
=== Guest4339 is now known as sillygoober
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BluesKajHi all12:46
=== rebootl_ is now known as rebootl
=== vincejv_ is now known as vincejv
gljakalhey! not sure where to post this, but on the donate page (https://kubuntu.org/donate/), the "contribute to Kubuntu" link points to http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/contribute-to-kubuntu/ - however it appears that the kubuntu.co.uk domain is for sale / unregistered18:55
oerhekso la la19:03
oerheksgood spot, gljakal19:03
oerheksRikMills ^^19:04
RikMillsI'll foward to the council19:05
oerheksThank you gljakal19:05
gljakalhappy to help!19:06
oerheksbuy that domain 🤪19:06
oerheksno, the council i mean19:06
IrcsomeBot<schickotronics> I need to replace pipewire by pulseadio on my Kubuntu 24.04. Does anybody know a safe way to do that?19:09
IrcsomeBot<schickotronics> I already searched the internet but found no description19:11
oerheksi find no guide either, only from PA to pipewire19:20
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
oerhekssudo apt-get install pulseaudio* plasma-pa and mask the pipewire service, i guess.19:27
oerheksthen you can uninstall pipewire after reboot19:27
IrcsomeBot<schickotronics> that's what I also found in general. I would prefer a step by step guide as there is some danger to f*ck up my installation19:39
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