
lotuspsychjegood morning02:11
tomreynsounds like a good approach overall. but... for nvidia and other out of tree users, things will break not just during kernel series upgrades but also during bridge kernel -> stabilized kernel upgrades.11:15
tomreynand nvidia (and others producing "dependant components") will always take waaaay too long to get the patches ready, so bridge kernels will have to last for much longer than anticipated.11:18
tomreyni'm also not sure how much companies building integrated systems, such as for vehicles or planes, will appreciate an OR where the base kernel is called x.y.z.rc3+patchset426811:22
tomreynOS, not OR11:22
tomreynor distro rather11:22
tomreynthis new scheme will also drive more idiots to constantly use (and sometimes upgrade) mainline test builds 11:26
tomreynand it doesn't fully solve (though improve upon, somewhat) the issue of "you have too new hardware for the latest supported ubuntu release"11:27
tomreynso those last two are not counter arguments, they are just effects that may be seen.11:27
tomreynoh, i may have misunderstood some of this. apparently, LTS releases receive no bridge kernel, that is, nvidia users (and others with depedant compenents) deciding to upgrade to the latest LTS release (do-release-uopgrade -d) before .1 will be, at best, be using vesa graphics until not just .1 but until dependant components will be available for this kernel. then -d really needs a much bigger warning sign.11:37
tomreynthis will also mean more kernel 0-days affecting (also) LTS releases. which increases the importance of live kernel patching, and relibility of those, as well as kernel security update packages.11:48
tomreyni guess https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/254795/is-wsl-2-secure-for-commercial-work/254847#254847 should be mandatory reading for anyone wanting to try / using WSL16:52
pragmaticenigmaI honestly thought that was common knowledge16:54
tomreynmaybe it is amongst ubuntu on linux users17:04
tomreyni doubt it's the case for a majority of ubuntu on wsl users17:05
pragmaticenigmaPerhaps because Linux has enjoyed the benefits of WINE, and have had longer to understand how it works.17:09
pragmaticenigmaat least, my initial thought of WSL was effectively a reverse WINE tool. WINE tranlates windows API calls to the host system. WSL does the reverse17:10
TenkawaKeep in mind... WSL and WSL2 work completely different17:11
TenkawaWSL2 is a thin hypervisor17:12
TenkawaWSL is still emulation17:12
TenkawaIts not even emulatiom... its technically called a "compatibility layer" ie Wine/Cygwin17:16
pragmaticenigmaWSL was not an emulator, it was a compatibility layer, much like WINE is17:16
pragmaticenigmaheh... jynx17:16
pragmaticenigmamust have taken us the same amount of time to double check our notes :)17:17
Tenkawapragmaticenigma: yes but in no way is it WSL2 like 117:17
Tenkawapragmaticenigma: they are completely different17:17
pragmaticenigmathat I understand, WSL2 is hypervisor based17:17
TenkawaWell that in itself changes the security scope17:18
Tenkawaand what is possible17:18
TenkawaI personally like WSL2 (just too bad cross arch support is lacking)17:20
TenkawaI am a non-x86 environment17:20
Tenkawaall arm/risc-v.... even my Win11 box is arm17:21
Tenkawaand Ubuntu on the linux ones17:21
pragmaticenigmaI'm hoping RISC-V gets wider adoption soon... ARM had so much potential, but the nature of ARM licensing makes it really hard for products to have continuing support after product release. RaspberryPi being the rarity (but likely due to market demands and popularity) to keep updating the kernel and supporting software17:24
TenkawaI'm trying to push the RISC-V's along (I have several already) ... just need more vendor/developer involvement17:27
lotuspsychjethe new kernel aproach sounds complex tomreyn tnx to elaborate a bit17:30
TenkawaWhat new approach? Using the mainline and RC kernels?17:35
lotuspsychjeTenkawa: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/08/canonical-announce-major-ubuntu-kernel-change17:36
Tenkawayeah the mainline/rc aggressive apprpach17:36
Tenkawaer approach17:37
lotuspsychjewe will have to see that how it works in realtime17:37
TenkawaNothing new for me... I already use them17:37
tomreynlotuspsychje: i think it adds *some* more complexity, but for the average user (desktop, and less so, server) it can be an improvement, and for maintainers, too - we'll have to wait and see how it all plays out.17:38
Tenkawa(I've been doing kernel development though since the 90's)17:38
lotuspsychjenice Tenkawa 17:38
TenkawaI'm a weirdo who considers this "fun"17:39
lotuspsychjeyour link gives an oopsy now tomreyn 17:39
Tenkawa(looks over at a machine compiling 6.11-rc3 as we type lol)17:40
tomreynsorry, i stole that 717:40
lotuspsychjetnx : )17:40
Tenkawatomreyn: no no I stole it *ducks and runs*17:41
TenkawaI hate these urls some days with those article #'s....17:41
Tenkawathey are "not" forgiving17:42
tomreynwell, my mistake entirely, URLs aren't meant to be self-healing ;)17:42
Tenkawalooks like if you just use https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/kernel-version-selection-for-ubuntu-releases its also just as good17:43
tomreynor just https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/47007 - yes17:43
TenkawaAhh but thats so non-descript lol17:44

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