
BluesKajHi all13:27
EickmeyerOops, posted in wrong channel. @sgmoore[M], @RikMills santa_: We do *not* have the new kwallet-pam (6) in Oracular. In the interest of time, I *highly* recommend syncing this from experimental. Feature Freeze is Thursday.18:56
EickmeyerI can do it if given the go-ahead.18:57
EickmeyerFWIW, doesn't look like they changed any package names, so it's just a change to upgrade to kf6.19:10
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> @Eickmeyer you have my go ahead19:28
Eickmeyersgmoore: alright, syncing.19:28
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Thank you19:28
EickmeyerHeh, actually, looks like it'll need a 4: epoch, which makes me slightly grumpy since that *should never have been done* as it takes us completely away from the Debian namespace on that package. I'm sure the AAs aren't happy about that.19:31
EickmeyerEither way, I can make it work.19:31
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Ouch, not at computer, if you could make it work19:33
EickmeyerAlright, uploaded.20:07
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Thank you (re @IrcsomeBot: <Eickmeyer> Alright, uploaded.)20:08

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