
blucaandersson123: I have a good example of the issue with reporting retries09:56
blucanoble-amd64 failed with a testbed error, so I submitted a manual retry for that PR09:56
blucait showed as in progress for a few minutes, but then it was immediately changed back to failed, pointing to the old log09:56
blucawhile the retry is still in progress and can be seen on https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running#pkg-systemd-upstream09:57
bluca(search for 33963)09:57
blucagithub purely shows the last received state on those PRs, so there must be something sending back the failed status from the autopkgtest cloud?09:58
andersson123bluca: hi, I see12:49
andersson123it seems there must be a bug in our script which reports the results12:49
andersson123I'll take a look 12:50
andersson123does `GITHUB_STATUSES_URL` change per trigger? i.e. if you retrigger a test run from a PR, will that statuses url change?12:55
blucaI don't know for sure, but it looks different on each force push13:12
blucabut it's the same for all 4 per-arch jobs from the same push13:12
blucaie if you search for 'UPSTREAM_PULL_REQUEST=33965' you'll see 2 different URLes over 8 jobs13:13
blucalet me try a manual retry and see what happens13:14
blucaI got the same url as the last one on a manual retry13:15
blucaso I guess a force push on the branch means new URL, manual trigger directly to autopkgtest means same URL13:15
andersson123okay, that's helpful, thank you :D13:18
andersson123I think I have the issue, should have a fix soon13:25
andersson123yes, I have a fix :) 13:30
Skiaandersson123: please give me the review, I have a bit of context on that since recently :-)13:33
Skiashould be able to give it a look tonight13:33
blucanice, thanks13:39
andersson123Skia: I'll ping you when it's ready 13:43
andersson123bluca: I have a quick question :) The containers holding your results are obviously quite large, as you know from the issues with pagination. My question is - can we delete results that are older than a certain X days? What would be a comfortable value for X for you? Or perhaps, instead of X days old, we just keep X number of results. What do you think?14:32
blucayeah sure, either of those works14:43
blucalike a month retention is more than enough14:43
blucais that still too much?14:44
andersson123No! A month is great. Thanks, that's very helpful 14:51

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