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ubottuWubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and Windows, and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.00:52
enigma9o7TIL; although dunno how important that'll be to know.02:07
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alazyI'm trying to display my boot messages on my monitor in portrait mode. I've put added these 2 kernel parameters: video=nvidia-drm:HDMI-A-1:2560x1440-24@60:D video=nvidia-drm:VGA-1:1920x1080-24@60:e,rotate=90,panel_orientation=right_side_up02:44
alazyBut it doesn't work; I still get text on only the VGA monitor in a way that I have to tilt my head 90' to read. I've install the nvidia proprietary driver. Any idea what's wrong?02:44
tomreynyou might also need video=efifb02:49
tomreynthose are kernel cmdline parameters02:49
alazytomreyn: thanks, I will read https://docs.kernel.org/fb/fbcon.html. https://docs.kernel.org/fb/efifb.html seems only directed at some Apple and ARM hardware; I'm running an older x86-64 + nvidia card & proprietary driver.03:00
alazy1) Do you know why the kernel apparently ignores "rotate=90,panel_orientation=right_side_up" ? It's in the kernel documentation (https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/fb/modedb.rst) and I see nothing to explain why it is not respected.03:00
alazy2) I'm trying to use the nvidia framebuffer driver too (for boot and while using TTYs). My kernel command line also contains "nvidia-drm.modeset=1 nvidia-drm.fbdev=1". Does that seem right, and should fbcon conflict with nvidia-drm.fbdev ?03:00
yes-ubuntuHello! :) How is everyone? It now happens for the 2nd time (recently, in the last month or so?) that somehow (either me pressing something on the keyboard, either, when I open and wake my laptop) the caps lock changes behaviour: when the light is on the letters come out lower case and when the light is off, they come out as UPPER CASE? I searched03:01
yes-ubuntuthe web a little bit, but could not jet find a way to issue a command in the terminal to fix this? (a reboot would probably help, I am looking for a solution without reboot for now)03:01
yes-ubuntuiinterestingly, if I lock my screen (super + L) then, caps lock will return to normal, as in, I will have to press it until the caps lock led is off and type in my password? And as soon as I pass the login screen, the caps lock behaviour will be again screwed, I have to pres caps lock to switch the led on, in order to type with lower case?03:04
yes-ubuntuAnyone would have some good tips for me, please? (using ubuntu 24.04)03:06
yes-ubuntuAnd, even more interesting, now that my caps lock is screwed, whenever I press the super key and the gnome desktops appear with the search bar on top, if I start typing, the caps lock would work normal (as in, if the caps lock led is on, capitals would come out, if the led is off lower case would come out... so, if I start searching for any03:10
yes-ubuntuapplication on gnome, I would need to switch the casp lock led off and when coming back to use the applications or in the terminal, the casp lock would be screwed again)03:10
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eipip1eq0hi how to resolve unmet dependencies? I couldn't do anything with apt command now.06:41
eipip1eq0any apt operation would result in some unmet dependencies06:42
vincejvhello, not sure if is should ignore but i'm getting dmesg errors errors: [  +0.000005] UBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in /build/linux-hwe-6.5-4OTnNG/linux-hwe-6.5-6.5.0/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_atombios.c:2705:39 [  +0.000010] index 2 is out of range for type 'ATOM_PPLIB_NONCLOCK_INFO [1]'07:25
vincejvthen there's a call stack07:26
vincejvfull error: https://pastebin.com/7rr7WiE707:26
vincejvoh wait im going to try to disable the hwe kernel and rollback07:30
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)07:42
yes-ubuntuHello! Anyone knows how to fix caps lock screw up without a reboot? Google doesn't really help? Using Ubuntu 24.04.07:50
bodexplain more07:51
bodlog in and out07:54
bodout and in07:54
bodvirtual keyboard07:54
yes-ubuntubod: so, when the caps lock led is on, lower case letters are typed and vice versa (and, caps lock works fine at the login screen - if I lock then unlock the desktop, and, it also works fine if I search for an app by pressing the super key)07:57
bodoh weird07:57
yes-ubuntubod: I am looking for a possible terminal command to fix this, actually, if there would be one? :D reboot would help, 100%07:57
bodxset led07:58
bodlook at xset07:58
yes-ubuntuso far, I have found this ---> echo 0 | sudo tee `ls /sys/class/leds/*capslock/brightness` which works until I press caps lock, then I would need to use this command again?07:59
bodoh weird08:01
bodidk maybe xset led08:01
bodit can turn keyboard leds on and off08:01
bodmight not work on wayland08:01
yes-ubuntubod: thank you :) the terminal command I shared earlier would do the same, temporarily?08:02
bodah k08:02
bodwell that command looks like it just turns the brightness down all the way but not the led off completely08:05
bodidk though08:06
bodnever used it08:06
bodmaybe theres a difference08:06
bodidk though08:06
meharwanhy guys , i am new here08:10
meharwani want to learn to program desklets in  linux miint , can anyone help me please ? i am proficient in js and css btw08:12
honoreis there any one?09:21
honorewhere are from?09:21
lotuspsychje!chat | honore09:22
ubottuhonore: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:22
honorewhere are you from09:22
=== polo is now known as marcopolo1
marcopolo1Hello, i am currently on ubuntu 22.04 and i am following the instructions on Jagex's website to install runescape ( https://www.runescape.com/launcher ) however when i put that code in my terminal it says it can't install RuneScape because it uses libss1.0 and from what i saw on the internet ubuntu is on libss3.3 , does anyone have any idea how i could fix this ?09:55
ravageThe best option is probably to install steam10:00
ravageAnd run it through Proton10:01
ravageI also found https://snapcraft.io/runescape-rujak10:01
ravageBut have not tested it10:01
marcopolo1found a flatpak for it , trying it10:02
jan_hello how i can disable touchscreen lin linux10:12
jan_how to add more codecs for headphones in sound settings, i use kubuntu just because i preffer this interface, i have some strange and the best 2 codecs have a2d sin and just get pauses in sound, https://postimg.cc/mzhm6vdg10:21
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perthohey got a question.. on Ubuntu 24.04, I've got intel-media-va-driver installed, and I set media.ffmpeg.vaapi.enabled to true in Firefox.. but when playing videos, intel_gpu_top shows only activity in "Render/3D" and nothing in "Video" which means it's not using VA-API. Any ideas on how to fix?12:43
perthodo I need some extra package installed into snap for firefox to support it?12:48
pertho(since firefox in snap is sandboxed isn't it?)12:48
tomreynsnap isolation would also be my guess as to what's getting in the way. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Firefox#Hardware_video_acceleration has a lot of suggestions on how to diagnose it.12:53
tomreyni'd start by checking for existing bug reports, though12:53
perthotomreyn: I think it depends on the codec.. I set youtube to 1080p and looked at intel_gpu_top and seeing Video % bar going up and down so.. I think maybe the older 480p videos use a codec that isn't as supported for HW decoding (this 9th gen intel card doesn't support AV1 HW decoding, only VP8, VP9 and H.264)13:06
tomreynah, so you're saying it does work, nice13:08
tomreynyt-dlp --list-formats / -F=...   lets you download videos in a specific format, if that's of any help in testing.13:10
perthotomreyn: yeah I think it wasn't working on certain xxxp resolutions.. but 1080p seems to mostly be the types it can hw decode but 480p not so much.13:28
ravageA better calculator can decode 480p :)13:29
aaradhyaaddam chilli des ki billi13:32
perthoravage: heh maybe but sticking a video codec that can't be HW decoded in full screen at 1920x1080 means the CPU maxes out one core13:33
ravageif the decoder can only use one core you should throw that code in the bin13:34
ravagealso i talked about 480p and nothing else13:35
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AavarI have some virtual machines created in virt-manager on my laptop. They do not show up when I run "virsh list --all". On all my other machines this works. Any idea why?21:32
AavarIt does show up when I run as sudo... weird.21:34
oerhekscheck and compare what groups your user belongs to21:37
Aavaroerheks: ok, thank you. I will check :)21:48
oerhekslibvirt and kvm, i think21:52
oerhekssudo usermod -aG libvirt $USER   &&  sudo usermod -aG kvm $USER  # maybe you did, but did not logout login again to take effect21:52
Aavaroerheks: I was already a member of the groups. I found somewhere online that "virsh -c qemu:///system list --all" would work. And it did...22:00
blinkyI need some help with virtualbox on ubuntu.22:14
enigma9o7you'll need to be more specific22:22
blinkyenigma9o7, thank you for replying. Here - https://bpa.st/6VEA - this is the error.22:48
enigma9o7What happens when you try to install the kernel drive (sudo vboxconfig)?  Do you have secure boot enabled?22:49
blinkyI have disabled the secure boot22:50
blinkyI don't know how to install kernel drive22:50
blinkyI'm new to Linux.22:51
enigma9o7What happens when you try with "sudo vboxconfig" as suggested?22:51
blinkyenigma9o7, https://bpa.st/6JHQ22:53
enigma9o7ah okay, an explanation.  "sudo apt install build-essential" then try again22:55
blinkyon it22:56
blinkyenigma9o7, https://bpa.st/3SVQ22:58
oerheks33 not upgraded...22:58
enigma9o7hmmm guess you'll have to install headers manually, i thought build-essential covered that22:58
enigma9o7although sure, maybe you have them waiting for you when you upgrade.22:59
enigma9o7apt list --upgradable and see if new headers are there22:59
blinkyhow to upgrade?22:59
enigma9o7from command line you can "sudo apt upgrade"22:59
blinkyon it23:00
enigma9o7but in your case you liekly just need to "sudo apt install linux-headers-generic" and then try "sudo vboxconfig" yet again23:01
enigma9o7which would install them if you dont have them installed and upgrade them if you do.23:02
blinkyupgrade is 15% completed. I will do the "linux-headers" command once 100% completed.23:03
SiamasterHi I have both ubuntu and win installed on machine. It used to work fine but now everytime I log in to Windows and then try to log in to ubuntu, it fails the first time23:06
SiamasterI get "failed to initialized nvidia daemon"23:06
Siamasterand then the only thing I rly can do is restart because network's not initialized either I can't use internet23:07
Siamasterit's just failed and graphics are big23:07
Siamasterbut after a restart to ubuntu it corrects itself23:07
leftyfbSiamaster: disable fast boot on windows23:07
Siamasterok! yeah it feels like windows23:08
SiamasterI'm gonna try that23:08
SiamasterI used to have it disabled but it's Win..23:08
SiamasterI turned it off but I still have the same problem :(23:17
SiamasterI used to be able to log in to win from grub menu too, but then it stopped working and giving mig "invalid signature" and after a grub update it was gone.23:18
Siamasternow I log into  win from BIOS instead23:18
leftyfbah, disable secure boot in your BIOS23:18
Siamasterand everytime I do that, I need to log in to uvuntu two times23:18
SiamasterIt has always been disabled23:18
SiamasterIf it's enabled, I'm not even able to boot into BIOS with my current monitor23:19
SiamasterI have to change monitor to be able to set it back23:19
blinkyenigma9o7, it still says - https://bpa.st/4XRQ23:33
enigma9o7You still don't have headers to match your kernel.23:33
enigma9o7If you are using linux-image-generic then linux-headers-generic should be it.  If you are using a different kernel, use the maching header package.23:34
blinkyhow do i know which kernel I'm using? please help me install the matching header package.23:35
tomreynblinky: cat /proc/version23:50
tomreynor, less detailed, uname -r23:51
blinkyon it23:51
enigma9o7aha, using oem kernel, that explains it23:53
enigma9o7there is likely a package called something like linux-headers-oem or something23:53
enigma9o7or you could switch to generic kernel iwth `sudo apt install linux-image-generic` then reboot; for noble that'll be 6.8 series23:54
enigma9o7or for jammy `sudo apt install linux-image-hwe-22.04 linux-headers-hwe-22.04`23:54
blinkywhat is oem?23:55
blinkyis it safe to switch to generic kernel?23:55
enigma9o7Yes it should be safe to switch to generic kernel, not sure why you'd have oem unless you purposely installed it, or an oem installed your OS In the first place.23:57
enigma9o7infos: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/OEMKernel23:57
enigma9o7If it doesn't boot with generic kernel tho, you can boot your previous kernel from grub advanced options.23:57
blinkyon it23:57
enigma9o7So if you want to be 100% safe make sure you know how to get into grub menu, or put like a 3 second timeout on it.23:57

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