[00:00] are there files like /etc/iptables/rules.v4 and /etc/iptables/rules.v6 [00:02] also what is the ourput of: sudo systemctl is-enabled netfilter-persistent.service [00:02] Yeah, I have iptables-persistent installed, but systemctl doesn't seem to know about it. [00:02] Oh, stuff in /etc/iptables might be getting picked up by iptables-restore... [00:02] i would move those rules our of the way [00:02] maybe rename them to .bak or so [00:02] Ah, not called 'iptables-persistent.service' :) [00:02] Yeah, netfilter-persistent.service is enabled... [00:03] and try your firewall again [00:03] and disable that service too [00:04] yeah, looking at the dependencies for ufw, looks like I should nuke iptables-persistent and netfilter-persistent [00:04] they're probably both knocking heads with ufw. [00:10] Ah, that's better. After ufw enable, iptables -L output looks a bit saner. Ima reboot and see if it all comes back up OK. [00:10] Thanks for the help! [00:10] \o/ === frostnova is now known as frost [00:15] hi [00:16] someone is awake here ? [00:17] frost: hello. What is your ubuntu support question? [00:18] I would like to modify the background of my grub [00:20] frost: ok, using one of the dozens of tutorials found online, where are you having an issue? [00:21] i must to sleep [00:21] good night veryone [00:22] (ufw all good after a reboot. why is it so satisfying to solve problems with apt purge?!) [00:22] I remember, a few LTSes ago, being able to ssh into a machine pre-LUKS open and 'cryptsetup luksOpen' from the CLI. [00:22] Now when I google for that ability, I get all sorts of convoluted solutions, many involving extra hardware even. [00:23] glad it all worked out [00:32] ola [00:40] So, srsly, is there a sane way to ssh into, and luksOpen a machine? [00:41] gbozz: yes, install dropbear-initramfs [00:41] and put your authorized key file into I think /usr/local/share/dropbear-initramfs/ [00:42] that might not be the exact locate but should be close [00:42] ok, thanks, good one... was that in default ubuntu in the old days? 'cause I'm wondering why this used to just work. [00:42] no. It never "just worked" [00:43] it was never a feature that was available on a default installation [00:44] weird, because I don't think I ever installed anything special like dropbear-initramfs, but it definitely used to work. might have been 18.04 or earlier. [00:44] nope [00:45] yep [00:46] I've been running ubuntu since 2007 on both desktops and servers. I've been utilizing dropbear at my current job since 2016. ssh'ing into the initramfs was never enable by default on any official release or flavor of ubuntu [00:46] maybe I had just /home LUKS'd, but that wouldn't explain where sshd was getting the private key from. Definitely wasn't ssh'ing in as root (haven't had that enabled ever). [00:47] you could still put the ssh key in /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys to ssh in and then mount over it [00:48] or I think even in /etc/ssh/ in some way that I don't have experience with [00:48] oooo... yeah, I remember there being an empty /home/user when initially in, then crytpsetup luksOpen to make things right. [00:49] that might've been it. my brain's growing fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything special to make it work. Cool, glad there's an easy-ish way to get it to work. Super handy to not have to worry about power outages while on travel! [02:55] i made the root look [02:56] https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/J863TjCXxt/ [03:04] can someone remote into my pc and remove netbeans [03:05] hwaet: why can't you do it yourself [03:05] dunno how [03:05] installed a deb [03:05] cant remove === mrbutthead7 is now known as mrbutthead [03:08] You REALLY don't want to give random people remote access into your computer. [03:09] good point [03:09] yeah listen to him [03:10] if you give me access i will steal all your passwords and all of your bitcoin and monies [03:10] ill send you my bitcoin now if you want [03:11] dont value it anymore [03:11] hwaet, if you want help removing it, you can ask here. You should be able to remove it any number of ways if it was installed from deb package. [03:12] but what's your ip, username, and password, make sure a port is open and i'll ssh in and do it for you with `apt search ` to figure out the package name and `sudo apt remove packagename` once I know what the package is called. [03:12] or maybe `apt list --installed | grep something` to figure out packagename would be easier [03:15] that found apache-netbeans/now 22-1 all [installed,local] [03:15] not here lol [03:15] atleast dm him [03:19] gpt showed me how [03:23] It is a pretty smart partition table. [03:38] enigma9o7, can you ssh into someones pc just with that info? username and pass? [03:39] if they set it up right from their end, yeah sure. === root is now known as Guest6863 [05:47] It is Thursday my dudes. [05:47] Who's up? === unixeng66839 is now known as unixeng6683 [06:42] пр всем [06:42] ол [06:42] hi === TWPEagle1 is now known as TWPEagle [08:04] los-esc! === GreenRio- is now known as GreenRiot [09:04] isene: better change from linux-signed to linux on your bug ID [09:05] isene: after that; run: apport-collect 2077084 from your terminal to import your logs into the bug [09:16] after update yesterday I now have 4 gnome-shells running each taking approx 2.5% CPU [09:16] any idea what that is ? [09:16] or how to troubleshoot what they do? [09:18] https://pastebin.com/SWf9FgS5 [09:28] Apachez: check some recent gnome-shell bugs here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=0 [09:31] lotuspsychj3: Thanks, done [09:31] very good isene [09:32] now the devs can debug better with all your logs [09:32] Never done this before. Nice knowledge upgrade [09:33] tnx for filing this bug and make ubuntu better for yourself + the community isene [09:33] bug #2077084 [09:33] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2077084 in linux (Ubuntu) "Suspend wake-up takes ~5mins ( Dell XPS 15 9530)" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2077084 [09:33] for the volunteers to take a look that were helping you earlier^ [09:34] :) [09:36] Apachez: you might also take a look in /var/crash to make sure gnome-shell doesnt make crashes? === pikapika_lunar is now known as militantorc [10:02] I think it might be appindicator related [10:03] nothing in /var/crash [10:06] restarted extensions in extensions app but need to relogin to see if that had any effect === unixeng66835 is now known as unixeng6683 [10:12] I saw there were an update the other day regarding gnome-shell [10:12] how do I revert to the version before yesterday? [10:12] in case there is some regression in the latest update [10:13] it still takes 40-50% cpu even after reboot [11:12] MUAHAHAH ich bin so zu hart schauts euch an leute hab die ganze nacht beigebracht -> https://drive.google.com/file/d/10d67NqPngzCBQqo4693L_8aw_wDaROFU/view?usp=sharing [11:12] !de | brenndo [11:12] brenndo: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! [11:22] Apachez: you cant downgrade on ubuntu, you will need a fix on the bug [11:22] Apachez: temp workaround, you could install/login into an alternate desktop [11:30] guys can someone explain to me why there is both app center and ubuntu software on different channels of the snap-store snap? which is the official one and why is it so confusing? [11:31] antonispgs: app centre is the new name of snap-store on ubuntu 24.04 [11:31] under the hood, its still snap-store snap [11:32] then what is the purpose of ubuntu software that looks like gnome-software [11:32] canonical and the devs are choosing that part antonispgs nothing we can do about much [11:34] just wondering which is the official one [11:36] that depends on the ubuntu release antonispgs [11:37] antonispgs: the software centre, evolves across several ubuntu releases === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk [12:44] I tried now to login using ubuntu-xorg instead [12:44] I can see that gnome-shell now is at 5.6% rather than 40-50% [12:46] Hi all === shinobi is now known as FKAshinobi === dvergata1 is now known as Dvergatal === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk [13:40] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t4f67oOK8m0aTVnmj3fRQcYLIHq53KSG/view?usp=sharing [13:40] unendlich viel datenspeicher [13:41] brenndo: this is a support channel [13:42] and this is the best invention of the universe [13:42] watch xdata complete [14:29] privet [14:31] anyone else noticed some malfunction of gnome-terminal from the update the other day? [14:32] which version? [14:35] 24.04 LTS [14:35] gnome-terminal 3.52.0-1ubuntu2 [14:36] its just a funny coincident that gnome-terminal and some other gnome apps were updated yesterday and today I noticed that gnome-terminal uses like 50-60% cpu [14:36] login to ubuntu-xorg the use is down to 5% [14:42] from yesterday Setting up gnome-shell (46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.3) [14:44] oh great :D https://ubuntu.com/security/notices/USN-6963-1 [14:46] Apachez: if you just run regular updates, you won't have to worry about that bug that was fixed in less than 24 hours [14:57] might be related https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1d8ww4g/bug_in_gnome_shell_460ubuntu_2404_how_to_fix/ [14:57] and it seems like not the first time [14:57] some regression between gnome (gnome-terminal) and wayland in ubuntu [14:57] leftyfb: my issue is that the bugfix seems to have broken other things [14:58] or whatever package that was updated at the same time causing gnome-terminal when running wayland to consume 50-60% cpu making the system noticable sluggish [14:58] workaround was to reboot and login using ubuntu-xorg for now [14:58] I know it might not be the answer you're looking for, but I much prefer terminator over gnome-terminal. [15:00] I just use whatever is available :) [15:00] will try a few more reboots [15:02] these are the reasons I don't run KDE or Gnome on my systems anymore... too many kitchen sinks [15:52] Hey so when I apt update/upgrade I have three hwe kernel packages that are kept back, but the gui software updater nags me every so often to install a new kernel/image/headers? [15:54] Its for kernel 6.8. I can see that linux-headers-6.8.0-40-generic linux-hwe-6.8-headers-6.8.0-40 were installed on a previous apt upgrade, but none of the other packages were installed (image generic, modules generic) [15:58] And linux-generic-hwe-22.04 linux-headers-generic-hwe-22.04 linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04 are the packages that have been kept back [15:58] WaV, there probably is a dependency preventing the kernel update. You may need to try `apt full-upgrade` [15:58] Should I just go ahead and upgrade those 3 packages or wait for it to eventually be sorted out? [16:00] if apt full-upgrade will upgrade them, then just go ahead [16:00] otherwise, personally, i would want to understand why it happened in the first place - since it could happen again [16:00] full-upgrade appears to show more than the 3 packages. I'll go ahead and do that. [16:01] full-upgrade can remove stuff, so play attention to that [16:02] https://pastebin.com/jBEEpVPZ - nothing to be removed. [16:05] looks fine to me, if you're on 22.04 [16:10] yep. went ahead and did it. ill restart shortly [16:55] #bitwise === vardhan is now known as vpw === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk === mrbutthead6 is now known as mrbutthead === vincejv_ is now known as vincejv === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom === mrcoffee is now known as bugger === bugger is now known as mago === mago is now known as Mago === cbreak_ is now known as cbreak [21:11] I installed ubuntu server on one of my devices and noticed the install only created a 100GB partition on my hard drive. I've corrected it but why does it do that by default? Why not use the whole drive? [21:15] it does that on LVM because they think you would want to actually use LVM if you select it [21:15] mm. I just clicked through the defaults and I guess LVM is a default [21:15] it is [21:16] i also think a warning about that would be nice [21:16] but there is none [21:17] man, I just went down the ZFS rabbit hole to configure a drive pool, I guess I need to understand LVM now too === mrpond3 is now known as mrpond [22:59] sup :) [23:02] hello [23:04] Hello