
thelounge2691Kubuntu or ubuntu?00:42
oscurochui cant login to my syst.em, grub complains it cant find the kernel00:52
oscurochuhow do i reinstall the kernel files or reconfigure grub to recognize the correct kernel? its been a few years since i turned this computer on00:56
oscurochui have the system mounted and im chroot'd into it, mounted  dev proc sys and boot. im on the latest version of ubuntu but of course the system im trying to repair is an older version of ubuntu01:00
dbertasoHow to update linux mint 21.3 to 22 without a fresh install02:39
dbertasoSorry, Hi everyone on chat02:40
enigma9o7But this channel is for Ubuntu support, so for further questions use mint's support channels on irc.spotnet.org02:41
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/02:41
dbertasoThanks enigma9o702:41
=== JanC is now known as Guest757
=== rod is now known as Posseidon
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=== blinkie1 is now known as blinkie
younderI have a raspi3 cluster running Ubuntu 24.04 server on a PoE switch. I wish to connect the switch to a second Ethernet port on my server eno2 and send traffic only to a LXD controlled container. How do I set up the networking so the Pi's are only visible on the cluster?07:16
=== GJdan_ is now known as GJdan
=== Randy_ is now known as coderandy
pickanickwhat's the name of the linux command line program that enables running a command to use a socks5 connection?10:04
lotuspsychj3pickanick: proxychains ?10:07
lotuspsychj3!info proxychains10:07
ubottuproxychains (3.1-9, noble): proxy chains - redirect connections through proxy servers. In component universe, is optional. Built by proxychains. Size 5 kB / 26 kB10:07
tut_Hellooo ! I am new here . What are U doing here?10:11
lotuspsychj3!support | tut_10:12
ubottutut_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:12
pickanicklotuspsychj3: thanks, I used something before, didn't remember a name that long, but maybe that was it.10:17
pickanicksome apps have provision for using a proxy. Does apt?  I tried export http_proxy=socks5:// https_proxy=socks5:// apt update but got "Unsupported proxy configured: socks5://$PORT"10:19
tomreyna socks proxy is not a http proxy10:20
tomreynpickanick: look at the apt-transport-https or apt-transport-http man pages, at the EXAMPLES given there. You'll see a socks5h proxy configuration.10:27
tomreyn"Supported URI schemes are socks5h (SOCKS5 with remote DNS resolution), http and https."10:28
pickanick"man apt" and "man apt-get" don't even mention 'proxy' but the error message suggests that proxy is supported ... oh I see tomreyn thanks10:30
tomreynit's a feature of the http/https transport extensions (which are nowadays part of apt)10:31
pickanickOh I thought that http_proxy=foo meant use foo for http traffic. What does it mean?10:31
pickanickI guess foo is a http proxy10:32
tomreynit means "use this http proxy" for all connections seeing this environment variable.10:32
tomreynI guess the http_proxy environment variable is a (widely used) pseudo-standard. neither environ(7) nor bash nor pam_env not pam_env.conf not bash man pages mention it.10:39
JanCenvironment variables are case sensitive10:40
JanCe.g. with curl while http_proxy is lowercase (because of a potential  conflict with CGI), other ones like HTTPS_PROXY are all-caps10:42
JanCI'm not sure what APT uses/understands...10:43
JanCtomreyn: curl documents it10:47
tomreynjust for curl, though, not as a system-wide / cross-application standard10:47
JanCand so many things use that, which is maybe how it became a pseudo-standard10:47
tomreynquite likely.10:48
JanC(although maybe it was used even before that?)10:48
tomreynwould need to ask a unix gradma/pa10:48
JanChmm, seems like wget uses lowercase for all proxy environment variables10:49
JanCso far for there be a "standard"  :)10:50
JanCbetter to use the APT configuration10:51
tomreynafter settings this in gnome-settings (Network -> Network Proxy -> Manual) https://i.imgur.com/2u9racm.png , " env | grep -i proxy | nc termbin.com 9999 "   returns this https://termbin.com/5nzg10:54
tomreynwhich looks pretty much like a catch-all (applications) attempt10:55
=== op is now known as Guest7501
=== PasiZ5 is now known as PasiZ
olspookishmagusanyone knows what's the default DM that comes with lubuntu? I'm asking cause I'm seeing both sddm and lightdm installed to my system, lightdm's running and removing (purging) sddm claims it will remove "lubuntu-desktop" along with it11:55
lotuspsychj3olspookishmagus: wich lubuntu release are you on?11:57
lotuspsychj3guiverc: ^11:58
olspookishmaguslotuspsychj3: 22.04.412:11
lotuspsychj3olspookishmagus: whats the purpose you want to purge those packages?12:12
guivercsddm since 18.10 (ie. lxqt)12:18
guivercolspookishmagus, lubuntu has used sddm since 18.1012:19
guiverchttps://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/noble/release/lubuntu-24.04-desktop-amd64.manifest  shows the packages found on a Lubuntu noble/24.04 install; though you can select more/less at install (some options are downloaded & not on iso itself)12:20
pickanickI read the man pages for apt-transport-http[s], and cannot map the content there onto any guidance for how to use environment variables to set proxy.12:21
pickanickah but replacing socks5 with socks5h seems to work.12:22
guivercolspookishmagus, I missed the 22.04; but https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/jammy/release/lubuntu-22.04.4-desktop-amd64.manifest shows ~same detail (calamares or the installer had fewer options than noble/24.04 has)12:24
pickanickjanC: can apt configuration set a proxy but fall back to no proxy if proxy not available?12:24
olspookishmagusok guiverc thank you12:28
JanCpickanick: you didn't read the apt-transport-http manpage mentioned earlier?  :)12:31
pickanickoh  apt-transport-https does not have it but apt-transport-http does; I think my apt repos are using https so I thought that https was the relevant one.12:43
olspookishmagusok seems like for some reason sddm, couldn't start, checking journalctl on the sddm systemd service, reported failed dependencies12:45
olspookishmagusI got them from apt-cache depends sddm and asked for them to be reinstalled12:45
olspookishmagusnow sddm started but seems to me that the greeter doesn't work, I'm rebooting now12:45
pickanickbut even apt-transport-http is by no means clear.  For example, if I set http_proxy will that work for https connections?12:47
olspookishmagusmy question though is, apt-cache depends reports back various exclusive scenarios ( pkg1 | pkg2 (not in this format)) is there a way to either have a list of dependencies produced recursively or have all the packages installed to a system checked?12:47
olspookishmagusok rebooting did no good, I'm seeing sddm's greeter but keyboard/mouse are not working12:48
pickanickJanC: And what am I supposed to do with language like Acquire::http::No-Cache ? Where is this explained?12:49
pickanick"The environment variable http_proxy is supported for system wide configuration. Proxies specific to APT can be configured via the option Acquire::http::Proxy" # So how do I configure this option in environmental variables?12:54
pickanickThere is an example, but it looks more likely to be a stanza of a configuration file than an environmental variable.12:56
olspookishmagusreinstalling: xserver-xorg-video-all xserver-xorg-input-all12:59
pickanick" The HTTPS protocol is based on the HTTP protocol, so all options supported by apt-transport-http(1) are also available via Acquire::https and will default to the same values specified for Acquire::http"  How does this intersect with the use of environmental variables?13:00
JanCthe configuration stanzas for the configuration file (apt.conf), as the manpage mentions near the top...13:02
JanCand I was thinking about the section titled "Automatic Proxy Configuration" when you wanted to use a proxy depending on availability/requirement13:02
pickanickJanC: Thank you, I see that now. That part is clear, in the long run conf file might be easier.13:09
olspookishmagusok somehow it got fixed13:15
olspookishmagusthe reason I was purging is that for some reason after the system went to sleep, there was no way to wake the display up13:15
olspookishmagusI'm using this box as an HTPC,13:15
olspookishmagusconnected via D-SUB (VGA) and 3,5" audio cable to my TV13:16
olspookishmagusand I discovered both SDDM and LightDM installed to the system13:16
sibwebZ O V14:42
simon_guys is razergenie safu software?16:09
simon_thirdparty software16:10
=== tut2 is now known as ramesses
lotuspsychj3simon_: the ubuntu repos have openrazor too16:20
lotuspsychj3welcome oleg16:20
simon_lotuspsychj3, I installed it already16:20
simon_this razer genie16:20
lotuspsychj3simon_: razergenie uses openrazer16:22
lotuspsychj3they got a github16:22
simon_they got a github means unlikely to have virus?16:23
lotuspsychj3simon_: the volunteers cant advice much on external packages/ppa/gits16:23
=== tut2 is now known as ramesses
=== sweatiest__ is now known as sweatiest
=== Darthix is now known as exDarthix
FKAShinobiI can no longer ping my network interface after a recent update. All my local services can no longer be reached via ip address, only localhost. UFW shows inactive. Any ideas?18:51
rboxsounds like your network interface doesnt have the ip you think it does18:52
gividenWould someone please tell me what the best IRC client is for linux/ubuntu?20:12
tarzeauyes, irssi inside gnu screen20:20
leftyfbthey left20:21
leftyfband "best" is subjective20:21
noigood afternoon22:04
noican someone help me with resizing my partitions?22:04
noii'm a newbie and on mint xfce with dual boot dual drive with win1022:05
oerheksdo this with your mint live iso, and seek help in the mint channel?22:06
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/22:06
noii was wondering if it's ok to change the size of the linux partition while booting windows22:06
oerheksnp, have fun!22:06
noithx :)22:07
Guest9196os-prober doesn't return anything. im trying to get grub fixed.23:10
Guest9196i have initrd.img  initrd.img-5.15.0-78-generic in /boot23:12
Guest9196and i have everything proc, sys, and dev mounted on /mnt/ubuntu/* and chrooted into it23:13
=== pikapika_lunar is now known as militantorc
militantorc In systemd-analyze critical-chain, is the time from a certain service finishing to the next service finishing a good proxy for the previous service's time taken to boot?23:19
=== root is now known as Guest1924

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