
jrwrengreg-g: NICE!00:13
jrwrenI actually switch back to residential internet, because ATT came through with gigabit fiber before comcast offered gigabit.00:13
greg-gnice, I decided to just do 600meg instead of gig for now :)00:44
jrwrenI was considering downgrading recently, because ATT keeps raising the price and I don't really use the gigabit00:57
dzhojrwren: how recently did AT&T bring that in?12:54
jrwren2yrs ago IIRC14:01
jrwrenmaybe 3 yrs ago, but I waited to switch. i wanted them to work the kinks of a new neighborhood out.14:01
jrwrenturns out I didn't wait long enough. They cut off our fiber 2 weeks ago when installing for a neighbor. 14:02
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