=== bodgix3 is now known as bodgix === falcojr6 is now known as falcojr [16:36] [community notice] fyi we're dropping support for Python 3.6 and Python 3.7 in upstream cloud-init in the upcoming release 24.3 [16:36] https://docs.cloud-init.io/en/latest/development/contribute_code.html#python-support [16:37] bootc: sorry missed your question [16:37] bootc: I don't think so, I think that you'll need to modify the image to undo that setting [16:42] holmanb: hah, yeah, I've worked around it in horrible ways... [18:59] * minimal is having a multi BSD day, installing NetBSD/OpenBSD/FreeBSD VMs to check how they handle password locking etc...