[02:00] hey, when i open a folder in vscode and i use cmd+l to enter the path directly, i seem to cannot stop at a folder, i.e. i need to enter the path to a file? [02:02] like when i open a file and i press ctrl+l, then enter e.g. `/tmp` and press enter twice then i see the content of `/tmp` . but when i open a folder, pressing enter twice is not working, so the ctrl+l function is completely useless? [02:06] you need sudo to enter that folder?" [02:06] vs code is limited, see settings [02:07] oerheks: no why sudo? [02:07] no need to enter /tmp, or is it? [02:07] that was just an example of a folder [02:08] its about the difference in the open file vs open folder dialogue [02:08] i can open folders without problems, but i can only use the gui. i cant enter the path to the folder and then open it. [02:09] while for files i can do both or mix it (like enter a path to some folder and then navigate in the gui from there) [02:11] but /tmp is outside your home folder [02:11] so, think again [02:12] tmp doesnt need privilege [02:13] it is outside your home [02:13] why would it matter [02:13] come on, vscode [02:13] lolz [02:13] they provie excellent manuals [02:14] c/provide [02:14] but the open file dialogue is still thunar, isnt it? [02:14] with limits, no access outside... [02:15] i can reproduce the same thing within my home folder [02:20] it is not thunar, i guess [02:22] * Helenah waves at oerheks and fweht [02:26] limits in settings of vscode [06:06] In xububtu bluetooth headphone is connected but not shown as output device and hence sound is not coming from bluetooth headphone.  Please help me ! [06:10] I'm not too smart but did you enable proprietary drivers under additional drivers? [06:11] is it connected with a usb fob or just bt? so you can see the bt connection? [06:11] ok === Tom is now known as Guest610