AppImage I get `dlopen(): error loading libfuse.so.2`. I followed the instructions here https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/wiki/FUSE but I still have the same error. Someone has any idea why?07:56
someone235OK, it worked with newer version of the app image. nvm07:58
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acresearchpeople, i realised that firefox notification get silenced after 22:00     especially slack notifications   why? and how to change it?  i can't seem to find the functionality in either slack, firefox, or ubuntu or explain my issue to search on google for a solution08:41
vltacresearch: Can you show a minimal code example to reproduce this behaviour?08:53
acresearchvlt: no code, just behaviour,     the way to replicate it, is if you open a slack workspace, anyone who messages you after 22:00 it won't show a notification08:56
tennisandersI use FreeRDP to connect to a Windows machine at work, where I'm running some internal software process. But I've noticed that if I dont keep the RDP window focused, the software process is "paused" or halted until I focus on the RDP window again. What is this behaviour? And can I change it somehow?09:31
vlttennisanders: To narrow this down you could try if you observe similar results with rdesktop or remmina.09:40
tennisandersvlt yes I'll have a look at them09:46
halcyfornhello how to copy home partition to second drive i want migrate to new computer, using command sudo cp -aR only make errors in console something bad argument.10:14
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tomreynhalcyforn: use rsync, copy to the same file system type10:21
tomreynalternatively, you could use dd copying the entire partition conataining the source file system while the source file system is not mounted.10:22
halcyfornthe probem is this is 2 laptops10:23
halcyfornolf fujitsu have sata drive new laptop dell inspirion have nvme hard drive and no rj4510:24
tomreynyou can configure sshd on one of the two systems and copy through that, rsync supports it10:25
halcyfornhow by wifi ?10:25
tomreynwhatever network like you can setup10:25
tomreyn* link10:25
tomreynif you prefer not to use wlan for it, there are usb to ethernet dongles also10:26
halcyfornthats not problem only time for this...10:26
halcyfornwi fi is slow10:26
halcyfornand there is many gb.10:26
halcyforni try this rsync, we will se if wil work from ext 3 home to ext4 home10:27
tomreynif the old computer has ethernet and the new computer has a current wlan standard and you have those both connected then it should not be sooo slow10:28
tomreynext3 to ext 4 should work10:28
tomreynyet another option *may* be to use ausb to sata dongle to connect the old disk to the new computer via usb10:29
tomreynthat would likely get you the fastest transfer speed.10:29
tomreynbut it involves more work and not all usb to sata dongles work too well.10:29
tennisandersvlt, Remmina seem to inhibit the same behaviour10:30
tomreyntennisanders: so you've determined that this is not client specific, maybe not client related, may not be ubuntu related at all. chances are, though, that those developing the clients would be familiar with this issue. https://www.freerdp.com/ lists support channels for freerdp.10:35
tennisanderstomreyn, I'm not certain no. But I'll check the freerdp support channels, thanks.10:39
tomreyngood luck. chances are that all clients default to not sending updates while the client is backgrounded, to save on processing power / data transit.10:46
nikolamI am on 22.04 and I wonder, why I am unable to import iSCSI shared drive from illumos/SmartOS host , when I am fully able to do that on Win10 . It is just an iSCSI target on LAN, without authentication..10:54
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BluesKajHi all11:33
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fwehtis there an option in xubuntu similar to windows to connect to a wifi network without remembering it?14:05
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cdriscoll@fweht: you might have better luck in the #xubuntu help channel14:25
fwehtcdriscoll: thanks!14:26
realivanjxanyone else having problems typing japanese characters with mozc on chromium browsers with ozone platform set as wayland?14:36
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nteodosiorealivanjx, please https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+filebug.15:01
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halcyfornif i run linux from live cd can i copy everything to external drive or will be many errors like when i try on runnning linux from computer?15:39
leftyfbhalcyforn: huh?15:40
leftyfbhalcyforn: you can copy files using a live cd, yes15:41
halcyforni try copy home folder to external drive using console but there was many errors ( from ext 2 or 3  to ntfs). now i think if i try us elive cd this will copy this without errors or not.15:43
leftyfbhalcyforn: that's because you're trying to copy a filesystem that supports proper POSIX permissions (ext4) to one that doesn't (NTFS)15:44
halcyfornbut there is ext 2 or 3 max not ext415:45
ElliriaJust so you know, halcyforn, NTFS is not native to Linux and doesn't have the necessary features for file permissions, users, owners, groups, etc.15:45
halcyforni know i just want copy home from one laptop to new one, and most errors is cannot create folder.15:46
leftyfbhalcyforn: don't use NTFS or you'll break your home directory15:47
halcyfornbut last time from asus k50ab to fujitsu a555 i used it and ultimate boot cd parted magic dont this.15:48
halcyforndont broke*15:49
leftyfbhalcyforn: don't use NTFS to backup your home directory if you plan on copying it back to another linux machine15:49
halcyfornehh then how to move this 250 gb data, this is the fastest way and cheapest use external hdd15:50
leftyfbhalcyforn: reformat the external drive as ext415:51
leftyfbhalcyforn: btw, if you have ext2 or ext3, don't. Ubuntu doesn't use either of these by default anymore15:51
halcyfornon old laptop i have kubuntu 22 lts and home still use ext 2or 3 without problems15:52
leftyfbthen you did that manually15:52
ravagecopying the filesystem works of course if you have an ext4. but i always choose to create an archive of it really15:52
leftyfbit's not default15:52
leftyfbext2 doesn't even have journaling. You must really hate your files15:53
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halcyfornhmm ext 2 was on asus here was ext3 max when i change laptops now i change from fujitsu to dell and want move the main home partition, you said archive good idea i think if i can try make archive just on ntfs without reformat idk if linux will see this partition to copy files.15:56
leftyfbhalcyforn: what release of ubuntu are you running?15:56
halcyfornnew laptop 24 lts fact is kubuntu because my dad love kde plasma, old laptop 22 lts15:57
leftyfbwhy did you pick ext2 and ext3? What possible advantage did either of these give you?15:58
halcyfornon new laptop all is ext 4 and one partition 120 gb ntfs for f$%#$%g win 11 for programs what cant run on linux.15:59
leftyfbalso, why not just rsync stuff across the network from 1 laptop to another?15:59
halcyfornnew laptop ok 5 ghz wifi , old laptop max 2,5 ghz and tehere is 250 gb data.16:00
halcyfornnew laptop no rj4516:00
halcyfornold laptop damaged port rj4516:01
leftyfbyou'll be done in less than an hour16:01
leftyfbit will be quicker than your other method16:01
halcyforndo i need run it from live cd or will be conflicts ?16:01
leftyfbyou should on the receiving end16:02
halcyfornhmm then i should reformat flash drive and add some space for this rsync or this will be all run in ram ?16:03
leftyfbyou don't copy your home to the flash drive, you copy it to the mounted drive on the receiving end16:04
halcyfornyes but to receive i need this in live cd if i understand idk if live cd have this or must be downloaded16:05
ArchDaveit'd be cooler if you already had made a Ubuntu 22.04 liveusb16:18
halcyforndepends what you like im more traditional and preffer old system menus like had win 7 the same dad thats why he use kde.16:20
skdskcan you update packages by a wildcard expression?16:23
leftyfbskdsk: can you give an example?16:28
skdskupdate "foo-*"16:36
skdski.e. installed packages that have updates should match16:37
lotuspsychj3skdsk: you have any reason, you should only update specific packages?16:37
leftyfbalso, apt update doesn't upgrade packages16:38
halcyfornok i found easier way not rsync,16:38
halcyfornsamba and share folder16:38
lotuspsychj3there is a purge wildcard though, like sudo apt purge nvidia* , as an example16:39
leftyfbhalcyforn: if you don't use rsync or stick it all in a tarball, you're going to lose your permissions16:39
halcyfornuhh rly16:39
halcyfornbut rsync is to complicated with creating this ssh16:40
leftyfbsudo apt install ssh16:40
leftyfbrsync -av /path/to/files remotehost:/path/to/destination/16:40
halcyfornconfigure this copy long keys etc16:40
halcyfornthis is in wbesite guides16:41
leftyfbyou don't need to setup keys to ssh to an ephemeral system16:41
halcyfornhow i can know name remote host ?16:41
skdskso apt cannot do that?16:41
leftyfbhalcyforn: it your machine's hostname or ip address16:41
leftyfbwhich you would need for samba to work as well16:42
lotuspsychj3skdsk: if you tell us what your purpose is exactly?16:42
halcyfornok only  one lenght name need to copy than16:43
halcyfornname of disk to copy16:44
halcyfornif i write rsync home/username hostname home/username or just to home not username16:47
leftyfbrsync -av /path/to/files remoteuser@remotehost:/path/to/destination/16:48
halcyfornhmm error16:49
lotuspsychj3halcyforn: use a !paste bin if you like to share with the volunteers, so they can help you16:52
halcyfornuhhhh he want password....16:52
halcyfornand live cd dont have password16:53
leftyfbset one16:53
leftyfbhalcyforn: sudo passwd ubuntu16:53
skdskto update several packages from the cli without typing their names16:55
leftyfbskdsk: sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade16:56
skdskupgrade doesn't seem to take package names16:56
halcyfornuhh one folder up...16:58
halcyfornnow srtop this16:58
halcyfornthx for help now work console copy files16:59
halcyfornthis torturials on internet are to complicated17:00
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enigma9o7have you tried  "The Whole Internet: User's Guide & Catalog"?17:01
halcyfornno i just look rsync how to move home folder using local net. there is install ssh create token generate keys configure it than use rsync.17:03
leftyfbskdsk: you don't need package names. Just upgrade all the packages that need upgrades17:05
leftyfbskdsk60:  you don't need package names. Just upgrade all the packages that need upgrades17:06
paganbbsOoO discovery doesnt no t workd n nu ubuntu studio24.04lts... i tried updatings now s firstly inn terminal but maybe itl wil workx soon psiibl.. iåls programmed tha T messag TO an>, ..17:25
paganbbswantse to updatings also to discovery so ican load some new programns,, i havt senND thA msgS internet ANIMALIA h foR reply ai wait from AMSTERdpmL17:27
skdsk60don't use discovery and other packagekit frontends17:34
Sai14I am looking for best linux label printers. please any suggestions18:20
oxfuxxxcheck on ubuntu website there is hardware best comp[atiblity list for drivers.18:32
oxfuxxxnow HP printers worked good for me.18:32
oxfuxxxENVY or the cheaper models.18:32
belovedsandwormthis script can help with issues caused by snap https://bpa.st/O7WA18:37
sixwheeledbeastI think I'd avoid any script that blindly rm -rf an expansion like that.18:40
belovedsandwormits good advice. I didn't like it either18:41
skdsk60but at least it is in quotes ;)18:48
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sixwheeledbeastnot enough f them19:24
AavarI have configured a VM with virt-manager on one of my servers. How can I start this VM via ssh?19:32
Aavar(without virt manager)19:32
tomreynAavar: virsh start <guestname>    https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/libvirt19:41
Aavartomreyn: thank you :)19:51
tomreynyou're welcome20:07
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halcyfornwhat is command for rsync to copy files to local computer but to skip existing, i copy home and on one image is stop.20:31
tomreynif previous attempts to copy were cancelled while copying a file you'll end up with broken copies this way, though20:36
halcyforn rsync -av --ignore-existing /path/to/files remoteuser@remotehost:/path/to/destination/   llike this ?20:37
halcyfornbroken can be one image from camera there is stop console stay on 620 file long time20:37
tomreynthe command you just pasted would transfer files to a remote location. you previously stated you wanted to copy to a local location, however.20:38
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halcyfornsorry bad spelling on local computer i moving home betwen laptops.20:40
halcyfornin local wifi20:40
tomreynif the file where the transfer seemed to got stuck is a large file (or is a link pointing to a large file) or your network connection is unreliable / saturated, this would explain why it gets stuck, and you should probably just wait.20:41
tomreynif, however, you're seeing media or file system errors logged to the systemd journal while you run these operations, it would rather hint on something broken at that level20:42
tomreynrsync also supports a progress indicator20:43
halcyfornbroken pipe20:43
halcyfornerror 25520:43
tomreynthat's likely an unreliable network link20:43
halcyfornnow it show this but i rewrite command with ignore existing and now continue copy files20:44
halcyfornit will take probably one more hour20:44
halcyforni never think moving this partition will take to long, but this new laptop dont have sata anymore jus nvme ssd20:45
tomreynwell, that's an improvement20:45
tomreynsometimes --compress helps with unreliable network links20:46
halcyfornyou know probably its just forgotten update of router 5 ghz sometimes is unstable20:46
halcyfornrouter opennwrt 19.05 new one is 24 if i remember good20:47
halcyforn23.05 new openwrt for this router i forget how to update.20:47
tomreynthere can be better options than copying data over a slow wireless link, but i think we dicussed those previously20:49
halcyfornyes but for now this is best option without invest for one time migration20:52
halcyfornand this transfer work for more than 2,5 hours until broke20:52
AavarI am trying to set up a Virtual Machine (opnsense) with a PCIE-card passthrough (ethernet). When I try to run the VM I get these errors https://bpa.st/IUZQ How can I solve this?20:54
AavarI first tried with a USB-device and it worked fine.20:55
halcyforntomreyn i remeber one more thing this copy is imposible to speedup its hdd 5200 rpm ext3 probably mega fragmented.21:02
tomreynhalcyforn: you seem to be hitting a reliability issue, though, not just an issue with low transfer speed. so a more direct connection could potentially help.21:09
tomreynAavar: enable AMD-V or VT-d in bios.21:10
tomreyn(did you run a web search on this error message?)21:10
Aavartomreyn: It is enabled.21:11
tomreynlsmod | grep vfio21:11
Aavartomreyn: no reply21:12
AavarIf that was for me21:12
tomreynsudo modprobe vfio21:12
tomreynand try again21:13
Aavartomreyn: ok, give me a sec21:13
Aavartomreyn: If VT-d was not enabled in BIOS I should not be able to run VMs at all, right?21:15
Aavar(waiting for a process to finish)21:15
Aavartomreyn: ok, I will double check that as well21:16
tomreynthere is VT-x and VT-d, both of which are cpu features to support virtualization in hardware. you can also do virtualization without hardware support.21:16
tomreynhttps://mathiashueber.com/passthrough-windows-11-vm-ubuntu-22-04/ discusses what you need21:17
leejonesI'm trying to bring up Qt Creator in this ubuntu.21:18
tomreynand, how is it coming?21:19
leejonesSome kind of plug-in that can't be initialized, therefore it resuses to do anything.21:20
tomreynhow are you installing? what's the error message (use a pastebin, see /topic), if multiple lines of output)?21:21
Aavartomreyn: it didn't work after modprobing. I will check the bios quick.21:22
tomreyn!info qtcreator21:24
ubottuqtcreator (13.0.0-1, noble): integrated development environment (IDE) for Qt. In component universe, is optional. Built by qtcreator. Size 21,432 kB / 78,071 kB21:24
leejonesI thought there would never be another you.21:25
leejones 21:25
leejonesMine is now trying to do cmake. How would I have it do qmake?21:26
Aavartomreyn: the only setting I could find in the bios was "Intel virtualization tech" and that was enabled. I tried to turn it off and ran "kvm-ok" and that failed. If I run that with the setting enabled it gives me a positive reply. So... I guess virtualization is turned on?21:34
tomreynAavar: basic virtualization hardware (CPU) support is enabled when Intel VT(-x) is enabled. If you also want direct i/o hardware virtualization support you'll also need Intel VT-d / IOMMU support in uefi bios and OSes.21:39
Aavartomreyn: ok. Are you certain that that is the issue, and if enabled this should just work?21:40
AavarI have to check the manual of my motherboard to find the setting.21:40
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tomreynAavar: one of those, most likely. but i provide no warranty.21:46
Aavartomreyn: thank you. I will check it out and be back :)21:46
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stevecoh1I want to put a cron job on my Ubuntu 24.04 system.  I'm a bit confused about how to set that up.  I see a file called /etc/crontab that says # /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab22:17
stevecoh1# Unlike any other crontab you don't have to run the `crontab'22:17
stevecoh1# command to install the new version when you edit this file22:17
stevecoh1# and files in /etc/cron.d. These files also have username fields,22:17
stevecoh1# that none of the other crontabs do. Is this accurate?22:17
sixwheeledbeastwhat is the job22:22
stevecoh1@sixwheeledbeast - a job to launch a rclone bisync of a very small directory22:27
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sixwheeledbeastyou can use crontab -e to edit the system wide cron or you can make files in /etc/cron.d. With ubuntu using systemd it maybe beneficial to make a systemd service and timer.22:31
stevecoh1thanks sixwheeledbeast22:47
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kutxubuntu28d: why msg me with 'nnnn' ? weird23:00
yetitwoso a long time ago, i got tired of having my root partition run out of space and not being able to do anything about it. i responded to that by setting my system up to use LVM; it remains to be seen whether that was a good idea.23:10
yetitwoi'm now working for a new company that is letting me bring my own device but wants my filesystems to be encrypted, including my root filesystem. i've found a few different guides on how to do this in a dualbooted system like i have, but none involve logical volume management.23:10
yetitwowhere would "disk" or "partition" encryption land in the stack for a system set up with LVM? Is the logical volume the target of encryption? does LVM play nicely with encrypted volumes, or am I going to run into problems when I go to expand the volume?23:10
alex__omg irc still alive23:25

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