
roadkilltomreyn: I returned the thunderbolt dock and bought an m2/nvme egpu dock instead. Thanks for the suggestion to save the money and buy a new computer as the attempt to set up an egpu *is* for a new computer. Not everyone wants or needs a full desktop.06:31
roadkillCase in point, the Ryzen 7840HS is faster and quieter than the overclocked 5600X it replaced.06:33
tomreynroadkill: i'm not sure i fully understand whether my suggestion was of use, but i'm glad you found a solution that works well for you. :)10:02
xu-irc58whi hello10:22
xu-irc58wtotal linux noob here, just installed xubuntu lts on vmware10:23
xu-irc58wI want to use it to program, but are there any other distros that would be more suited for my needs? I need something that works and is supported for programming(has all the tools required etc.)10:24
xu-irc58wI've heard about arch but am wary of it as I do not want to spend all my time learning the distro without getting significant returns10:24
diogenessxu-irc58w: any distro is suitable for programming, you just need to make a list of the tools you need and then we could  go through the list and pul the checkmarks.10:30
xu-irc58wdiogeness I need a full IDE for c++ and pythonwith code completion and other features(not neovim please, it's a pain to setup), and compilers/tools to program in the said languages for now10:32
diogenessthere are a lot of IDEs available10:34
diogenesscheck out the link above.10:34
xu-irc58wthanks! i use vscode right now, but it has its own problems(a lot of features are not available out of the box)10:34
PeGaSuSGeany is kinda nice. I use it to do some TCL scripts and syntax highlight is decent10:35
PeGaSuSa small example: https://imgur.com/Z7c52IU.png10:36
xu-irc58wlooks cool, thanks!10:40
seriesofnumberscan anyone offer a bit of help with xubuntu 24.04?17:39
diogenessseriesofnumbers: ask17:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:49
seriesofnumbersOkay. Just installed xubuntu 24.04 after distrohopping for awhile. Just wondering why app indicators in the system tray are not showing up. Makes it very irritating when I hit the X button on a window and the app is still running with no way to get back to it. I have to open task manager and kill process.17:51
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