
andersson123bluca: I have a solution for your pagination issue when viewing your container!12:51
andersson123when you want to go to the next page of: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/results/autopkgtest-noble-upstream-systemd-ci-systemd-ci/12:51
andersson123take the last result of the page, e.g.:12:52
andersson123and append:12:52
andersson123?marker=noble/amd64/s/systemd-upstream/20240616_211635_5993a@/result.tar to the url12:52
andersson123like so:12:52
andersson123horrible, I know, but at least it works :) 12:52
blucaeheh yeah it works13:41
blucathanks for the hint, I will document that13:41

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