
mmikowskiThanks sgmoore, checking this out now!00:06
mmikowskiScarlett, I think you are now being tested like Job!00:07
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Yes, I will prevail.00:10
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> And like Job, we are keeping our faith and feel blessed.00:16
mmikowskiScarlett, you are out late :) I'm grateful you are persevering. btw, sent you a pm, so please check it out when you have time.00:31
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Will do in the morning, don't have irc on phone. My sleep is somewhat stabilizing. Thank you02:15
sgmooreHello folks, I didn't want to do this directly in here, but Simon seems to have fallen off. Despite my life catastrophes I still got much stuff done, noble updates and many debian packages done for qt6. We quickly approach feature freeze 1 and there is still more work to be done with FFe to get everything in archive etc. My contract ended last month and I am asking please for a new one with the monies left in the fund. Otherwise I will have to 18:05
sgmoorestart looking for other work. I obviously will not abandon you, but my hours would be cut down to very little and time is of essense. Thanks for your consideration. 18:05
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> I have no problem with doing another contract, not sure what funds we have. I've been a bit life consumed recently, but am trying to dedicate Thursday evenings to progressing Kubuntu. I'll pickup on this and Valories re-election this Thursday19:01
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Thanks!19:11

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