[01:01] Two Kubuntu Focus device reviews have dropped within the last 30 days. 5/5 stars and 4.5/5 stars. [01:01] * [Tech Radar, M2 GEN 5](https://www.techradar.com/pro/kubuntu-focus-m2-gen-5-linux-laptop-review) [01:01] * [HowToGeek, Ir16 GEN 2](https://www.howtogeek.com/kubuntu-focus-ir16-gen-2-review/) [01:01] Nice Rick! Two Kubuntu Focus device reviews have dropped within the last 30 days. 5/5 stars and 4.5/5 stars. [01:01] * [Tech Radar, M2 GEN 5](https://www.techradar.com/pro/kubuntu-focus-m2-gen-5-linux-laptop-review) [01:01] * [HowToGeek, Ir16 GEN 2](https://www.howtogeek.com/kubuntu-focus-ir16-gen-2-review/) [01:02] Sorry for the double post. Whoops. [01:25] nice [01:51] Thanks Valorie! [02:10] I think your machines are more than I need, but I will be looking at them seriously when this one starts to die [02:16] If it's in your range, we really like the ir16. It's a very good price, and has a great screen and feel. I tell almost everyone to get that instead of the 14, which is only $65 less. [02:17] thanks again valorie. I think you would really appreciate the tools, docs, and validated updates. [06:13] Folks, there is a lot of energy around the move to Linux, lots of new videos on YouTube, and it looks as though it's trending [14:32] Interesting. Do you have an IRC client that parses markdown? And great news on the reviews.