
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
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Guest3what's going on here?01:03
shadowhawk2045im downloading ubuntu01:03
shadowhawk2045do you use ubuntu?01:03
Guest3this is my first time01:04
shadowhawk2045which flavour?01:04
Guest3idk yet01:04
archpcsilly question, does ubuntu arm64 server have an "official" mirror, or does it just go thru ports.ubuntu . com03:05
toddcarchpc: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/noble/release/03:12
archpcI should have clarified, it's for apt03:13
toddcyes normal mirrors the same as all other versions03:13
archpchm, thank you :D03:13
canurabushiya. I'm having a problem using my bluetooth headphones. I can pair to them fine, but they don't show up in my list of audio devices. They were working without any issues prior to my most recent update (from the previous LTS to 24.04). Does anyone have any suggestions for what I can try?03:49
enigma9o7copper wire04:00
canurabusit seems like nothing ever improves on desktop linux04:03
canurabuswell more like things get somewhat good for a little while04:03
rboxdang, you should probably switch to back to whatever yo uused prior04:03
canurabusand then an update will just break everything04:03
canurabusi cant switch back, old version is out of support04:03
kutlol rbox04:15
archpcI mean hes not entirely wrong04:19
archpcWell, he's really got this down to an art. If it’s not broken, it’s just biding its time until the next update decides to take it out. You know, there’s a saying in Tennessee—I think it’s in Texas, but it probably works in the Linux world too—‘Fool me once, shame on… shame on you. Fool me—you can’t get fooled again.’ At this04:23
archpcpoint, you might want to consider that every time you trust an update to actually improve things, you’re setting yourself up for another round of ‘guess what’s broken now.’ Maybe it’s time to stop letting these updates fool you and start expecting the inevitable, or, better yet, learn to love the chaos04:23
archpcBut you know what, just like fixing Linux bugs, sometimes you’ve just gotta step up and handle it. Watch this drive04:25
* archpc proceeds to hit the golf ball 04:25
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rktaCan I configure a systemd unit to not autostart? I only want it to be started manually? That service requires a LUKS device, which is still encrypted after startup of the system.05:31
kutsystemctl disable service or chkconfig service off05:33
rktaoh, it's not part of the unit file, that's why I did not find it. thanks05:34
JanCthere _are_ manuals  ;)06:38
ice9how to make wifi use random MAC by default for any new wifi connection, before connecting to the AP?07:16
ice9thanks ravage07:22
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BluesKajHi all11:38
hanshenrikubuntu 24.04 ship with a 2022 version of rclone with a broken OneDrive implementation, it can list OneDrive files but not read or write to them (resulting in IO errors); the rclone package maintainer should probably look into that12:13
hanshenrik(the newest rclone does not have the io error problem)12:14
ravage!bug | hanshenrik12:32
ubottuhanshenrik: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:32
Guest7hi all, pls may u help me to ublcok pendrive, it doesn't let me use it... write protect12:46
Guest7i can't even format it12:46
ravagesolving a hardware problem is not really possible with software12:48
Guest7isn't write protection a settable option?12:50
ravagenot one that i know of12:51
ravageyou can try hdparm12:52
ravagebut that really should not be set by default12:52
ravagelike "sudo hdparm -r0 /dev/sdb1"12:52
ravageor the whole drive like sdb12:53
ztaneanyone know why fresh ubuntu 24.04 installation kde programs have different window decorations and doubleclicking does not maximize even though gnome & stuff does13:22
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jacoHello good Ubutu users17:37
jacoAny channel on youtube to recommend so i can master the ubuntu os?17:38
rboxyou master ubuntu by using it17:39
oerhekscarefull with random youtube channels17:39
jacoWe also acquire knowledge by researching17:40
rboxwhat "knowledge" do you want to acquire17:41
jacooerheks: Thanks for your advise. What can be your go to top list of youtube channel for support?17:42
ioriajaco, start with an emacs tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urcL86UpqZc&t=172s17:45
jacoioria: well thanks for sharing, your video is a bit away from what i am expecting17:50
ioriaah, ok17:50
cbreakvim > emacs anyway18:12
paganbbsi was on defcon ~tesi18:14
paganbbslol S18:14
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diptanuwhat is this19:44
tarzeaua command like dir, list stuff19:44
ElliriaIt lists the files and directories in the current or specified directory.19:45
enychrrm does Ubuntu-Desktop tend to install HWE kernel by default?  Other derivates/desktop types too?20:05
oerheksyes, only with LTS20:05
enycoerheks: hrrm, I see, which mint-22 follows, right, ok.20:05
oerheksand availability, from 22.04.120:06
oerheksmint ..20:06
enycyes, not ubuntu not official deriv20:06
enycbut clear that ubuntu desktop LTS taken same approach they have there20:06
oerheksno, they do as we have, do  not turn around20:07
enychrrm, 24.04LTS has kernel 6.8 BUT thats' not a kernel.org LongTerm, interestingly20:07
enycfriends' with an intel 8th gen  having some sort of issue   likely with that kernel and suspend or screen black,  not yet looked/debugged / tried all distro combos, etc....20:08
enycWondering more generally if 24.04 lts and the ubuntu 6.8 kernel stream is  "teething issues"  land generally at the moment...20:08
enycgscan2pdf does not seem to work in 24.04 lts too20:08
tomreynenyc: if you're seeking support with some software or functionality of some ubuntu release, feel free to share details. with the current level of details, this is just a story (and this channel is not for story telling).20:13
Apachezwith old list format for apt you could define arch with   deb [arch=amd64] http://example.com   but how do I specify that "arch=amd64" part with the new sources format ?20:15
vortexxenyc: 6.8 is pretty "young" atm20:16
Apachezdeb822 format20:18
ApachezArchitectures: amd6420:18
oerheksusually one does not need to add amd6420:19
tomreynsome distros are large/strong enough that they can actually afford to long term maintain a kernel version they pick.20:21
enycvortexx: Thankyou for the comment, I see  https://kernel.ubuntu.com/mainline/v6.10.3/  could be tested as a comparison  especially if suspecting a kernel<>firmware  type incompatibility that didn't happen on 22.04/5.15.0-* kernels20:37
=== jfsimon1981_c is now known as jfsimon
enyctomreyn: something very specific, and be helpful somebody with any 24.04 official ubuntu or derivative could test, is  ...  sudo apt install gscan2pdf   ...    and confirm gscan2pdf doesn't start [?].  I'm particularly curious what all the Perl-errors or whatever may mean and  how best to try to  triage/narrow-down this,  bug report, etc.20:51
tomreynenyc: if you can reproduce that an application installed from ubuntu repositories does not start up porperly on a clean ubuntu installation, then looking for existing and, if none, filing a bug report is a good plean of action.20:55
enyctomreyn: when I find a certain netbook (i use for all sorts of test/distros) power adapter, i'm hoping to put some test clean-installs on there and see;  alas I'm on a slow ocvid recovery and lots of other IRL tasks to catch up with alas.  I was hoping if possible somebody here with a comparatively clean 24.04 could confirm.20:56
tomreynyou could setup a VM or container and test in there, this should not take too much efforts.20:57
tomreynbut, sure, do it when you feel like you can, don't stress yourself out. it's just unlikely that anyone here will be abe to help if you don't describe issues precisely, i.e. sharing error messages / warnings etc.20:59
ubottuWubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and Windows, and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.21:29
mdmbkrkind of a noob question but I have a kodi-based streamer at home, when I use, for example, apple music on my phone I am able to select it for airplay/casting, which works fine ... is this something I can also do from my ubuntu laptop?21:44
mdmbkrthat is to say: send the system's audio output to my kodi streamer21:45
vortexxmdmbkr: rygel or minidlna would work for that22:30
vortexx(dlna handles audio and video streaming)22:31
dhiaanhow to install tlauncher23:41
Bashing-om!info tlauncher23:42
ubottuPackage tlauncher does not exist in noble23:42
enigma9o7dhiaan: what happens when you try?23:44

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