
tomreynsome of your hardware *may* stop to work properly (i.e. bad/incomplete drivers, not permanent) if you're moving away from -oem. so i'd recommend having the talk about why you ended up with the oem installation in the first place.00:00
blinkyI'm new to linux.00:01
blinkyI just downloaded the .iso file from Ubuntu website, made a live usb using Balena etcher.00:01
blinkyAnd installed it.00:01
tomreynokay, i didn't know that would branch into -oem automatically based on the hardware, but that must be what happened then.00:02
tomreynis it a very new laptop, like fro the past <1 year?00:02
tomreynis it a very new laptop, like from the past <1 year?00:02
blinkyI bought it in 202100:03
tomreynnow i, too, am convinced enigma9o7's approach is fine00:03
tomreynbut don't skip the part about understanding how to get into grub menu+00:04
tomreyn(sorry enigma9o7 ;-) )00:04
blinkywhich version is better? oem or generic? and why?00:05
tomreyndid you read or try to read the wiki page explaining what the oem kernel is?00:05
blinkyNo. I'll read it now.00:05
tomreynif you don't know, OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer. It means the company which put together the computer you were sold.00:07
blinkyI see00:07
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blinkyI'll reboot now and see if the problem is solved.00:13
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* jetchisel 00:47
webchat38i just installed Ubuntu on my Dell XPS 13 9340 and have screen problems, just as I had with LM22. Ive read its the Kernel 6.8.0 - 4001:24
webchat38Ive read there are no problems with 6.8.0 - 3601:24
webchat38every time I type ore move the mouse the screen get s garbeled01:25
webchat38But i dont have a clue how to get that -36 kernel installed01:26
tomreynwebchat38: hi, which ubuntu version did you install?01:28
webchat38last version01:28
webchat3824.04 noble01:29
tomreyncan you link to where you read that this is specific to 6.8.0 - 40 but does not occur on -36?01:30
webchat38sorry , copying from my win machine01:33
tomreyni'm sorry you apparently had to type this01:33
tomreynthere is version -43, i assume that's in ubuntu-proposed: linux-image-6.8.0-43-generic_6.8.0-43.43_amd64.deb01:35
tomreynit's not usually a good idea to downgrade to an earlier kernel patchlevel, since you will often loose security patches nad other bug fixes01:36
webchat38any clue how I can install it? Im new01:36
tomreynthe following are still on archive mirrors https://bpa.st/XD6A01:40
tomreynwhen you run this in a terminal, what does it print?   apt policy linux-image* |& nc termbin.com 999901:41
webchat38Sorry my screen is so garbled its almost impossible01:45
webchat38terminal open , is there an easy way to copy like control-c b?01:45
tomreynif you're using a graphical terminal emulator, so the gnome terminal, then you can just ctrl-shift-c and ctrl-shift-v01:46
tomreynor mark text with your mouse, then it immediately goes into the 'mouse clipboard' and you can paste from there by pressing your mouse wheel01:47
tomreynto share more than one line of output here, please use https://bpa.st01:48
tomreynyou can try switching the ubuntu system to a text only display, a tty, by pressing ctrl-alt-F4 (ctrl-alt-f2 or -F3 to get back)01:49
tomreynthere, you won't be able to copy + paste, but maybe the screen is no longer distroted01:50
webchat38screen is still crazy sorry01:50
webchat38flashing and rgb01:50
oerheksthat model only should have camera issues..01:53
tomreyntry this: sudo apt update && sudo apt install linux-oem-24.0401:53
webchat38working updating01:56
tomreynyou should read up on how to bring up the grub menu and select the kernel to boot from there01:57
webchat38okay thanks, going to read about grub01:58
tomreynyou just configured your computer to not only track the default ubuntu kernel for 24.04 LTS (which it was already configured to) but also to track the ubuntu -oem kernel - more info on this here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/OEMKernel . OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer. It means the company which put together the computer you were sold.02:02
tomreynthis means you will always have two different current kernel variants installed side by side now, until you change that: the -generic kernel and the -oem kernel02:02
tomreyngrub, the ubuntu bootloader, will automatically boot the kernel with the higher version number. i think this will be the -oem kernel now.02:03
tomreynthe oem linux version is 6.8.0-1010-oem  whereas generic is 6.8.0-40.40. So the OEM should be the higher version, and should get booted automatically. I don't know whether this different kernel variant will not be affected by this issue, but there is a chance it will not be.02:08
pinkergloophey guys03:20
pinkergloopso whenever i try to play a synth on lmms, it also comes with this weird static sound?03:20
pinkergloopi'm on ubuntu studio03:20
pinkergloopand this happens after upgrading to 24.0403:20
pinkergloopjust switched from pulseaudio to sdl03:22
Will90hello, Ive upgraded to the new LTS but my Stable Diffusion now broken04:01
Will90"/home/user/StableDiffusion/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/venv/bin/python3" -m pip install torch==2.0.1+rocm5.4.2 torchvision==0.15.2+rocm5.4.2 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/rocm5.4.204:01
Will90Error code: 104:01
Will90seems it wont install that version of torch or torchvision from that url04:02
mybalzitchdid you go from 22.04 to 24.04 ?04:07
Will90not sure what from but to the latest lts04:08
Will90ive tried substituting urls https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch/04:09
Will90and https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torchvision/04:10
Will90as they open in a browser and show files,04:10
Will90but i get Looking in indexes: https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch/04:21
Will90ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torchvision==0.15.2+rocm5.4.2 (from versions: none)04:21
Will90ERROR: No matching distribution found for torchvision==0.15.2+rocm5.4.204:21
Will90pip install torchvision==0.15.2+rocm5.4.2 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torchvision/ --break-system-packages04:32
Will90Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable04:32
Will90WARNING: Skipping /usr/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/argcomplete-3.1.4.dist-info due to invalid metadata entry 'name'04:32
Will90Looking in indexes: https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torchvision/04:32
Will90ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torchvision==0.15.2+rocm5.4.2 (from versions: none)04:32
Will90ERROR: No matching distribution found for torchvision==0.15.2+rocm5.4.204:32
Will90i think the problem might be something to do with https://download.pytorch.org/whl/rocm5.4.204:42
Will90This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.04:42
Will90because i can see what look to me like the same version of torch from https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch as required04:44
Will90for example can download https://download.pytorch.org/whl/rocm5.4.2/torch-2.0.1%2Brocm5.4.2-cp311-cp311-linux_x86_64.whl04:44
Will90but trying to open this in browser has a problem  https://download.pytorch.org/whl/rocm5.4.2/04:45
Will90oh works with this final /04:48
Will90maybe the webui forge program has missed the final / from the url and that breaks it being able to download the packiages it needs04:49
Will90ok now when i put the following in terminal i get a 'no module named pip' message04:56
Will90"/home/user/StableDiffusion/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/venv/bin/python3" -m pip install torch==2.0.1+rocm5.4.2 torchvision==0.15.2+rocm5.4.2 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/rocm5.4.2/04:56
Will90even though i had pip before, and i just reinstalled it04:56
Will90pip --version04:57
Will90pip 24.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.12)04:57
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Will90well i dunno what to do. cant run WebUI Forge because its wanting torch and torchvision with rocm5.4.2 and theyre not installing05:20
Will90howcome theres over 1000 users in this channel but no-one seems to be here?05:37
arraybolt3Will90: Quite a few people keep their clients connected at all times because otherwise they miss messages.05:45
arraybolt3If somsone knows the answer to your question and sees it, they'll say something. Sometimes things take patience though.05:45
Will90sudo apt install torch==2.0.1+rocm5.4.2 torchvision==0.15.2+rocm5.4.205:45
Will90Reading package lists... Done05:45
Will90Building dependency tree... Done05:45
Will90Reading state information... Done05:45
Will90E: Unable to locate package torch=05:45
Will90E: Unable to locate package torchvision=05:45
blahdeblahWill90: you want single =, not double05:49
Will90thx . how do i get them to install in here? "/home/user/StableDiffusion/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/venv/bin/python3"05:53
Will90sudo apt install torch=2.0.1+rocm5.4.2 torchvision=0.15.2+rocm5.4.205:58
Will90Reading package lists... Done05:58
Will90Building dependency tree... Done05:58
Will90Reading state information... Done05:58
Will90E: Unable to locate package torch05:58
Will90E: Unable to locate package torchvision05:58
Will90bye for now06:20
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gfdgHello Boy !07:34
gfdganotheryou hi07:37
anotheryouhi and bye :)  got to go07:37
gfdgfuck off07:37
osseThat escalated quickly.07:51
foo28Good day to all. Help me fix this...08:04
foo28I've compiled from source also, but still no joy. Thanks in advance.08:04
ravageThis is the recommended way to deplpy ceph08:19
ravageOr of course the Canonical way08:19
foo28ravage: Thanks. I'll try https://docs.ceph.com/en/reef/cephadm/install/#cephadm-install-curl08:25
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anotheryouosse: right? haha09:01
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BluesKajHi all13:27
ztane2404 wayland with intel graphics crashes every time I remove laptop from dock and sometimes when undocked.13:50
tomreynztane: what does "crashes" mean exactly? does it stop updating the video output, does the video turn black, does it get garbled - still changing looks or not?14:02
tomreynhave you tried ctrl-alt-f5 + ctrl-alt-del, - does it reboot then?14:03
tomreyndoes it still respond to !sysrq14:03
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key14:03
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xrandrHello. Has anyone ever encountered an issue with google chrome where it stutters, lags, or freezes for a few seconds then starts responding?15:58
tomreynxrandr:  does it also happen with any of the web browsers ubuntu provides?16:06
xrandrtomreyn: yeah, it seems to happen with firefox as well. Occasionally, the whole PC will freeze then unlock16:06
xrandrsomething seems...off16:06
xrandrI am going to try a reboot, brb16:07
xrandrand back16:11
xrandrtomreyn: I'm gonna keep an eye on it and report back in when it happens again16:11
xrandrthere were some updates pending, maybe they helped the issue16:11
tomreynmaybe have a look at your logs when it happenes again16:13
tomreynor have a lok at your logs when it last happened?16:13
tomreynjournalctl -b-1 -e    would bring you to the end of the latest kernel session. supposedly, not too long before is when you decided to reboot due to instability.16:14
tomreynjournalctl -kb-1 -e     to just inspect kernel messages16:15
SiamasterI used to have my win boot available for me in the grub menu but after a grub-update it's gone. Could someone help me get it back? =)16:16
Siamasterironically the solution was to run grub-update16:21
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GrandPa-GI have been asked to set up hot spot on remote system. I am using rdp to get in. I open system app and it immediately tries to scan wifi and pops up "System policy prevents wifi scan". I put in sudo password and it just keeps asking. I am stuck. I can't get out. What do I do?17:20
ioriaGrandPa-G, at first glance, could be a polkit issue17:25
GrandPa-Gioria, ok, I guessed that, but what do I do and how do I fix it?17:28
ioriaGrandPa-G, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1291512/authentication-required-system-policy-prevents-wifi-scans-in-focalfossa ; the last post seems interesting17:30
ztanetomreyn: crashes means: goes to text mode (cursor in upper left corner), 2 seconds, then I get graphical login screen, when I log in then that's a new session18:15
tomreynztane: this means either gnome-shell or gdm or the display server is crashing, you'll have details in your logs18:17
ztaneGNOME Shell crashed with signal 6, javascript traceback seems to be in tiling assistant which I seem to trigger accidentally all the time. Installed 24.04 in a new computer on Saturday and totally lost (old had and still has 22.04 and X :D)18:24
ztaneprobably related: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/2064037 though mine is Intel...18:26
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2064037 in gnome-shell-extension-tiling-assistant (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell crashes with SIGSEGV in tilingWindowManager.js:99" [Undecided, Confirmed]18:26
vfbsilvaFolks how can I install nvidia 555.58.02 in ubuntu 24?18:35
enigma9o7Its not officially supported by Ubuntu yet.  You would have to add the graphics ppa or nvidia's repo.18:36
enigma9o7Don't use nvidia's .run script tho, that is harder to update and undo, etc.18:36
vfbsilvaenigma9o7: im helping a work friend I myself run arch, can you give me a link so I can help me buddy?18:37
enigma9o7sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa18:38
enigma9o7sudo apt update18:38
vfbsilvaenigma9o7: thanks a lot18:38
enigma9o7sudo apt install nvidia-graphics-drivers-55518:39
ubottuDrivers for Nvidia graphics cards: (A) No gaming/CAD/CUDA needed or legacy hardware? Use "nouveau" (open source, lacks many features). (B) Otherwise, "nvidia" (proprietary driver, fully featured). Install using "ubuntu-drivers" CLI or apt - not from nvidia.com. Driver series, hardware support (release notes): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/ - Latest drivers !PPA: https://pad.lv/ppa/graphics-drivers18:39
leftyfbvfbsilva: https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa first result on google when typing in "nvidia ubuntu ppa"18:39
enigma9o7errr i mean sudo apt install nvidia-driver-55518:39
lotuspsychjevfbsilva: https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2024/08/install-nvidia-555-ubuntu/19:00
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gmachine24Running Ubuntu server 24.04 I began getting errors: ata3: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) and this went on until the entire screen was filled with these messages. I read something on stack which said if the computer is working I could just leave it alone. That did not work. Next reboot there were similar messages and a "start job" for one drive which never seemed to complete. Next I know I'm at "you are in emergency mode" prompt19:43
gmachine24followed by the cloud-init stuff and then back to endless ata3: softreset failed error messages19:43
pragmaticenigmagmachine24: sounds like you have a failing harddrive19:46
gmachine24so... should I disconnect the three internal drives and see if I can boot normally and go from there?19:46
pragmaticenigmagmachine24: I don't know your system setup... so I have no idea what that will do19:47
gmachine24an ssd 250gb drive with the os and three spinning drives to store data19:48
gmachine24is there something I can/should do at this emergency prompt?19:48
pragmaticenigmaIf the HDDs are not required for running the system, yes, shutdown, remove the drive's power and data cables, power on19:49
gmachine24thank you19:49
ravageit is also possible that you will be in rescue mode again. if you added that drive to /etc/fstab19:50
ravageand did not set it optional19:50
gmachine24you're talking about the ssd drive - yeah, it's in the fstab file19:52
ravageThe failing drive19:53
gmachine24well they're all in the fstab file19:53
ravageThen you will need to fix that to get a successful boot19:53
ravageWith the drive removed19:53
gmachine24alright i can do that with by live booting from a usb stick - or is there a better way19:55
topcat001also check the bios drive listing to see what is connected there19:56
ravageyou can also try that from the rescue mode19:56
ravagebut sure. a usb session also works19:56
bpromptgmachine24: chances are the failing drive is one of the spinners, not the SSD20:00
bpromptgmachine24: failing drive or drives, plural20:01
gmachine24yeah i agree20:01
bpromptgmachine24: you can try, not mounting any, namely remove them from /etc/fstab and then do a SMART check on each independently, you could likely achieve the same thing by simply doing a LiveUSB boot, that way nothing is mounted at all, and then run a SMART check on the spinners, now, if smarttools doesn't come with the LIveUSB, you can install it with WiFi, and smarttools will work, for that live session only20:05
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gmachine24ok, thank you bprompt and everyone. I was able to edit the fstab file and comment out the data/spinning drives - a reboot has me at the normal tty1 command prompt. So at least there's that. I do check these drives regularly but I think I know - if it's a spinning drive that is the problem - I think I know which one. I will set up a live boot stick and run smartmontools from there - as it seems if I reattach the drives and try to boot again I will20:10
gmachine24likely get those same error messages.20:10
gmachine24bprompt, you think I can do the smartmontools check from the command line where I am now without needing the live boot?20:11
ravageIf you install the tool then sure20:12
gmachine24OK - I'm sure it's on the server but I think I'll do the live stick because I could just run into endless errors again20:13
gmachine24Is there a separate live install version of ubuntu desktop or can i just run the standard ISO burned to a usb dfive20:14
bpromptgmachine24: hmmm why you need a separate?   I mean, yes, you can just burn the standard ISO and run it live20:15
enigma9o7I do not believe there is a seperate live installed usb.  If you want to install it on a usb drive, use the regular installer and install it there.  Or if you want to run live without persistance, you can certainly do so when burned to a usb drive or even dvdr.20:16
enigma9o7errr written to a usb drive or burned to a dvr.20:16
enigma9o7dvdr.  damnit.20:16
gmachine24thanks. i've run numerous versions of linux - some like fedora have a live version and i'm getting to be of the age when I do not want to trust my memory, if you get my drift20:16
bpromptgmachine24: hmmm you can get the standard ISO and likely create a "persistent storage" for it, what does that mean?  well, it means that in the LiveUSB session all configurations and installations are kept, and not lost on reboot, that means you can add codecs or smartmontools and who knows what, and on the next LiveUSB session, they'll all be there, and you can use them without having to reinstall anything20:18
gmachine24right. i've seen that option on the software i use to burn the iso20:19
bpromptgmachine24: yeap, that's what persistent storage is for, to keep the session changes20:20
gmachine24I'm at a Fedora desktop, I don't think their media writer has that option but I know Rufus (Windows) does.20:22
bpromptgmachine24: had a funny episode once, was going to run a recovery on a laptop, so I created an ISO with persistent storage on my machine, added video codecs and player and so on, once I ran the liveUSB on the other laptop, everything was installed, but the video player was looking for my machine's soundcard's, it worked after a few clicks though =)20:24
gmachine24lol well I switched to the torrent download and it whizzed past the regular download20:24
leftyfbgmachine24: sorry, maybe I missed it by why do you need persistent storage on your flash drive?20:24
gmachine24that's cool bprompt it's great to learn new stuff20:24
oerheksuse a 2nd usb for storage20:24
gmachine24i'm not sure i do leftyfb i think bprompt was just offering that as an option in case i had to download something like smartmontools20:25
leftyfbyou don't need persistent to run that20:25
bpromptgmachine24: yeap, is just an option, but is not a must just for those quick checks20:25
gmachine24agreed but it's not a bad option to have in case i need something else20:26
leftyfbgmachine24: you can just use dd to write the iso to your flash drive20:26
gmachine24that's how i usually do it20:26
gmachine24dd always works20:26
bpromptgmachine24: you can btw, always just get the "parted magic" ISO, it comes with a bunch of recovery tools right out of the box20:27
leftyfbthat won't help reinstall his OS onto a new drive20:28
gmachine24i have the system rescue download but i don't think i have parted magic20:28
gmachine24at this point leftyfb the ssd drive with the os seems fine there might be problems with one or more of the three spinning data disks which are the ones I'm going to check20:29
GrandPa-Gif I do a iw list for my wifi usb dongle, what tells me if the device support it as a hot spot?20:41
oerheksIf AP is in it, that means your Wifi devices support hotspot mode.20:42
leftyfbyou're looking for "managed" to determine if the chipset supports station mode20:43
leftyfbGrandPa-G: iw list|grep -A10 "Supported interface modes20:44
GrandPa-Gleftyfb, and in that section, I have managed so I should be good to go, correct?20:49
leftyfbGrandPa-G: do you also have AP?20:49
GrandPa-Gleftyfb, no, sounds like bad news, huh?20:50
leftyfbI don't think it'll work20:52
bpromptGrandPa-G: can we see a picture of your dongle? I mean, surely is around at google or yahoo images, right?20:52
leftyfbbprompt: maybe an output of lsusb or lspci might be better than a picture of a device20:52
bpromptleftyfb: well, we know is a dongle, we dunno what model or make, just extra info20:53
GrandPa-GI am remote and it is acting up so it may take a few minutes.20:54
leftyfbagain, output of lsusb or lspci is a lot more productive than a picture of a device20:54
leftyfbeven a model# written on the outside isn't usually as helpful20:54
GrandPa-GRealtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8192EU 802.11b/g/n WLAN Adapter20:55
GrandPa-Gany help?20:55
bpromptGrandPa-G: hmm maybe leftyfb doesn't, but I'd like a picture of it :)20:56
leftyfbwe have the chipset model#, that's all that's needed. I don't see how a picture of the outside of a usb adapter is going to help in any way20:57
leftyfbGrandPa-G: so far I'm finding on google that the RTL8192EU only supports station/client mode, not AP20:57
GrandPa-Gbprompt, I can't get the picture anyway, remote20:57
leftyfbhm, ok, maybe it does20:58
bpromptGrandPa-G: i meant as in from google or yahoo images20:58
leftyfbGrandPa-G: is this a desktop or server?20:58
oerheksas last resort one can check out the RTL8192eu-dkms https://launchpad.net/~kelebek333/+archive/ubuntu/kablosuz/+index?field.series_filter=noble .. but no hope for AP mode21:00
GrandPa-Gleftyfb, desktop21:00
leftyfbGrandPa-G: try https://askubuntu.com/questions/630220/is-it-possible-to-run-rtl8188eu-in-ap-mode21:01
leftyfbI know it's a different chipset, but maybe worth a try21:01
leftyfbGrandPa-G: what release of ubuntu?21:02
GrandPa-Gleftyfb, 22.0421:03
GrandPa-Gleftyfb, I am trying the link21:10
GrandPa-Gleftyfb, unfortunately that link at the end is now dead.21:17
pragmaticenigmaGrandPa-G: what are referring to as a dead link?21:19
GrandPa-Gat the end of the link leftyfb gave, there are steps to get a new driver. That refers to a website for software that points to a site that no longer exists.21:23
tomreynGrandPa-G: there is https://github.com/Mange/rtl8192eu-linux-driver?tab=readme-ov-file#using-as-ap21:30
GrandPa-Gdoes anyone see any problems with this dongle for ap mode? https://a.co/d/8aD4Wou21:33
pragmaticenigmaGrandPa-G: yes, lots of issues, most importantly, those suckers get really hot underload21:44
Apacheztrying to run openssh-server on ubuntu 24.04 (even tried to reinstall it with a purge in between) but it only seem to start for tcp6 but not tcp to listen at port 22, how come?21:45
ravagethat tcp6 probably also covers v421:46
leftyfbApachez: it's started. It's using a socket now so it will only listen when it needs to21:46
leftyfbApachez: what issue are you having with it?21:47
leftyfbApachez: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/sshd-now-uses-socket-based-activation-ubuntu-22-10-and-later/3018921:47
webchat96Hello. My computer is arp request my routher 2000/s what is happening21:50
pragmaticenigmawebchat96: take a moment, then try again... what you asked makes absolutely no sense21:52
oerhekson what ubuntu, webchat96 ? and what is doing arp requests?21:52
webchat96tcp and wireshark showing 200/s arp request21:53
Apachezleftyfb: issue I got is that Im changing sshd_config and then restart with "systemctl restart ssh" but it seems like it ignores whats written in /etc/ssh/sshd_config21:54
webchat96i dont think its getting a response21:54
ApachezI tried to change port for example21:54
leftyfbApachez: please see the link I posted21:54
Apachezand then when client connets to it there is no ssh banner in return21:54
leftyfbit explains your exact issue21:54
leftyfbwebchat96: what caused you to need to run wireshark?21:54
webchat96learning purpose. at the moment its the same as looking at tcpdump for me21:55
leftyfbwebchat96: where are you running wireshark?21:56
webchat96ubuntu on a rasberry pi. is that what you mean?21:56
leftyfbwebchat96: can you pastebin what you're seeing?21:58
webchat96im on a separate computer22:00
leftyfbwebchat96: is the ip of your pi?22:01
webchat96correct i believe so22:01
webchat96it is the source22:02
leftyfbwebchat96: I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is the result of whatever you're trying to do with wireshare or some other tool doing network scans22:04
webchat96i did try a arp scan22:05
webchat96i restarted the computer and it still going on22:05
webchat96just restarted again and it seems normal so far22:05
webchat96thank you regardless22:05
=== pragmatic_enigma is now known as pragmaticenigma
leftyfbKomu: can we help you with something?22:08
tomreynso you did an arp scan, which made wireshark register packets directed to all ip addresses in your LAN. you have wireshark setup to do name resolution and because it was showing this packet dump, it would ask the router about all the ip addresses in your LAN.22:08
Komuleftyfb: i try to find the ubuntu.offtopic channel via bot22:09
leftyfbKomu: /join #ubuntu-offtopic22:10
webchat96i restarted then i started getting like 100packets/s so i was confused22:11
Apachezwhoever came up with these undocumented openssh-server changes should be fired and have their permissions revoked22:11
webchat96im still aloof on what youre explaining thank you anyways22:11
oerheksApachez, how about sharing your conf? or rant away22:11
oerheks= ignore22:12
ApachezI removed openssh-server completely with "apt-get remove openssh-server --purge"    I then readded it with "apt-get install openssh-server"    I cant still login using ssh to this ubuntu 24.04 box using ssh. When from remote host doing "telnet <ip> 22" I get a tcp handshake but no ssh banner in return22:14
Apachezwhich gives?22:14
leftyfbApachez: first, why bother with telnet to an openssh server?22:16
leftyfbApachez: what does /etc/ssh/sshd_config and/or /etc/systemd/system/ssh.socket.d/addresses.conf say for the listening port?22:17
Apachezbecause telnet will show the cleartext traffic22:21
Apachezthe sshd_config is default due to reinstalled openssh-server22:21
leftyfbwhy do you need that?22:21
Apachezto verify that the ssh banners is returned22:21
ApachezI could use netcat for that22:21
leftyfbApachez: why not use ssh to connect to the ssh server?22:22
Apachezwhen no ssh banner is returned it means something is malfunctioning with the ssh server22:22
Apachezbecause nothing happens when using ssh client22:22
Apachezssh username@<ip>       just nothing22:22
Apachezafter a while "Connection closed by <ip> port 22"22:23
Apachezso using telnet/netcat towards this port I can verify I get a tcp handshake22:23
leftyfbApachez: egrep "^ListenAddress|^Port" /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/systemd/system/ssh.socket.d/addresses.conf22:23
Apachezbut no banner is returned which is probably why the ssh-client dont start its authentication22:23
ApachezI attempted to disable that ssh.socket22:23
leftyfbhow did you attempt it? Please give the result of the command I gave you22:24
ApachezI can verify that "systemctl stop ssh" and "systemctl start ssh" successfully starts/stops the sshd process verified with "netstat -atunp | grep 22"22:24
Apachezgrep: /etc/systemd/system/ssh.socket.d/addresses.conf: No such file or directory22:24
oerhekssudo ufw allow OpenSSH22:28
leftyfbufw isn't enabled by default22:28
leftyfbApachez: lsof -i :2222:31
leftyfbsorry, with sudo22:31
leftyfbfinally what?22:32
Apacheztried to restart everything again with purge22:32
Apacheznow it works WITH ssh.socket22:32
Apachezbasically 1) remove openssh-server with "apt-get remove openssh-server --purge"   2) make sure no sshd is running with "ps auxwww | grep -i ssh" and "netstat -atunp | grep 22"    3) reinstall with "apt-get install openssh-server"     4) verify that sshd.server is not blocked in systemd generator     5) systemctl daemon-reload   systemctl enable --now ssh.socket   systemctl enable --now ssh.service22:35
Apachezwill see how things behaves next time I reboot the box22:35
leftyfbmost of that isn't necessary22:35
Apachezyeah I know but to be sure22:35
oerheksso it has the default config now22:35
Apachezmy best guess is that the sshd process somehow got hung so when stopping/restarting it then it didnt actually restart22:35
leftyfbnone of that is necessary to just install ssh on a new server and connect22:35
Apachezoerheks: yeah Im thinking at least the default config should work? ;)22:36
Apachezthen I can try to apply my changes to sshd_config and see that a "systemctl restart ssh" works as expected22:36
leftyfbif you're still using ssh.socket, you can make changes to sshd_config but then you need to run sudo systemctl daemon-reload and then restart sshd22:37

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