[01:13] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Aaron Rainbolt: Visually-impaired accessibility is fundamentally broken. Here's what we can do about it. @ https://arraybolt3.substack.com/p/visually-impaired-accessibility-is [03:32] Bashing-om, i fear "We’re told this includes bug fixes that were in the recently released beta" maybe misread... the bugs in beta are now fixed; read okay to you? [03:33] blogo nvidia one ^ [03:34] audio & video, extra \n I think needed between ubuntu.on.air quoted-summary & url [03:35] guiverc: You are generally correct - looking and fixing, [03:35] I didn't provide any thought, I'm ultra-tired so barely thinking.. but it reads both okay & incorrect to me today... [03:36] guiverc: All have our bad days - and past my prime time here too :P [03:41] maybe we should drop first in 20.04 updates list; both 1st & 2nd are different ml entries; but refer to same text, same change down to 17:15:11.588330+00:00 ... (first is from archive.robot, second actual request that trigged..) [03:42] then again if removed... there is duplicate further down.. [03:42] sorry.. first was marc, second was archive.robot .. appears same on both [03:42] drop https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/focal-changes/2024-August/049049.html maybe [03:43] drop https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/focal-changes/2024-August/049055.html maybe [03:44] if you wish to drop archive.robot dups; https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/jammy-changes/2024-August/032609.html is same in 22.04/jammy [03:44] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/jammy-changes/2024-August/032635.html another archive.robot in jammy [03:45] I'm not fussed if archive.robot dups are present, as we have more in noble.. eg https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/noble-changes/2024-August/040746.html [03:46] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/noble-changes/2024-August/040771.html archive robot dub [03:46] s/dub/dup [03:48] I've reached end issue Bashing-om , ^ was all I noted (one query that had me unsure; one extra \n suggested include & some maybe.drop.dups that just add length) [03:52] guiverc: See that the Bloggo Nvidia summary reads OK now ... trying now for the update edits to sink in --- not penetrating too well. Have got to get my lung therapy off my mind :P Then will try and re-focus. [03:54] the dups in lists were just archive.robot creating secondary report.. add length & potentially waste time of readers if they open everything, but duplicate lines are sort of visible in our text (as identical text with only slightly.different url link) [03:54] Much prefer your edit Bashing-om , thank you !!!! [03:55] (yours also highlights usefulness of beta testing; I do love that !!!!!) [04:41] guiverc: Dupes removed - saved and out. [04:43] thanks Bashing-om [04:47] krb5 1.20.1-6ubuntu2.1 - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/noble-changes/2024-August/040771.html appears to not have been removed [04:49] guiverc: doing ^ - great that you checked, [04:52] done ^ and out :D [05:24] thanks (only change I see & looks good) [05:26] guiverc: :D Set then to push in a few hours. [19:43] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: First Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Point Release Delayed By 2 Weeks @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/08/first-ubuntu-24-04-lts-point-release-delayed [20:07] UWN: Opening 852 shortly - One to add - https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-24-04-1-point-release-delayed-until-august-29/47110 - removing /WIP/Comments/WIKI adding news tag. Will start the push soonest. [20:44] UWN: M/L is away - Doing the Forums posting next. [21:00] UWN: Forums Posting completed - next is to make up a Mastodon blog. [22:11] UWN: Issue853 off the line to a roaring start. [22:36] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2024/08/12/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-852/ [22:48] tweeted 852, posted telegram (& mewe) [23:02] UWN: Mastodon Blogg-dided. [23:17] uwn 852 posted to fb (finally) [23:24] \o/