[00:04] Would that be appended to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT OR GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX? [00:10] xu-irc40w: Different this time - Bios screen, when the bios splash screen begins to clear - shift key to get grub's attention (legacy system that is ) .. then e key for edit mode and arrow down to tht linux line .. I prefer to replace quiet splash, myself - ctl+X to continue the boot. [00:11] tht/the* [00:21] Ah okay, just made the edit assuming ctrl+x saves the edit before boot (didn't see an option to save the modification) [00:21] That booted me into TTY 1 and wouldn't let me switch to TTY 7 [00:36] xu-irc40w: Well that isolates to a user land issue. But at this point be good to check the journal log for errors reported anywy, - to sart the GUI from ^ that terminal is anoter systeml command. [00:36] another* [00:42] Would that be sudo systemctl isolate graphical? [00:43] That loads brings me back to the black screen with a blinking cursor [00:45] xu-irc40w: No, to start the GUI from that TTY is systemctl set-default graphical , [00:48] Okay, that did that same thing. Back to a black screen with a blinking cursor [00:51] xu-irc40w: At this point I do suggest checking for boot errors - only as a matter of course. reboot to Grub's TTY and run ; ' journalctl -b |grep failed ' <- to see if anything failed while booting up. [00:53] Okay, I can look [00:57] I really think it could be related to the graphics card/drivers still, that seems the be the only solution to this in the past. Is there a way to view and change the current graphics driver via terminal? [00:59] I just purged all the Nvidia packages, boithsd to recovery, repaired packages, updated grub (again with nomodeset) and rebooted, it loaded to TTY1 and the switched to TTY7 with a low resolution screen again 640x480 I think [01:00] *booted [01:01] xu-irc40w: Depends on what the card is / Intel and AMD have the drivers in the kernel as loadble modules. [01:05] Yeah, the drivers seemed to be the issues last year when this happened. My bad for updating again once it was fixed. At this point I have no clue what driver to try. It's an old GeForce 9400 GT. Thoughts on how to resolve the resolution issue from this stage? [01:08] xu-irc40w: Lemme go see what driver is needed for that card. [01:09] i think it was supported by the 340 driver, which is obsolete and one can use the nouveau driver instead [01:12] xu-irc40w: oerheks: Confirmed 340 driver - ouch. https://www.nvidia.com/Download/Find.aspx?lang=en-us [10:24] Hi [13:38] hey guys. I'm having a little fight with xfce4-terminal. I go to Edit > Preferences > Colors tab > Uncheck "Show bold text in bright colors" > Presets > Choose any preset > "Show bold text in bright colors" is automatically checked [13:39] how do I force it to stay unchecked even if I change preset? === keypushe- is now known as keypusher