
=== DarthChillash is now known as Darthix
royhello there :-)22:51
royI wonder if anyone has some experience with sssd22:51
royhaving weird issue on the servers with sssd sockets failing22:52
royon the one hand the ldap connections go through seemingly normal22:52
roybut the systemd unit sockets fail22:52
JanC"fail" is not a very precise description; what error messages do you get (check the logs etc?)22:56
royJanC: you are correct, i did not descrbie the error23:09
royi was poking to see if someone has experience with sssd23:09
roybecause this is a very specific issue23:09
JanCit sounds like it might be a systemd configuration issue, but that would depend on the error message...23:11
royyes it would :-)23:14
JanCanyway, getting late here... I'm off23:14

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