
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> There are a few more tweaks needed, maybe couple of weeks, given my time availability15:08
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> I'll aim to go live 1st September.15:09
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> I am fine with this (re @IrcsomeBot: <valorie> Scarlett is out of $$ and I would like us to at least pay her at the previous rate)18:33
valoriedo we have the funds to do that though?18:34
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @DarinMiller @tsimonq2 @Rick_Timmis18:34
RikMillsvalorie: I asked Simon a short while back, and I think so. But we obviously must confirm18:35
valorieif so, less time-constrained on getting some more funding steams set up18:36
valorieJR is the one who should know the balances18:36
RikMillsI doubt we can do a huge amount of time. But at least work done and maybe a bit more18:41
valoriethe sooner we get donations & etc flowing the better -- even if it is not necessary to hire a contractor, some help to fund people attending Akademy etc is positive18:44
valorieit is friendship that keeps most of us around, after all18:45
valorieok, need to prepare to join a meeting about something else entirely, then head out to a birthday party for my grandson who just turned 1618:46
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> 4171 was the balance as of the 1st. I offered 2 months @2k I hate asking but I struggle finding a job. There is plenty of work left to do. I also don't want back pay, this should cover through release. Thank you for the consideration.21:51

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